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Chapter 1017 Star Shining Treasure Chest

Chapter 1017 Star Shining Treasure Chest
"Unexpected? It's just a few trash, if they can also hurt me, then the young master is too weak!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"Where are our three senior brothers?" Liang Shu immediately asked loudly.

"They have all been defeated by me!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Impossible, depending on you, how could you be the opponent of the three senior brothers?" Liang Shu said loudly with a look of disbelief.

"You said that I am not a match for your three senior brothers?" Lin Xiu said, his aura exuded.

There are still 5 minutes to an hour, but it is enough!

The aura from the sixth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm gushed out, and the people around were pressed to the ground by Lin Xiu's huge aura. Even Liang Shu and the six people's faces became terrified at this moment.

Lin Xiu shook his body and punched out. One of them fell to the ground, followed by the second, and the third...

Liang Shu couldn't believe it at all. Within a minute, all the other people around him had collapsed, leaving him standing here alone.

"How is it can you have such strength? Aren't you the third level of Martial Ancestor Realm?" Liang Shu said with his eyes widened.

"Do I need to explain to you what my young master has done in his life? Get out!" Lin Xiu slapped him, and Liang Shu's entire face was sunken.

It only took about a minute for Lin Xiu to start and defeat the people around him. This kind of strength completely surpassed everyone's imagination.

Liang Shu was knocked unconscious by the slap. At the moment before he passed out, he only had one thought, how could he be so strong?

Lin Xiu glanced at the freshmen in front of him, these ten people dared to slander Lin Xiu before, Lin Xiu's eyes were full of chills: "Do you hand over the primordial stones on your body, or do you want me to collect them yourself? "

I only saw that Lin Xiu's feet had stepped on the ground, and the ground shook immediately.

These people were both depressed and angry.

"Lin Xiu, don't go too far, you still want us to hand over all the fairy stones?"

"It's against the rules for you to do this! What's the difference between you and those testers?"

"These fairy stones belong to us, how can you take them away by force?"


These people shouted immediately.

"If it weren't for this young master, would the fairy stones on your bodies still remain? Since I have protected you for so long and you are not grateful at all, then why should I be polite to you, young master? As for the rules, they are only used to restrain you. You weaklings!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said coldly.

There are still three fairy stones on these people. Originally, Lin Xiu didn't intend to take them by force, but now it seems that if he doesn't take them himself, it would be too wasteful. These people still want to do tricks behind his back. If Lin Xiu It's fine if you don't know, but if Lin Xiu knows, you don't mean to be polite.

Since you are unkind, why should I be unrighteous?
Lin Xiu didn't leave any of the fairy stones on these people, and took them all away.

Lin Xiu got more than 4000 low-grade immortal stones from Kong Yang and the others. Each of these three people has at least 1500 low-grade immortal stones. It seems that the status of these three people is really extraordinary.

Other people only have more than 100 low-grade immortal stones, but the low-grade immortal stones on Kong Yang and others are only 10 times that of other people.

Now that there is someone's fairy stone here, Lin Xiu will naturally not accept it politely, and the fairy stone value of the fairy stone treasure box has reached 1 million.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting 1 million fairy stones, and the fairy stone treasure box has been upgraded to a star shining treasure box!"

Finally, the collection is over, and after absorbing 1 low-grade immortal stones, Lin Xiu still has 300 low-grade immortal stones on his body. Almost all the immortal stones on other people have been snatched by Lin Xiu. Tian Shu looked at Lin Xiu, he I also know why Lin Xiu treated him like this.

This person is not his brother Kong Yang, but Lin Xiu. He even slandered Lin Xiu just now. No wonder Lin Xiu teased him like this!

The faces of the other people were also full of frustration. Lin Xiu treated them like this, even if they felt a little bitter in their hearts, they couldn't refute anything.

The testers here have all been defeated by Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu has no chance to stay anymore, because the sequelae of the power of sky fire have already appeared.

Using the power of the sky fire can allow Lin Xiu to increase his strength in a short period of time, but the consequence is that in the next day, the realm will go back a level. This is also because Lin Xiu's body is strong enough. If so, it is estimated that at least a week of recuperation will be required.

Lin Xiu's current realm has regressed, and his body is a little weak. He doesn't want to encounter any trouble here.

"It's time for us to leave here!" Lin Xiu said to the people around him.

Just now, I was on Lin Xiu's side, and I didn't say anything bad about him, only Mo Yue, Yun Yan, Tang Qing, and Wu Chen, and Zhang Zhong and others in successive years, but now the testers are all defeated by Lin Xiu. At hand, there will naturally be no danger here.

"Benefactor Lin Xiu, thank you so much this time, if you weren't there, the poor monk might have lost a lot of fairy stones this time!" Wu Chen said.

Wuchen usually looks like a monk, but if this person becomes angry, he will look like a thug. Lin Xiu is a little surprised. How did this guy become a monk and be accepted as a disciple by that Buddhist sect.

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't care about these things. He had already walked out of the trial forest with everything around him. Outside the trial forest, those new students who were brought out before, and those who were defeated by Lin Xiu Both are there.

Seeing Lin Xiu and others coming out, the faces of these people changed.

"Junior Brother Lin Xiu, we will be disciples of the same Holy Academy from now on!"

"Junior brother Lin Xiu's strength is astonishing, his talent is astonishing, and he will definitely become an outstanding figure in our Holy Academy in the future!"

"With Junior Brother Lin Xiu's talent, given time, he will definitely be able to enter the Holy Realm!"


To Lin Xiu's surprise, the testers around who were defeated by Lin Xiu came up to congratulate Lin Xiu immediately. It seemed that they already knew that Lin Xiu had defeated others this time and came out.

When Lin Xiu thought about it, it was not difficult to guess what these people were thinking. After all, Lin Xiu had already proved his strength. A freshman was able to defeat so many testers, and even escaped from the hands of Kong Yang and the others. .

Such people's achievements in the future will definitely not be comparable to these people. If they make friends with Lin Xiu now, it is the best choice for them.

These people are obviously here to hug Lin Xiu's thigh!
"Are you Lin Xiu?" At this moment, a group of people walked to this side, and the leader looked haughty with disdain in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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