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Chapter 1001 Falsified burnt fruit?

Chapter 1001 Falsified burnt fruit?
"Then what should I do now?" Fang Nan asked.

"Now I still have a way!" I only heard Yang Xing say.

"What way?" Fang Nan asked quickly.

"These freshmen will enter the trial forest tomorrow. We only need to do something. In this case, it is not difficult to cause some casualties. Moreover, we can invite other people to do it!" Yang Xing said.

This time, Yang Xing also made a murderous attempt. The powerful talent and strength displayed by Lin Xiu is really terrifying!
If you can't deal with Lin Xiu, this time, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome!
Anyway, this time, it is absolutely impossible to let it go like this, and Lin Xiu cannot be allowed to enter the Holy Court smoothly!
The trial forest, but the trial of the holy courtyard for the new students can also make them show their true talent and strength. Here, it will be more bloody and violent!

And it will also test a person's leadership ability. If a person is alone, he may not be able to successfully escape the pursuit of the senior brothers inside. After all, these senior brothers will send fifty people, each of which is in the Martial Ancestor Realm. The strength above the first floor, even the fifth floor!

With so many masters, even if the freshmen have extraordinary strength, it is impossible for them to be their opponents!

It is precisely because of this that the freshmen entering the Holy Court can only dodge and cannot attack by force. These seniors of the Holy Court are called testers!
This time, Yang Xing's plan was to invite those testers to deal with Lin Xiu!
Fang Nan's eyes lit up with this plan, and he said, "Okay, if Lin Xiu can really be dealt with, this matter is naturally the best!"

Fang Nan was actually not too worried. Although Lin Xiu might have talent and could improve his strength within a month, Fang Nan was not an ordinary person. He believed that no matter how strong Lin Xiu was, he would not be his opponent. .

Of course, he would still accept Yang Xing's proposal!

Lin Xiu didn't know about this, and he didn't care. What he wanted to know was what would come out of his own diamond treasure chest.

Lin Xiu opened the treasure chest, and he immediately received a reminder.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the fruit of spirit flame!"

The fruit of spiritual inflammation can only be used if there is a special flame in the body. After taking it, the power of the flame in the body can be increased, and even different supernatural powers can be born. The power of the fruit of spiritual flame depends on each person!

Lin Xiu was quite surprised when he saw the red spiritual fruit in his hand. He has 23 kinds of spiritual fires in his body which are fused with different fires, so he naturally meets the conditions for eating this spiritual fruit!
After Lin Xiu swallowed the fruit of spiritual flame, he immediately felt three supernatural powers appear in his mind.

The body of fire can turn the body into flames, and can even ignore the opponent's attack.

The power of heavenly fire can fuse one's body with spiritual fire to exert extraordinary strength, and the Martial Ancestor Realm can at least improve one's or two's strength.

Big Flame Hand, uses the spiritual fire in the body to turn into a huge palm to attack the enemy.

Lin Xiu felt that this fruit is a bit like the effect of a devil fruit. Of course, this is obviously not a devil fruit, at most it is a fake devil fruit.
However, these three kinds of supernatural powers seem to be extraordinary, and they are probably all of the mid-level supernatural power level!

Lin Xiu didn't have time to study these three supernatural powers anymore, he had already started taking the Martial Ancestor Experience Pill.

Lin Xiu activated the Dragon Swallowing Art in his body, and the primordial power in his body has been completely transformed into soul power. Now the power of the martial soul that Lin Xiu displays will be even stronger.

After entering the Martial Ancestor Realm, the primordial power in the body will be refined again to become real soul power!
Driving the martial soul with soul power will make the power of the martial soul even more terrifying.

But now after Lin Xiu took this Martial Ancestor Experience Pill, the soul power in his body began to run crazily. Lin Xiu felt that the realm in his body was breaking through!

Martial Ancestor Realm, second floor!

The next day, the headmaster of Chunyuan had already sent someone to call Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu didn't come out, and the headmaster of Chunyuan even brought other people over in person.

Finally, after waiting for a full hour, Lin Xiu's door opened.

"Lin Xiu, you kept us waiting for a long time, broke through?" Fu Rong originally wanted to blame Lin Xiu, but found that Lin Xiu's realm had actually improved.

But it was only for one night, Lin Xiu's realm had actually been raised from the first floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm to the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

This kind of cultivation speed is too appalling. There should be some treasure or secret on him!
Not only Fu Rong, but also the master of the Spring Courtyard. They felt that Lin Xiu was indeed extraordinary, but such a person might be the reason why he became a real genius.

"Okay, Lin Xiu, we should set off as well, the others are still waiting for you!" the headmaster of Spring Court said to Lin Xiu.

In the center of Shengzhou City, many people appeared here. Most of the [-] disciples of the Holy Court had arrived, and only the people from the Spring Court had not arrived.

This is actually a huge teleportation array, which can teleport people here to the trial forest.

Everyone has already said the rules, so after the arrival of the master of the spring courtyard, the four masters have already greeted each other, and then began to send.

Lin Xiu and the others didn't communicate extraneously. They only felt the surrounding space distorted. They didn't know how long it had passed. Lin Xiu only felt his head was in dizziness. When Lin Xiu woke up, They appeared in a forest.

Even Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu still felt a sense of dizziness in his head, this kind of motion sickness-like feeling lasted for a full moment before stopping.

And Lin Xiu found that other people seemed to have the same dizziness as himself, but they lasted longer, and it took an hour to wake up the fastest. They were people with stronger mental power, while others, but It takes five or six hours to wake up.

Lin Xiu has already discovered that the aura in this forest is very rich. The degree of richness is really incredible. Lin Xiu feels that if he cultivates here, the speed of cultivation will be faster than in Fenggu Continent ten times!
The aura here is so awesome!
"Enter the trial forest dungeon, and you can collect treasure chests by defeating opponents that are hostile to the host in this dungeon. Each person can only get one treasure chest, and you can get a treasure chest by killing monsters that are hostile to the host!"

As expected, another dungeon has been formed here, Lin Xiu doesn't mind, he looks forward to meeting his opponent now!

"According to the regulations, we come here to rest for one day, so it's because we need time to get used to it!" Tang Qing woke up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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