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Chapter 1018 This young master is asking, who are you!

Chapter 1018 This young master is asking, who are you!
"Yes, I am Lin Xiu!" Lin Xiu replied.

After the man heard it, he only saw that he made a sudden move and punched Lin Xiushuang.

Lin Xiu's face changed, he would never have thought that the other party would suddenly attack and punch Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu could only resist with his palm in a hurry.

I only saw Lin Xiu being kicked out, but Lin Xiu's body was so strong, his eyes were full of chills: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, I just want to teach you a lesson and let you know what a real strong man is. Don't think that you can make trouble here because you have some talent. Otherwise, you don't know how to die!" The man sneered Said.

"My young master is asking, who are you!" Lin Xiu stood up, his eyes glowing with coldness.

"I'm from Tianhong Peak in Qiuyuan, and my name is He Ming, you..." This person didn't finish speaking, only to see a huge flaming palm slapping him.

"Boom!" Only the ground was blasted to the ground.

The scorching high temperature made the people around only feel a burst of heat in their bodies. This feeling was really unexpected. Everyone couldn't believe it. Lin Xiu dared to fight back!

He Ming rushed out from the ground, he looked quite embarrassed, the original He Ming was also handsome, but the current He Ming has disheveled hair.

A lot of the clothes on He Ming's body have been burned, and many places on his body have been burned. It is not difficult to see that He Ming has suffered serious injuries.

He Ming was also attacked by this flaming hand unexpectedly, but fortunately, Lin Xiu's realm has dropped, otherwise this move would definitely make him more seriously injured.

Lin Xiu was a little disappointed. The power of the Great Flame Hand had dropped by at least [-]% compared to the power displayed at the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Now He Ming is very angry, he can't help but want to make a move, but if he makes a move now, it will be too much.

"He Ming, right? You attacked me today, I wrote it down, next time we meet, I will definitely return it to you tenfold!" Lin Xiu said with a sneer.

"You want to attack me? Lin Xiu, do you know that I am the fifth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, if I hadn't lost my mind just now, do you think you could hurt me? You still want to challenge me?" He Ming said angrily .

"In this case, after three days, I will challenge Your Excellency. I wonder if you dare to fight? This battle will determine life and death! Do you dare?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


Lin Xiu dared to challenge He Ming, and it was a battle of life and death. Could it be that Lin Xiu was so confident that he thought he could deal with He Ming?
He Ming's strength is very strong, but at the peak of the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, Lin Xiu actually said that he would challenge him in three days. If Lin Xiu didn't seek his own death, or Lin Xiu had absolute confidence.

"Okay, since you want to die, I will give you a chance. I agree. See you on the stage of life and death in three days!" He Ming said coldly.

See you on stage?
The stage of life and death is the place to deal with conflicts in the holy courtyard. Anyone who can reach the stage of life and death will decide life and death in one battle.

He Ming agreed. This time, Lin Xiu might be in trouble. When everyone around him thought so, Liang Shu and others had already stepped out.

They were just following behind Lin Xiu, but they never expected that Lin Xiu in front of him would be in trouble so soon.

It was a little surprising that Lin Xiu decided to fight this one He Ming.

"What happened here?" Liang Shu asked.

"Senior brother He Ming is going to fight Lin Xiu in a battle of life and death!" One person replied.

"What? Senior brother He Ming, do you really want to make an appointment with Lin Xiu?" Upon hearing this sentence, Liang Shu became a little anxious.

"What's the matter? Liang Shu, do you think I will lose to him?" He Ming only heard that he and Liang Shu were friends, and now hearing Liang Shu's words, he was obviously dissatisfied.

"Senior brother He Ming, Kong Yang, Hei Ping, and Fei Ji have all been defeated by Lin Xiu. Do you really want to challenge him now?" Liang Shu said hastily.

"What?" Upon hearing these words, the faces of everyone present changed.

The three of Kong Yang lost to Lin Xiu?
If this is true, doesn't that mean that Lin Xiu's strength is still higher than the three of them?

"Aren't you kidding? This Lin Xiu is only on the second level of Martial Ancestor Realm. How can he be so powerful?" He Ming said with a frown.

"I didn't believe it at first, but I have fought against him before, and I am not his opponent!" Liang Shu said helplessly.

Not only is it not his opponent, he can blow me away with one move!
Liang Shu sighed in his heart, Lin Xiu's strength is very strong.

With the current strength that Lin Xiu possesses, his strength far surpasses others. Even if it is He Ming, is Lin Xiu's opponent?
Obviously, He Ming didn't realize this now, he glanced at Lin Xiu coldly, and said: "I don't believe he can win Kong Yang, let's go!"

He Ming led people into the trial forest. Inside, it seemed that only Kong Yang and the other three had not come out. Even the new students had all come out. Could it be that the three of Kong Yang really died here?
No matter what, this matter has to be investigated clearly, and the situation inside must be known. As for Lin Xiu who dared to provoke himself, after three days, he would not let Lin Xiu go!
Originally, He Ming saw that Lin Xiu was a freshman and had a great reputation, so he wanted to give Lin Xiu a shot at him. How could he have imagined that Lin Xiu would be so powerful, and he would not take him seriously at all.

He was even able to challenge him, and He Ming knew Fang Nan from the beginning, so he naturally knew the relationship between Lin Xiu and Fang Nan, so He Ming wanted to suppress Lin Xiu, which was also good in front of Fang Nan. If you want some benefits, for example, Fang Nan will reward him with a few Qi-enhancing pills.

After all, in the holy courtyard, the Qi Pei Pills are the same as the low-grade immortal stones, they are resources for cultivation. Whoever can get more Qi Pills will be able to practice faster.

And as long as you can get the Peiqi Pill, it's like ordinary people get food.

This is also the reason why it is different from warriors.

Warriors can absorb spiritual energy, but they can't go without food for a long time, but after entering the holy courtyard, they can get Qi Pei Pills, and they can use it as food without needing to eat any more food.

A Qi-Cultivating Pill can make a low-level Martial Ancestor do not need to eat any food for a month, and can get enough spiritual energy to practice. If he can get a few more pills, the speed of cultivation will be even faster!

(End of this chapter)

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