Chapter 1019

Lin Xiu is just a freshman, and to He Ming, there will be no threat at all. Because of this, when He Ming sees Lin Xiu, he will not be polite to suppress him at all.

But He Ming didn't expect that Lin Xiu's strength was still beyond his expectations, and he himself suffered a big loss when he didn't notice it for a while.

But this time, if he can get rid of Lin Xiu for Fang Nan, I believe Fang Nan will give him more benefits.

Therefore, He Ming has no reason to refuse this bet.

Just an hour later, He Ming's face became very ugly.

Beside He Ming, Liang Shu's expression also changed. Liang Shu came here with He Ming and other disciples of the Holy Court, looking for the whereabouts of Kong Yang and others, but what surprised them was that , They did find the whereabouts of Kong Yang and others.

But it was three corpses!

"How did this happen? Brother Kong Yang and the three of them were killed by Lin Xiu?" Liang Shu said with a frown.

"No, their flesh and blood have already been eaten, and this is the territory of the wolf demons. It is impossible for us to know whether the wolf demons killed them, or they were killed by Lin Xiu!" He There was a storm in Ming's heart.

If these three people joined forces, even He Ming would not be their opponent, but now these three people died here!
Even if Lin Xiu didn't do this matter, it still has something to do with Lin Xiu!
Thinking of this, He Ming felt cold sweat all over his back. If this Lin Xiu really had such strength, he would still challenge him, wouldn't he be courting death?

Lin Xiu's three-day period was probably because he was injured during the battle with these three people, and it took three days to recover!

If this is the case, then this time, he and Lin Xiu fought against each other, didn't they still take advantage?Even so, He Ming still suffered a big loss!
Lin Xiu hurt him, but the injury he caused to Lin Xiu was not serious at all.

"Senior Brother He Ming, Senior Brother He Ming, what are you thinking?" Liang Shu was only heard to say.

"What's the matter?" He Ming asked.

"How should we deal with the matter here?" Liang Shu asked.

"What else can we do? Send the corpse here back to the holy courtyard first. By the way, send this news back to Tianhong Peak. I think Senior Brother Kong Guo will definitely teach Lin Xiu a lesson!" He Ming said.

If Kong Guo is willing to make a move, this Lin Xiu has no chance of surviving. After all, Kong Guo is a true disciple, the existence of the Holy Realm!

In the entire holy courtyard, there are only 23 true disciples, and each of them has the strength of the holy realm. As long as their realm can be improved, they will definitely be able to enter the sanctuary in the future, which is the real center of the mainland.

And in the Holy Court, the status of these true disciples is not lower than those of the elders in the Holy Court!

In this holy courtyard, besides the dean, the two vice-principals and the four elders are respected, and the status of some true disciples is only below these seven!

It is conceivable how high the status of these true disciples is.

However, when the strength of the true disciples reaches a certain level, they will leave the Holy Court and look for new opportunities, so that they can step into a higher realm.

But no matter how far those true disciples grow up in the future, they must not forget that they were also members of this holy courtyard!

And in the holy courtyard, there is a saying, that is, if it is not true, then it is a mediocrity!
If you can't reach the holy land and become a true disciple, then you are no different from a mediocre person.

Of course, it is not that simple to step into the holy realm. In the holy courtyard, there are many existences who have cultivated for hundreds of years and still cannot step into the holy realm. Those people can live up to 300 years before they disappear.

Only by stepping into the Holy Realm can the lifespan be extended to 500 years!
The Holy Realm is the only way to pursue longevity.

Lin Xiu is now stepping on this road. After Lin Xiu arrived here, he realized that this continent is much bigger than he imagined!Just one holy courtyard stretches for tens of millions of miles.

After Lin Xiu and others entered the gate of the holy courtyard, they could see there were Zongshan Mountains here. These Zongshan Mountains were full of aura, and as long as they practiced in them for a year, they could compare it to Fenggu Continent for a hundred years.

In this way, it is not difficult to imagine why there are so many and such powerful existences in this holy courtyard.

"Everyone, you are very welcome to join our Holy Court. I am the deacon elder here, and my name is Song Gao. Within three months, you will be protected by our Holy Court. As long as someone takes action against you, we will definitely investigate Come out, punish this person severely, so everyone can rest assured!" A middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Within three months? What if after three months?" Someone asked.

: "After three months? If you meet some powerful disciples, you have to be careful, but in the sect, apart from the true disciples, other disciples are not allowed to kill people casually, otherwise they will also be punished Yes!" Song Gao smiled.

Lin Xiu caught the meaning of Song Gao's words. True disciples can kill people at will. If other disciples kill someone, they only need to pay the price!
This rule is so bloody!
Although Lin Xiu had already guessed that this holy courtyard would not be a place of peace, this rule also made Lin Xiu feel a little chill behind his back.

Holy land, what kind of existence is it?
"Everyone who has just joined our Holy Academy, it is best to be protected by our true disciples. Of course, if not, then you can only rely on your own efforts to cultivate. Next, I will register you and give you identity cards. You are the disciples of our Holy Academy!" Song Gao said.

"Elder Deacon, I don't know how we can get the inheritance of the Holy Court?" Wu Chen asked.

"If you want to get the inheritance of our Holy Academy, you can get ordinary emperor-level martial arts through the scripture pavilion of the Holy Academy, but if you want to get supernatural powers, even if they are just low-level magical powers, you have to do things for our Holy Academy. Here!" Song Gao explained.

"Working for the Holy Court, you can have merit points, merit points, which can be exchanged for magical powers in our Holy Court, or medicines, fairy stones, the easiest way is to go to the Demon Realm to hunt down the earth demons, even the sky demons, as long as you kill them, We will be able to bring their corpses back!"

"If you don't have this kind of ability, you can also refine pills for our holy courtyard. For some simple pills, you only need to use your holy power... No, you can use your soul power to refine them!"

(End of this chapter)

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