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Chapter 1006 Thank you for coming

Chapter 1006 Thank you for coming
What is this Lin Xiu talking about?When the people present heard Lin Xiu's words, their faces were a little weird, but they really couldn't believe it. Did Lin Xiu really plan to attack them?Want them to stay and buy road money?

"Lin Xiu, you should know who we are, right? How dare you treat us like this?" Brother Wang said immediately.

"We are your senior brother, what do you want to do?" Junior Brother Yang also said

"We are here to test you this time, you can't attack us!" Senior Brother Chen also said.

The three of them were visibly flustered.

Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face, and he said, "Could it be that there is a rule that you can only test us, but we can't take your things?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the three of them were stunned at the same time, and their expressions changed at the same time. In fact, there was no such rule. That's right, if the freshmen came in, they would never attack these testers.

And among these freshmen, there is no such outstanding genius!

It is naturally extremely rare for someone like Lin Xiu to enter two levels in a row as soon as he comes in!
It doesn't matter if Lin Xiu's realm has improved, but he has moves that are even more terrifying than the power of emperor-level martial arts. Now Lin Xiu only needs one move to deal with them.

Now these three people, in front of Lin Xiu, had no choice but no chance to resist. Lin Xiu glanced at these three people, and these three people had no way to resist at all, and immediately lowered their heads.

"Hand over your storage bags, you have also heard what I just said, if you put it in a more popular way, it is, you are lucky, you have recovered a small life, I only rob money, not life !” Lin Xiu said with a chuckle.

There was no way for the three of them not to hand over the storage bag.

Seeing Lin Xiu robbing so aboveboard, the corner of Yunyan's mouth twitched.

What Lin Xiu said before may not be a lie!

And after Lin Xiu turned over the storage bags of the three of them, his face showed disdain: "You only have this low-grade immortal stone? Return it to the senior brother!"

Lin Xiu took out the fairy stone inside and threw the three storage bags back.

The combined low-grade immortal stone of the three people is only that little.

"Ding, 234 million immortal stones have been collected!"

"Ding, the fairy stone treasure chest has been upgraded to an amethyst treasure chest!"

These fairy stones, Lin Xiu probably didn't collect them in the ring himself, but sent them directly to the fairy stone treasure box. As a result, the fairy stone treasure box was directly promoted to the amethyst treasure box.

And defeating these three people also got three crystal treasure chests, because now this is a dungeon relationship, so defeating the opponent here will naturally get the treasure chests.

Lin Xiu's contemptuous gaze made the three of them a little depressed. Besides the fairy stone, there were some powerful martial arts in the storage bag, but Lin Xiu didn't care about these at all.

The feeling of being despised by a freshman was something they had encountered quite once. The three of them felt a little ashamed and depressed, but there was nothing they could do.

"Still leaving?" Lin Xiu said.

The three fled in a hurry, and they would have no face to stay here again.

When these three fled in embarrassment, they also met two other people. These two were the man in blue and the man in red.

"Senior Brother Wang, what's wrong with you? You look so embarrassed?" The man in blue laughed.

"We have met our opponent. Here, there is a freshman named Lin Xiu who defeated us. We have no face to stay!" Senior Brother Wang said with a sigh.

"Really? If that's the case, we'd be interested to take a look, blue ghost, what's your opinion?" said the man in red.

"He just defeated you?" Only the blue ghost said.

"They... also took away our immortal stone!" Junior Brother Yang said with a sigh.

"It seems that we have to meet this Lin Xiu!" Chi Gui said.

"Don't worry, fellow seniors, the two of us will avenge you!" Blue Ghost said.

Lan Chi Shuanggui, the strength of these two people is much stronger than that of Senior Brother Wang. They are good at speed, and they pay attention to killing with one blow, although killing is not allowed here.

But as long as you defeat the enemy, you can still do it easily!

The three of them rolled their eyes, and they didn't say much, and they didn't intend to remind them of Lin Xiu's strength.

From the eyes of the blue and red ghosts, they could see disdain.

Whether it is the blue ghost or the red ghost, they are both powerful warriors, and their talents are also outstanding. The two of them already have the strength close to the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. With their strength, they naturally look down on Senior Brother Wang and the three of them. .

These three people were actually defeated by a freshman. How could the blue ghost and the red ghost think highly of such a shameful thing?
Seeing the three leave, the blue ghost said: "Hmph, these three are just trash, and they will lose to the freshmen!"

"However, it seems that this new student is not an ordinary person. The three of them, after all, are existences at the fourth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and they will be defeated by this Lin Xiu!" Chi Gui said.

"How strong he is, we'll know once we see him!" Blue Ghost said.

The two of them had already passed in the direction of Lin Xiu.

"Master Lin Xiu, what should we do now?" Mo Yue asked.

"It's almost time for us to take action. These testers believe that they have collected a lot of fairy stones, and I can just snatch them from their hands!" Lin Xiu's eyes were shining with excitement.

"..." Magic Moon.

"..." Tang Qing.

"..." Yunyan.

Lin Xiu looks like he is addicted to snatching?
The three people just now allowed Lin Xiu to get more than 200 pieces of fairy stones, but they are still far from being promoted from the fairy stone treasure box to the star shining treasure box!
Just as Lin Xiu was thinking about how to continue to deal with and find other people, Lin Xiu discovered that someone had come.

A young man in blue clothes and a young man in red clothes came here. Seeing Lin Xiu with the three girls, the blue ghost said, "You are Lin Xiu? Looking at you, how many people do you have?" Divide strength!"

"Senior brothers, hello!" Lin Xiu said politely, "Thank you for coming!"

Lin Xiu's words made the two of them feel a little baffled. Chi Gui said, "Thank you for what we did? We came here to protect you!"

"I thank you for coming here, of course, because, thank you for coming to send the fairy stone!" Lin Xiu said with a smile, smiling so brightly.

The red ghost and the blue ghost looked at each other, and the blue ghost sneered and said, "Do you think we are those three trash just now? We are completely different from them, and now I will show you!"

 I went home very late today, so I wrote a bit slowly. If there is no update in the early morning, I will postpone the update tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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