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Chapter 1002 Protection Fee

Chapter 1002 Protection Fee

The people who will be teleported here are all new students, and many of these new students need time to recover, and during this time, those testers can come in and attack them.

Because they will only allow this after being teleported here for a day.

People who come here, if their mental power is strong enough, can even wake up within an hour. Of course, for Lin Xiu, he only needs a quarter of an hour.

However, if the mental power is too weak, it will take longer to wake up. The reason for this is that there is an extremely terrifying distance between Shengzhou City and the Holy Court here.

Even a strong person on the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm may not be able to fly to the Sanctuary after flying for a hundred years, so the distance between the Sanctuary and the Fenggu Continent is quite terrifying.

The teleportation of this distance is also quite terrifying. It is precisely because of this that it takes a full ten days to teleport here. Of course, during this time, everyone is in a state of chaos, and they don't know anything about the outside world.

And after teleportation, it also takes time to adapt, and the people here can wake up within a day, which is not bad.

"Master Lin Xiu, I need to follow you!" Mo Yue said.

"Tang Qing, follow me too, otherwise, if the testers here make a move, we may be in danger!" Lin Xiu said.

Tang Qing already knew about the testers here, so she also understood that following Lin Xiu would be much better than acting alone.

"Master, isn't it enough that I serve you alone? You still want to find other girls?" Mo Yue blinked and said.

The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, you are a fart, I treat you as a girl, but you want to sleep with me all day long!
Of course Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to Moyue's words, his eyes fell on Tang Qing, Tang Qing nodded: "Okay, let's go together!"

Tang Qing's strength is naturally not weak, but Tang Qing also understands that judging from the current situation, being by Lin Xiu's side is the best choice!

"Master Lin Xiu, I wonder if I can follow you?" A voice came.

Everyone saw that this was another stunning beauty, and everyone knew this beauty because she was Yun Yan.

Yun Yan actually appeared here, and what did Yun Yan say just now?She seems to want to follow Lin Xiu?

No way?
If Yun Yan followed Lin Xiu, there would already be three beauties by Lin Xiu's side!
Moreover, these three beauties are all very beautiful beauties, and each of them is unbelievably beautiful. Are these three beauties willing to follow Lin Xiu?

This is something that will make people angry!

The eyes of the people around looked at Lin Xiu changed, but Lin Xiu said: "There are already enough people around me to protect. If you want my protection, you must pay the protection fee!"

As soon as Lin Xiu said these words, the faces of the people around her became a little weird. This is a great beauty. It's fine if Lin Xiu doesn't take the initiative to protect her, but she even asks Yun Yan for protection money?

"Master Lin Xiu, how much protection fee do you want me to pay?" Yun Yan asked.

"Not much, just five low-grade immortal stones is enough!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"This is too big a mouth, Lin Xiu is too much! We only have ten low-grade immortal stones in total, and he wants half of them!"

"I think so too, and a beautiful woman like Miss Yunyan is willing to follow him, yet he still charges protection money, isn't it too much?"

"Miss Yunyan, if you are willing to follow us, we don't need to accept your low-grade immortal stone!"


Obviously Yun Yan would not care about other people's words, she took a deep look at Lin Xiu, and then said: "Okay, I agree, I am willing to pay you 5 low-grade immortal stones, but you must take me into the room together." Holy House!"

Yun Yan actually agreed to Lin Xiu regardless of other people, which made Lin Xiu a little curious, what is this woman thinking?
She actually promised herself?
"No, you have to hand in the fairy stone first!" Lin Xiu immediately refused.

Just kidding, he is very short of fairy stones now, and the fairy stone treasure box is still there. Lin Xiuzi needs to get the fairy stones here first, otherwise, his fairy stone treasure box will be invalid as soon as he leaves this trial forest!

This condition is really harsh, and other people around also think that Lin Xiu is going too far.

But Lin Xiu didn't think that way, he thought that if he protected so many people, it would be a heavy burden on him, so he didn't want others to learn from Yunyan and find himself to protect.

If they asked him to protect him, how could Lin Xiu attack them?
Lin Xiu didn't mean to let go of the fairy stones on the people in front of him. There are a hundred people here, except for Lin Xiu and Moyue, each of them has 10 low-grade fairy stones. If you snatch all the fairy stones on your body, you can get 1960 low-grade fairy stones.

If it was changed to the value of fairy stones, it would already be 1960 million!
Lin Xiu would be a fool if he let it go.

Of course, these people would not have thought that Lin Xiu would be so ruthless that he would attack them.

"Okay, I believe that Master Lin Xiu is your character!" Yun Yan gritted her teeth, but she still agreed.

However, other people did not seek Lin Xiu's protection. They only heard someone say: "Master Wuchen, I hope you can protect us. We can join hands and enter the Holy Court!"

"Brother Tian Shu, we will be brothers from now on, why don't we go together!"

"Master Liannian, I have always admired you, I wonder if you can take me with you?"


These people have found other people to protect themselves. In their eyes, as long as they are protected by these powerful people, they can also enter the Holy Court safely.

Of course, Lin Xiu would not pay attention to these people. Lin Xiu still needs to continue to practice. Although there is only one night, Lin Xiu will be safe during this night, because those testers will not come.

Of course, if you leave this teleportation array, you may be attacked by other monsters.

So Lin Xiu planned to practice here, tonight, to practice again!

After Lin Xiu took the Martial Ancestor Experience Pill, he meditated and rested here.

"Master Lin Xiu, isn't he going to find a way to leave here? If we leave now, we can still travel a while!" Yun Yan said.

"Leave? Why are we leaving?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"But if we don't leave here, how can we enter the Holy Court?" Yun Yan asked again.

"The way to enter the Holy Court, besides going out from here, is another way!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Master Lin Xiu, you mean to wait for ten days in this trial forest?" Yun Yan responded.

(End of this chapter)

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