Chapter 999 New Titles
Although Fang Nan is a martial artist at the sixth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, Lin Xiu is confident that as long as his realm improves a little bit, he can win Fang Nan. , Lin Xiu improved his strength, but it was only a matter of one night!
"Okay, after a month, I will definitely let you go down to accompany your brother!" Lin Xiu said proudly with his hands behind his back.

The headmaster of Chunyuan looked at Lin Xiu's appearance, he was a little surprised, but he didn't say much. After all, this young man is the one that the adult wants to protect. strangeness.

However, can he really deal with Fang Nan?
To be honest, the headmaster of the Spring Academy obviously didn't believe it. No matter how strong Lin Xiu was, he couldn't deal with Fang Nan who was on the sixth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm within a month. He also got Lei Zheng's martial arts from the holy courtyard!
And he also got a kind of low-grade magical power of the thunder system, the power can destroy the world, Lin Xiu, can he really handle it?
"Lin Xiu, if you have such confidence, I am also very pleased, but have you really considered it?" Chunyuan Chunyuan asked.

One sentence from the Master of the Spring Court gave Lin Xiu a chance to repent. If Lin Xiu is willing, he can even help Lin Xiu to repent, so that Lin Xiu will no longer accept this month's appointment!
Although the headmaster of the Chunyuan is only the headmaster of the branch in Shengzhou City, the seventh floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm gives him enough deterrent power. If he wants to protect Lin Xiu, even Fang Nan will not be able to treat Lin Xiu again. shot.

Of course, how could Lin Xiu need other people's protection?He waved his hand and said, "My young master doesn't need other people's protection!"

The people around cheered Lin Xiu again. No matter what, Lin Xiu had already created a miracle. They believed that Lin Xiu would be able to strengthen and create more miracles in the future!
Maybe, in a month's time, Lin Xiu will really challenge Fang Nan. At that time, it is still unpredictable who will live and who will die!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive, and has been rewarded with nine levels of pretending, 900 points of acting aggressively!"


Nine times of pretending in a row, but let Lin Xiu's pretending value directly reach 1000 million. After collecting 100 points, you can already get 900 pretense points.

There are thousands of people here. Lin Xiu collected 1000 million pretense points, but the pretense treasure box can't hold more than 1000 million pretense points.

After Lin Xiu returned, he had to ask the system carefully if there was a way to increase the upper limit of the treasure chest. However, after entering the holy realm, the speed of cultivation would drop significantly.

When Lin Xiu thought this way, he suddenly received a system prompt: "The host's pretentious treasure box has reached the upper limit. If you want the pretentious treasure box to have effects above the fairyland, and collect more than 1000 million pretentious points, you must get the title of pretentious king." !"

The system even took the initiative to prompt!
Lin Xiu was a little surprised, he asked: "How can I get the title of King?"

"As long as the host can enter the ten-level forceful effect, he can get the title of king of force! From now on, he can also act forcefully, and ordinary forceful effects will collect 200 force points!" the system replied.

As long as you pretend to be coercive again, you will have the effect of ten-fold coercion, and you will be able to get the title of coercion king at that time, but how do you continue to pretend to be coercive?
"Okay, have courage, Lin Xiu, if you are willing, the door of our winter courtyard will be opened for you!" At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared, he was wearing a long gown, he looked gentle and elegant, more like A literati rather than a warrior.

"Master Dongyuan, you are too shameless, aren't you? This is a member of our Spring Academy, and you still come to snatch him?" After hearing this, the headmaster of Spring Academy rolled his eyes.

"Master Chunyuan, you are keeping Lin Xiu, but you are just burying others. Our Qiuyuan has more masters to guide us. Our Qiuyuan also wants you to join us!" An old man in white came out.

"Is the master of Qiuyuan so boring? But Lin Xiu, there are many beautiful female disciples in our Xiayuan. If you come here, our Xiayuan will choose the best Taoist partner for you!" The woman in blue said with a smile.

The three principals even threw an olive branch at Lin Xiu, and the principal of the Chunyuan almost cried in anger, Nima, you are too bullying, the three principals came together, there is really nothing he can do.

All of this can only be decided by Lin Xiu!

If Lin Xiu really wanted to leave, he wouldn't be able to keep Chunyuan.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu.

Mo Yue, Tang Qing, Yun Yan and others were all taken aback. This scene, not only them, but even other people present, could not have imagined that Lin Xiu would have such a charm that St. The court initiated this kind of competition!

This kind of scene has never happened in the past. After all, even before, the person who was able to get the first place in this Billboard did not have the talent of Lin Xiu. Not only the martial soul, but also the blood, all completely beat other people. How could this kind of talent be comparable to others?
Now that the four courtyards are mainly able to get Lin Xiu, they will naturally hold him in the palm of their hands.

After Lin Xiu saw it, he was overjoyed. Nima, this is an opportunity to pretend to be a coward. It seems that the king is in my pocket!
Lin Xiu didn't care about the resources that other people cared about. As long as he continued to pretend to be aggressive, Lin Xiu's road to upgrade would be smooth.

So Lin Xiu put his hands behind his back, he looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and said lightly: "Masters, thank you for coming, but I know that the so-called warriors should not be easily seduced by others, they must be strong-willed!"

"The so-called gentleman must keep his word and do what he says. Since I have entered the Spring Court, I am a disciple of the Spring Court. How can I betray the Spring Court and join other branches? I, Lin Xiu, have done everything in my life. There must be no regrets, no regrets!"

"Although Chunyuan did not treat me with great kindness, it also gave me a place to participate in the assessment. I received a drop of water, and I should repay it with a spring. What I, Lin Xiu, must also be worthy of Chunyuan. Yours! Kindness, my young master appreciates it!"

Lin Xiu's series of words made everyone present look dumbfounded.

Receiving the favor of dripping water, should I repay it with a spring?
This sentence made the eyes of everyone here brighten. Even the owners of the courtyard were full of admiration in their eyes. They may not really want to accept Lin Xiu into the branch, but they may just come to disgust the Spring Academy. It's just the master, but Lin Xiu's words made them all love talents.

 Entering a new map soon, there will be new gods and demons appearing, Wanfa Continent will be a wonderful world!Temporarily five more!In the future, if the grades are better, then consider adding more!
(End of this chapter)

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