Chapter 981
Walking through Yongping Mansion and passing Shanhaiguan, the army entered Liao Town. Although the situation in Liaodong and Liaobei was tense, there was nothing unusual here in Liaoxi.

All the bunkers, thousands of households, and the Acropolis along the way were respectfully supplied. From the tense and solemn faces of these people, we might be able to see some traces of the ongoing war.

With Wang Tong's support, Jin Yiwei and Sanjiang System had already laid enough eyeliner and hidden stakes in Liao Town, and they all played a role at this time, and the news came continuously.

"It has always been the soldiers and horses of our Liao Town who went out to save others, but now it's the other way around, what's going on!"

There are also words like this, and everyone laughed when they heard it, but didn't pay attention to it.

A thousand households can draw more than a hundred men to fight, and a guard can have more than a thousand. Originally, according to Wang Xijue's guess, Wang Tong had to gather elites along the way from Liaoxi to Shenyang, so that he could have a large enough army. To fight against the Jurchen and Mongolian coalition forces.

Unexpectedly, Wang Tong didn't do this at all. Everywhere he went, the quartermaster and several generals would post bulletins and go to crowded places to call for loyal and brave men.

It is required to bring your own horses and armor, and you can buy supplies from the army, but the army will never supply them, and you must accept the command of the army. This kind of recruitment is to give benefits, and the benefits Wang Tong gives are also very simple. After that, you will have dozens of times the benefits.

Not to mention the conditions, if you really follow, this army still has various ways to test you, if you fail to pass the test, it means you are not qualified, so you are not allowed to go.

Such a promise is the same as if you didn’t say it. Who would take it seriously, but those who dare to come under such conditions are all brave men. In a military town like Liaozhen, the martial arts still remain. Seeing such recruitment conditions , Although it blocked a large number of people, there were also those desperadoes and arrogant people who came to seek refuge.

However, when we reached Ningyuanwei, such talents were recruited in the early [-]s. According to the information obtained by Wang Tong, if it wasn't for the secret activities of the Xuanfu guerrilla Li Sanshi, it would be good to be able to recruit more than [-] people. After all, Li Sanshi is The leader of Li Rusong's personal guard, he is a direct descendant of the generals of the Li family, so he is naturally popular and can be regarded as a guarantee.

A large number of people is a good thing, but Wang Tong issued a strict order to strictly test the school, and resolutely reject those who do not meet the standards. This approach made everyone feel awkward.

It's everyone who has come to fight for you, and you have asked for more besides empty promises. Now you still think that there are too many people and you are not good enough. I really don't know what you think.

It was already the eighth day of the first lunar month when they passed Ning Yuanwei, and the marching speed of the army was not too slow. After getting along for such a long time on the road, the relationship between Wang Xijue and Wang Tong has become a lot closer, at least to the point where they can chat.

Wang Xijue is about to turn 50 years old, he was born into a wealthy family, and he was pampered since he was a child. Outside the customs, it is the coldest time in the first month, and Wang Xijue is not afraid of hardships. The carriage assigned to him is only at night when he goes to bed. At that time, surrounded by several family members and guards, he wandered around the army on horseback.

After all, it was wartime, and it was on the way to the army. As a supervisor, he was running around, and his safety was also a problem. Wang Tong had to arrange guards, but when he was guarding, he specially told him that he could do whatever he wanted, just stay away. Watch from a distance, don't step forward to interfere, so as not to make trouble.

But Wang Xijue didn't stir up the morale of the army, he didn't win the hearts of the people, and he didn't talk deeply with the generals. He just watched and asked questions every day, like an old child who saw new things.

When the army crossed Songshan Mountain and arrived at Dalinghe Fort, they could feel the tense atmosphere. The forts and fortresses along the way were all in full swing.

But after knowing that it was the imperial army, the supply and reception were comprehensive. The person guarding the deputy general of Liaonan, Sun Shoulian, also came here to introduce the situation here systematically.

Now there are 3 people in Shenyang City, more than [-] Mongols, and the rest are Haixi Jurchen and other ministries of non-Jianzhou Jurchen. According to the information obtained, Nurhachi spread the news that the gold and silver treasures in Shenyang City are piled up Like a mountain, there are countless food and utensils, and many female family members of the generals and officials of the Ming Dynasty are also stranded in the city.

If the city can be opened, the Jianzhou Jurchen will not take any of the wealthy women in the city, and will distribute them to everyone, and the wealthy women will go crazy. They will concentrate their efforts on the Shenyang Zhongwei city. , besieged and attacked.

Shenyang Zhongwei is the second largest city in Liao Town. The city defense is solid, and there are enough forces in the city, and the food and grass reserves are also sufficient. It will be difficult to take it down in a short time.

The trouble now is that the Jurchens and Mongols used the Han Chinese collected from the surrounding villages as vanguards, and used the captured soldiers of Liaozhen to make siege equipment. This offensive and defensive battle became more and more difficult for the defenders. But it was Ma Lin, the deputy general of Liao Town, and the soldiers and horses of his headquarters.

After Li Chengliang and his nephews returned to Liaoyang for preparations, Li Chengliang's son Li Ruzhen returned to Shenyang with [-] elites in Liaoyang.

This also shows that those who besieged Shenyang City were not so tightly surrounded, but it was very difficult for Sun Shoulian to send people in several times, and some people were even damaged under the city. This shows that the level of siege and siege gradually improving.

The main forces of the coalition forces of the various Mongolian ministries were placed on the side of Tielingwei and Anlezhou [-]wei, and these two obstacles were cleared. The grasslands of Liaodong and Liaobei were connected, but Tielingwei and Anlezhou [-]wei were There is also strength, because when Li Chengliang sent troops, these two places were the key and guarded the rear, so they left enough soldiers and horses. Although the coalition forces of various ministries in Eastern Mongolia are powerful this time, the people who may attack the city are placed under the city of Shenyang. , this side can also support it by relying on the defense of the city.

The situation on both sides can be said to be a stalemate between the slightly weaker Ming army, but if you see Nurhachi's Jianzhou Jurchen activities, you will not think so.

Now it is Nurhachi's younger brother Shuerhaqi who leads 4000 Jianzhou Jurchens and 3000 wild Jurchens to sweep the area east of Shenyang and north of Lianshan Pass.

Pull out the fortresses and fortresses of the Ming army in Liaozhen. These fortresses have few defenders and there are villages around them. It does not take much effort to take them down, and they can get a lot of supplies from them. , there is very bad news, that is, some big local tyrants simply joined the Jianzhou Jurchen team, and the even worse news is that Lianshan Pass is actually in the south of the Taizi River, and Sun Shoulian along the Taizi River The defense lines set up by the fortresses on both sides of the strait have actually been breached, and now each fortress has either fallen or become an isolated city.

And Nurhaci is in Hetuala, while resting the elite forces of the Jianzhou Jurchen, while using the property looted in the victory to recruit the wild Jurchen, and at the same time lure the Haixi Jurchen and the Mongolian ministries who are still on the sidelines. , Constantly strengthen one's own strength.

This news is not a secret to Wang Xijue. After hearing this announcement, Wang Xijue's mood of wandering around and looking at something new suddenly disappeared, and he began to become worried. Wang Tong was not surprised by this, but chatted with Cai Nan in private When talking about Nurhachi, although this person is young, he has a lot of thoughts. This step-by-step management is not just a "wise khan".

After Wang Xijue was silent for a few days, the army arrived at Haizhouwei, Haizhouwei and Gaizhouwei, one north and one south, guarding the Liaoxi Corridor. After passing through Haizhouwei, they entered the heartland of Liaozhen.

When he was in Haizhouwei, Li Chengliang sent his son Li Rubai to greet him. In fact, according to the identities of Wang Xijue, Wang Tong and Chen Ju, it would be a great disrespect for Li Chengliang not to come in person.

Wang Tong may not pick these things, but Wang Xijue and Chen Ju were a little unhappy when they saw Li Rubai. Li Rubai naturally understood this truth, and after explaining the reason, he also gave a heavy gift. Li Chengliang fell ill after returning to Liaoyang. , across the northern border, but was defeated by the original servants in such a battle, his spirit and body collapsed all of a sudden.

After entering the hinterland of Liao Town, I could finally feel the atmosphere of war. Naturally, the enemy's rangers couldn't get in, but when Liao Town retreated, many rout soldiers were scattered. , to behave mischievously on the ground, their plan is simple, to be happy for a while, and then go back to join the army. Except for these people, there are some local idlers. Seeing the situation collapse, no one cares about the place In terms of law and order, they also became agitated, taking advantage of the fire to loot, and colluded with those rebels, causing even greater disasters.

The army walked for less than a day, because seeing the strict discipline of the imperial army, many villages along the way came to cry and complain, all saying that banditry was rampant, and the army should be exterminated.

Regarding this request, for the sake of the people, it is indeed necessary to suppress the bandits, and for the sake of the army, there is no reason to waste time here. Wang Xijue thought it was a dilemma, but Wang Tong simply resolved it.

Now there are nearly a thousand cavalrymen recruited by the army, whom Wang Tong called "the courageous" people. Wang Tong gathered these people together and sent someone to say:
"A bandit's head is two taels of silver. The property on the bandit belongs to you. Those who kill the good and pretend to be meritorious are beheaded, and those who report the murder of good and false merit will be reported. The army will not wait for you. After the disposal, catch up !"

These words were also written into a bulletin, and they were distributed in various villages along the way. One head is two liang, which is more rich than military exploits. Besides, the volunteers are all brave and strong men, and they are sure to kill the defeated soldiers and rogues. Not to mention them, even the villages along the way took action after they got the news.

The first to hand in the leader was a village closest to the army. Five heads and twelve taels of good-looking silver hair. That is to say, it cost less than 3000 taels of silver.

Liaoyang City, the center of Liao Town, is coming soon.
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(End of this chapter)

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