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Chapter 1015 Is this trying to snatch a kiss?

Chapter 1015 Is this trying to snatch a kiss?
The strength of the freshmen here is so weak, even that Lin Xiu, how strong can he be?So Liang Shu is not worried at all, let alone Lin Xiu.

Liang Shu scoffed at the fact that the three of Kong Yang attached so much importance to Lin Xiu. A freshman needs three people to work together?It's too cheap!

If Lin Xiu appeared here, Liang Shu would definitely not let Lin Xiu go!Liang Shu has such self-confidence. After all, he will soon reach the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, so there is no need to worry about Lin Xiu being able to threaten him.

"You can only talk big here. If Lin Xiu were here, you would definitely not be his opponent!" Tang Qing said again.

"Oh? Since you all said that, I'll wait for him to come back here. I want to see what this Lin Xiu is capable of!" Liang Shu sneered.

With Liang Shu's strength, he naturally wouldn't worry about Lin Xiu.

"Brother Liang Shu, do we really have to wait for that Lin Xiu to come back?"

"I heard that Lin Xiu is very strong, and many of our senior brothers have lost to him!"

"But senior brother Kong Yang is dealing with him now, so he shouldn't be able to come back!"


The other five immediately started talking.

"By the way, I have already forgotten that Senior Brother Kong Yang is dealing with this Lin Xiu. It seems that we don't need to wait any longer. Senior Brother Kong Yang and the others will come back soon. That Lin Xiu will probably be taught a lesson by him. Eat it!" Liang Shu laughed again.

"Kong Yang?" Tian Shu was a little surprised when he heard this, "You mean Senior Brother Kong Yang?"

"What? Do you know Senior Brother Kong Yang?" Liang Shu asked after hearing this.

"Yes, because I am also a disciple of Confucianism, so I was reminded by Master that as long as I join the Holy Academy, I can surrender some Confucian disciples in our Holy Academy!" Tian Shu said only.

In the holy courtyard, there are several Confucian disciples. If these Confucian disciples can enter the holy realm in the future, they can become real Confucian disciples. But even so, in this holy courtyard, there are many A man of Confucianism.

These Confucianists can even form their own faction and gather in the Winter Courtyard.

"How do you prove that you are a Confucian?" Liang Shu asked.

"I have grandeur and righteousness!" After Tian Shu finished speaking, a layer of golden light appeared behind him, it really is grand and righteous!
Now that Tian Shu turned out to be from the Confucian School, Liang Shu's face immediately changed: "It turns out that Junior Brother Tian Shu is also a disciple of the Confucian School. If this is the case, that would be really great. Junior Brother Tian Shu, you can come here. There is a senior brother I'm here, and I won't let anyone hurt you!"

Just now, Liang Shu still had an upright and upright look, but now Liang Shu, like a flattering villain, looks quite disgusting.

But even so, Tian Shu was quite happy. The disciples of Confucianism are good. I am afraid that Lin Xiu will not be able to come back this time. If this is the case, it is a good thing that he can follow these testers!

"Senior brother Liang Shu is right, but senior brother Kong Yang, is he really dealing with Lin Xiu himself now?" Tian Shu said.

"That's right, we can't blame anyone for this. We can only blame Lin Xiu for being too arrogant. He dared to oppose us senior brothers. He really thinks that his strength can reach the point of lawlessness? How stupid!" Liang Shu Said.

"Senior brother Liang Shu is right. I didn't like Lin Xiu early in the morning, but this matter is only Lin Xiu's fault. We are innocent!" Tian Shu said.

"Junior Brother Tian Shu has something to say, so stop beating around the bush!" Liang Shu said.

"Senior Brother Liang Shu, I wonder if you can spare the people here for me?" Tian Shu said.

Naturally, Tian Shu also wants to be a hero, as long as he can save the people here, these people will definitely be grateful to him!

Sure enough, as soon as Tian Shu's words came out, the people around showed gratitude. Lin Xiu forcibly collected protection fees, which made them very upset, but they would not have thought of it. If it weren't for Lin Xiu's protection, the fairy stones on them would It has already been taken away by the testers.

In their eyes, it seemed that Lin Xiu should protect them.

Now that Tian Shu said this, they were naturally more grateful to Tian Shu.

However, Liang Shu's face darkened, and he said, "Junior Brother Tian Shu, what you said is a bit too much, Senior Brother, we also need immortal stones, can we let everyone here!"

Even if Kong Yang came, there was no need to discuss this matter, let alone Tian Shu.

Tian Shu also knew that what he said was not quite right, his face was a little embarrassed, and Liang Shu didn't give him face: "Junior Brother Tian Shu, if you want to protect someone, I can let you choose someone Come and protect him, we will not snatch the fairy stone from him!"

Can Tian Shu protect a person?People around looked at Tian Shu with hopeful eyes.

Tian Shu's face changed slightly, and his last gaze fell on Yunyan: "Miss Yunyan, if you want, come out, I am willing to protect you!"

Tian Shu's words turned the people around him from disappointment to anger, Tian Shu even chose a woman and didn't save them!

Of course, Tian Shu did this obviously to let Yunyan follow him, because if Yunyan leaves with him now, he will not be able to break away from her relationship.

Yun Yan was taken aback for a moment, but she shook her head and said, "Tian Shu, I will not leave with you!"

"Yunyan, you really don't want to? As long as you come with me, after I join the Confucianism sect in the holy courtyard, I can even help you join our winter courtyard. You should know my intentions!" Tian Shu said.

"I didn't expect you, Junior Brother Tian Shu, to be a passionate seed. If that's the case, Senior Brother, I will help you, come out!" Liang Shu laughed and said.

"What do you want to do?" Yun Yan frowned, "I have nothing to do with Tian Shu, even if you need fairy stones, I will give them to you!"

Yun Yan didn't want to exchange her innocence for a few fairy stones, it would be too cheap.

"You can't help it!" Liang Shu laughed and said, "Go and catch that girl, remember, be gentle and don't hurt her, otherwise, Junior Brother Tian Shu will be sad!"

"Yes!" Two people immediately walked towards Yunyan.

"Tian Shu, why don't you stop them? I can hand over my immortal stone, but I won't be insulted like this!" Yun Yan said.

Tian Shu said: "I can't control this matter, but don't worry, Yun Yan, I will protect you!"

"You!" Yun Yan blushed with anger, she looked at Tian Shu angrily.

"Liang Shu, what kind of drama are you guys playing here? Is this trying to snatch a marriage?" Only a voice sounded.

Liang Shu saw that it was Kong Yang who had returned, but why did Kong Yang's clothes change?

(End of this chapter)

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