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Chapter 1000 A More Advanced Treasure Chest

Chapter 1000 A More Advanced Treasure Chest
After all, a person who can say such a thing will never betray our branch, and such a talent is even more rare, powerful, and has a peerless talent. If such a person can join his branch, It will definitely focus on training in the future.

But it's a pity that the current Lin Xiu has joined the Spring Academy, and they have no chance!

Originally, the host of the Winter Court invited Lin Xiu to enter the Winter Court, which made Fang Nan's complexion ugly, but now that Lin Xiu refused, he was naturally quite happy. Lin Xiu, a stupid guy, would refuse the Winter Court This proposal of the headmaster is simply extremely stupid.

However, it was more convenient for Fang Nan to do things like this.

Today's assessment ended here, but Lin Xiu was the only one on the list of freshmen, and Lin Xiu's rewards were also handed out.

It's nothing more than some elixir, and some imperial-level top-grade exercises and martial arts. For Lin Xiu, these things are not very useful!
The headmaster of the Spring Garden raised his eyebrows today, and he stole the limelight today. After all, he was quite happy to have someone like Lin Xiu around.

However, the master of the Spring Courtyard also told Lin Xiu that tomorrow, Lin Xiu and others will be sent to the outskirts of the Holy Courtyard. If you want to enter the Holy Courtyard, you must go there by yourself. Outside the Holy Courtyard, there is a trial forest , in addition to some ferocious monsters, there are also tests from the seniors.

Anyone who joins the Holy Court this time will get a storage bag, which can hold about one cubic meter of things. This is something unique to the Sanctuary. It is called a space storage bag, and some dead objects can be placed in it.

As long as you can join the holy courtyard, you can get ten low-grade immortal stones.

Lin Xiu himself has 100 pieces of low-grade immortal stones, so Lin Xiu doesn't care about the immortal stones here at all.

The aura possessed by this low-grade immortal stone is not comparable to that of tenth-grade primordial stones!

This kind of low-grade fairy stone is also the most common currency in the sanctuary. If you bring the primordial stone to trade, it is estimated that people in the sanctuary will think it is a fool.

But after entering the door, you can get 10 low-grade immortal stones, which is already considered a good treatment!

After entering the trial forest, a bloody struggle is required, because those senior brothers of the Holy Academy may take away these newborn fairy stones. Of course, in order not to affect their lives, they will still leave one A low-grade fairy stone.

If you want to avoid the attacks of these senior brothers, you have to dodge the attacks of these senior brothers. As long as you survive in it for ten days, or you can find the exit of this trial forest, you will be considered as passing the trial.

These brothers of the Holy Academy are not ordinary people, and according to the regulations, as long as they don't beat people into cripples or kill people, they don't care about anything else.

Even broken hands and feet are common occurrences.

The director of the Spring Court personally told Lin Xiu about these things, but Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to it, because he looked at the pocket in his hand, and he was overjoyed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the fairy stone treasure chest!"

"This treasure box can only be used in the Trial Forest, and each low-grade immortal stone can provide 1 immortal stone points!"

Can each low-grade immortal stone provide 1 immortal stone value?
Lin Xiu was taken aback. If this was the case, wouldn't the 100 low-grade immortal stones on his body be able to advance the immortal stone treasure chest to the purple crystal treasure chest?

This is a storage bag, which is ten times larger than other people's. This is the original words of the host. This thing was originally used to reward Lin Xiu, but for Lin Xiu, this bag has no effect .

In Lin Xiu's hand, there is still a storage ring, and the space for the storage ring is larger than this storage bag, and it can hold more things.

Originally, Lin Xiu thought that this storage bag had no effect, but now Lin Xiu doesn't think so.

This is a fairy stone treasure chest, and it seems that collecting fairy stone values ​​is faster than before, and there are much more.

"After the host enters the sanctuary, the upper limit of the treasure box will be further increased, and the highest level of the treasure box that the host can collect will also be increased. The current maximum is the star treasure box!" The system replied in this way.

Star Treasure Chest, that can open something more advanced than the current Diamond Treasure Chest!
Lin Xiu could feel that the things that were opened in the diamond treasure box were only things below the fairyland, and at most they were only items in the holy realm. If it was the star treasure box, it was likely to get real fairyland items.

The Divine Bell and Heavenly Court Drum that Lin Xiu obtained before are actually only damaged items, even the Xuanxian Iron Epee.

Damaged items already possess such power, how powerful would they be if they were used by real immortals.

Lin Xiu didn't know, but he could imagine that this would definitely be a good thing!

That night, Lin Xiu didn't let anyone disturb him, because he still needed to open two treasure chests.

The first treasure box is a diamond treasure box transformed from the Tuba treasure box, and the second treasure box is the Martial Ancestor Experience Dan treasure box.

Although Lin Xiu knew that there would definitely be a Martial Ancestor Experience Pill in this Martial Ancestor Experience Pill box, but the number was random from 1 to 5, Lin Xiu was a little worried about how many experience pills there would be in it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting four Martial Ancestor Realm Experience Pills!"

Lin Xiu was overjoyed, it seemed that he was very lucky, he was able to get four Martial Ancestor Realm Experience Pills at once.

If you take one, you can increase your strength by one level. Lin Xiu can reach the fifth level of Martial Ancestor Realm after taking all of them!

It seems that it doesn't take a month to challenge that Fang Nan!
When Lin Xiu thought so, Yang Xing was drinking with Fang Nan, he sighed and said, "Brother Fang Nan, you are still too impulsive, why did you get into trouble like this?"

"I was planning to kill Lin Xiu on the spot, how could I expect so much?" Fang Nan replied.

"But this month's appointment may not be so easy to deal with!" Yang Xing said helplessly.

"What? Yang Xing, do you think this Lin Xiu can be my opponent? He can defeat me in a month? Are you kidding me!" Fang Nan said dissatisfied.

Yang Xing is also Linglong's person, he immediately shook his head and said: "Brother Fang Nan, I didn't mean that, what I meant was that if Lin Xiu dared to say that, he would definitely have his own support, don't you think he would be a Someone who wants to kill himself?"

"This..." Fang Nan was stunned for a moment. Although he was impulsive, he was not stupid. After reflecting on this matter, he also felt something was wrong.

"Lin Xiu would do this. I'm afraid he has his own thoughts. This matter is not so easy to talk about!" Yang Xing said again.

(End of this chapter)

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