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Chapter 1014 Someone Wants to Kill You

Chapter 1014 Someone Wants to Kill You

With the current strength of Emperor Yan's fist, even if he encounters it at the sixth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, he will feel tremendous pressure, let alone Heiping.

The martial spirit on Hei Ping's body couldn't even withstand the blow of Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan's palm directly slapped Heiping hundreds of feet away, and Heiping's whole body was blown away, knocking down dozens of trees.

Hei Ping's blood spurted out violently, he could not stand up anymore, Emperor Yan's palm almost shattered all the bones in his body
After all, it is the sixth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and the power of Emperor Yan has greatly increased. Hei Ping would never have imagined that Lin Xiu's strength would become so terrifying!
Kong Yang's complexion became paper-like, his righteousness could not hurt Lin Xiu, and the Gate of Devouring could easily swallow his righteousness.

Once the door of devouring was opened, it was able to suck in all the surrounding things, and Heiping was blown away by Emperor Yan with a punch. This already shows that Lin Xiu's strength is very terrifying!
This is not something he can handle!

Kong Yang already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart, and when he turned around, he wanted to escape, but there was a huge suction force behind him, and Kong Yang showed a look of fear on his face.

"Lin Xiu, what are you going to do? No, you can't kill me, I'm from the Kong family!" Kong Yang shouted in a hurry.

"So you are from the Kong family? Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Lin Xiu immediately laughed when he heard it.

Kong Yang wanted to scold his mother in his heart, damn, what's the use of me saying it earlier?I've said it now, and you didn't stop!

Lin Xiu did not stop, because now Lin Xiu didn't mind the Kong family at all, he just wanted to know why Kong Yang wanted to deal with him.

"What exactly do you want? Stop, stop!" Kong Yang could only feel his body retreating, and the door of devouring was sucking him in. Even if he flew forward desperately, his body still retreated slowly.

"I just want to know, why are you dealing with me, people from the Kong family, right? Kong Hong has something to do with you?" Lin Xiu asked.

Lin Xiu only knew about Kong Hong, the Kong family who had an enmity with Lin Xiu. It seemed that this Kong family was exactly this Kong Hong.

"Yes, yes, Kong Hong is my brother!" Kong Yang replied immediately, "Please let me go, I will not avenge him again!"

"You want to kill me? Does the Holy Court allow killing?" Lin Xiu said again.

"No, the Holy Academy does not allow killing other freshmen, otherwise, the Holy Academy will abolish their cultivation!" Kong Yang said.

"Oh? If that's the case, how dare you lay a trap here to kill me?" Lin Xiu said with a strange expression.

"We..." Before Kong Yang finished speaking, black shadows appeared around him.

Lin Xiu glanced around, only to see some half-human, half-wolf monsters appearing here.

The appearance of these wolf demons is quite terrifying. When Lin Xiu saw them, he immediately understood: "So, you want to use their hands to deal with me!"

As soon as these words came out, Kong Yang's face became even more ugly, and Lin Xiu actually guessed what he wanted to do!

"We didn't think that way, we don't know why there are wolf monsters here!" Kong Yang said loudly.

"Whether you know it or not, today, you will all be with these wolf demons!" Lin Xiu sneered, Lin Xiu had no intention of letting these three people go, Emperor Yan patted Kong Yang with one palm. Directly blasted into serious injuries.

Kong Yang's whole body was hit by this palm, and his whole body was blasted to the ground. Kong Yang was seriously injured.

Lin Xiu glanced at the people around him. Hei Ping was seriously injured and many of his bones were broken, so it was impossible for him to escape.

Lin Xiu chopped off Kong Yang's arms. No matter how powerful Kong Yang is, he still cannot escape from here. If there is only one person left who has a chance to leave, it will be Fei Ji!
Sure enough, at this time Fei Ji jumped up suddenly, wanting to run away!

Lin Xiu sneered and said, "You want to escape now? You're thinking too well!"

Lin Xiu is now at the sixth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and his speed is much faster than Fei Ji's, and he has appeared in front of Fei Ji almost instantly.

"Let me go, I'll tell you a secret!" Fei Ji said hastily.

"Secret?" Lin Xiu said after hearing it.

"That's right, someone wants to kill you, don't you want to know who it is?" Fei Ji said anxiously, he didn't want to die, let alone die here.

These wolf demons are inhumane and will never let him go.

"I see, but if you don't tell me, I know that Fang Nan told you to kill me!" Lin Xiu laughed.

When Fei Ji heard it, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Lin Xiu had already punched Fei Ji's chest, and Fei Ji was blown away. The power of this punch almost pierced Fei Ji's chest. It can be seen that Fei Ji's chest bones were shattered. Quite a lot.

Lin Xiu already knew the truth of this matter from Fei Ji's expression.

Fang Nan's grievances are really lingering, and he has attacked him again and again, and even sent various people to deal with him. If this is the case, there is no need to let him go!
Lin Xiu turned his head and glanced at the three people. The three people were surrounded by wolf demons, and a few wolf demons with no eyes even jumped at Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu was able to punch these wolf demons casually. Boom kill.

"Ding, I collected a crystal treasure chest!"


The wolf demon here can also let Lin Xiu collect the treasure chest, but Lin Xiu doesn't plan to do it now, at least he has to wait for them to die before doing it.

Lin Xiu had already turned around and went back in the original direction.

When Lin Xiu left, Kong Yang's eyes were full of hatred, and he kept spouting righteousness, but the surrounding wolf monsters still rushed towards him after being killed a few.

The same goes for Hei Ping and Fei Ji, both of them are seriously injured now, even if they fight back, it won't help at all. The number and attack power of these wolf monsters are far beyond what others can imagine!

The screams of the three people are here one after another, but the lives of the three people are disappearing here.

Although Wu Chen and the others teamed up, their strength is still too weak for these testers. With their current strength, they can't threaten these testers at all, and the shots of these testers, although not Use all your strength, but you can easily win these new students.

The gap between the fourth floor and the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm is so obvious, there are more than ten people lying down around the six testers.

The rest of the people had no way to make a move at all, they only heard that Liang Shu said with a smile: "It seems that the strength of you freshmen is nothing more than that!"

"You are just taking advantage of my young master's absence, so you dare to be so arrogant!" Mo Yue said.

"What is your young master? If he is here now, we can trample him under our feet!" Liang Shu said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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