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Chapter 1007 My Young Master Will Start Collecting Tour Fees

Chapter 1007 My Young Master Will Start Collecting Tour Fees

"Okay, since that's the case, then please brother take action!" Lin Xiu laughed.

"Okay!" The blue figure flickered suddenly and appeared behind Lin Xiu, and at this moment, a flaming palm covered his head at some point.

Before the blue ghost could react, his whole body had already been blasted to the ground. This blue ghost was indeed quite impressive.

The attack of the big flame hand caused the blue ghost to fall to the ground, but he was able to struggle. Of course, Lin Xiu would not let him go, and the huge flame palm hit the blue ghost again.

The blue ghost received another heavy blow and finally stopped moving.

Is the blue ghost defeated like this?
The defeat made Chi Gui feel unbelievable, he gave Lin Xiu a cold look, and said, "Your strength is indeed a bit unusual, but this is just the blue ghost's carelessness!"

The red ghost didn't believe that the blue ghost would lose to Lin Xiu, even if Lin Xiu's strength was not weak, but the blue ghost's strength, he knew better, this time it would lose, it must be because the blue ghost was too careless.

Looking at the blue ghost lying motionless on the ground, the red ghost's expression became even uglier.

"In this case, what are you waiting for? I am waiting for you to make a move!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Lin Xiu's words made Chi Gui's face even colder, Chi Gui said: "In this case, you should be careful!"

The red ghost turned into a red light, and it shuttled around in an instant. The speed of the red ghost was extremely fast, and it shuttled around Lin Xiu's body in an instant, and attacked Lin Xiu, a red light cut On Lin Xiu's chest.

Immediately afterwards, the next slash was on Lin Xiu's leg, and then...

A streak of red light appeared, and when it fell around Lin Xiu's body, it was able to attack Lin Xiu continuously, as if Lin Xiu's body had been cut into dozens of parts.

The power of the red light here is not weak, but unfortunately, when these red lights cut Lin Xiu's body, there was no blood at all.

"What's going on? Why aren't you injured?" Chi Gui couldn't believe it was true. His Heavenly Ghost Hundred Slash just now was able to divide the opponent into hundreds of segments.

But now Lin Xiu's body doesn't mean to be chopped into hundreds of pieces at all, let alone hundreds of pieces. Judging from Lin Xiu's appearance, he hasn't even been cut in half. It will not hurt Lin Xiu.

However, the clothes on Lin Xiu's body changed. It turned out that the clothes on Lin Xiu's body disappeared and turned into a clothes made of flames. Lin Xiu said helplessly: "You tore all my clothes, senior brother, I think, you I should be compensated!"

Lin Xiu took out a cloak and surrounded himself. Lin Xiu's eyes had already fallen on the red ghost in front of him, and the red ghost still didn't understand why his attack could not hurt Lin Xiu.

This is of course, Lin Xiu is a man with the supernatural power of the body of fire, how could he be hurt by the red ghost?
The red light of the red ghost is nothing more than a sharp blade. His attack is naturally a physical attack, and it is impossible to hurt Lin Xiu.

"You ask me for compensation? I don't believe you can win me!" Chi Gui said loudly again, and the sharp knife in his hand turned into a red ray of light again, and slashed towards Lin Xiu.

A sneer appeared on Lin Xiu's face: "In this case, I will let you know how big the gap is between you and me!"

While Lin Xiu was speaking, he saw a ball of flame suddenly burst out from between his hands and rushed towards the red ghost in front of him. The flame turned into a fierce tiger and rushed towards the red ghost. When the sharp blade slashed at the fierce tiger transformed from flames.

The fire tiger opened its mouth, and bit the sharp blade of the red ghost. Immediately afterwards, the sharp blade on the red ghost was swallowed directly, and the whole body of the red ghost was burned by the flames.

"What, ah—no—" Chi Gui found out the screams and kept rolling on the ground.

After Lin Xiu saw it, he said lightly: "I didn't expect you to be so weak that you can't even resist a spiritual fire like mine!"

After entering the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, Lin Xiu was able to let the spirit fire in his body unleash its true power. After all, it was a combination of 23 different fires. Martial ancestors of this level can't deal with it, so it's really too weak!
Its power now makes Lin Xiu a little satisfied. Lin Xiu guessed that the power of the spirit fire should be able to threaten the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm at most. This is probably its strongest power.

After all, this kind of flame can only be regarded as the flame of the mortal realm, not to mention the flame of the holy realm, even the existence above the sixth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm should be able to deal with it.

Of course, its power is enough to deal with the red ghost now. Lin Xiu withdrew the spirit fire. He didn't want to directly burn the red ghost to death, but even so, there was already a large area of ​​scorched black on the red ghost's body. .

" dare to treat me like this?" Chi Gui looked at Lin Xiu, his eyes were full of coldness, but his body could not move.

After hearing this, Lin Xiu kicked him, and Chi Gui was kicked away. His body was already burned, and now he couldn't resist at all.

"So what if I treat you like this? Do you still want to resist? If you want to resist, then come and try!" Lin Xiu said, kicking again.

How could Chi Gui bear it? He didn't want to continue this kind of painful torture, so he chose to beg for mercy: "No, I won't resist anymore, Lin Xiu, please let me go!"

"I respect you, so I called you senior brother. Do you really think you are so great? Let me tell you, this forest of trials is now my young master's territory. Go back and tell others that the testers who entered here, Ben The young master will start to collect the tour fee of the trial forest, whoever does not pay, you will be their fate!" Lin Xiu said arrogantly.

The blue and red ghosts were really rich. The fairy stones on the two of them added up to 300 yuan, but Lin Xiu put it away without any hesitation.

The blue ghost and the red ghost were seriously injured, and they didn't want to be insulted here anymore.

Such a powerful flame, Yunyan just woke up at this time, I have seen this kind of flame before, but its power is far less than it is now, because now Lin Xiu's realm has improved, so the spirit fire can also exert its true power Is it powerful?
Yun Yan looked at Lin Xiu again, her eyes were full of disbelief, this young man is really extraordinary!
"Sure enough, you are worthy of being the young master. These two people are so arrogant, you should teach them a lesson!" Mo Yue flattered them immediately.

"If they leave like this, I'm afraid that today's incident will spread. Lin Xiu, are you really not worried at all?" Tang Qing asked.

 Tomorrow there will be five more, this one is today, stop staying up late, the body is not good
(End of this chapter)

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