Chapter 1020

"Besides, you can also plant and take care of spirit grass, spirit beasts and the like for some senior brothers, and you can also gain the favor of senior brothers, and you may be taught magical powers by them, and there is..."

Song Gao explained it completely, and Lin Xiu listened intently, but there were some things that Lin Xiu didn't understand, for example, what is this Demon Realm, Earth Demon and Sky Demon?
There is also refining the elixir of this continent, what is that, these Lin Xius don't know.

"Okay, everyone, what is assigned to you now is some relatively simple records about this Ten Thousand Laws Continent. If you are interested, you can go to our Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to find the complete records!"

"In the Sutra Pavilion, apart from supernatural powers and secret arts, other materials can be found, but there are too many materials recorded here, so I won't introduce them one by one. Now I will allocate your own caves. You can practice there, plant your medicinal herbs, raise your spirit beasts, or..."

After Song Gao introduced them again, he returned the identity cards to them and gave the freshmen a map.

The map of the holy courtyard also marked the places that they could not enter, especially the places where the 23 true disciples were, and they were not allowed to enter.

"Okay, everyone, now is the time for you to move freely. You can choose where you want to go. I still have things to do. If you want to find me, you can go to the Law Enforcement Hall to find me. On the map It's good to have a sign!" After Song Gao finished speaking, he only saw him turn into a ray of light and then disappear.

This must be a supernatural trick, and this supernatural trick is really cool to use!
"The cave where we are located is still very close, it seems that we can take care of each other!" Tang Qing said

"This time, I would like to thank Master Lin Xiu. If it weren't for Master Lin Xiu, Yun Yan would not have been able to come here safely!" Yun Yan said.

"It's just a deal, no thanks!" Lin Xiu said with a wave of his hand

"Master Lin Xiu, I don't know if you would like to be with us. Based on what we know about you, Master Lin Xiu, you seem to be very good at medicine!" Only one of them said.

There are a total of three freshmen here, walking to Lin Xiu's side.

"I know a little bit about medicine, so what?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Master Lin Xiu, if that's the case, why don't you go with us to the Tiannv Peak, it is said that there is a true disciple there, she also has research in medical skills, maybe she is willing to take us in!" said the freshman.

"Tiannvfeng?" Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he heard it.

"That's right, there is a true disciple senior sister in Tiannv Peak, Master Lin Xiu, you should also know that if we join here, it will definitely benefit us a lot if we join here and have a true disciple protect us. Would you like to go with us? ?” said another freshman.

"Of course I'm going, but...why should I take you with me?" Lin Xiu's face showed a bewildered expression.

"You!" One of the freshmen said angrily, "We told you this news, how could you treat us like this?"

"I can treat you as I like, do you have any objections?" Lin Xiusuo said naturally.

"We..." These people still wanted to speak.

"Hold it if you're interested, I don't want to hear it either!" Lin Xiu waved his hand.

Several people were so angry that they wanted to say something, but at this moment, a sword light suddenly descended from the sky, Lin Xiu's face changed drastically, his body swayed, and he left the spot, dragging Tang Qing, Mo Yue and the two backed out .

When Lin Xiu looked back, he only saw that his face was a bit ugly, and there was a deep mark on the place where he was standing.

This is a bottomless ravine, which looks quite terrifying. If it falls on Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu will definitely die!
The freshmen who were by Lin Xiu's side and recruited Lin Xiu just now have been cut in half. The sword just now didn't kill Lin Xiu, but it did kill them!
Lin Xiu was not angry or sad at the death of these people, because it was too late for Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu could feel that a figure appeared above him.

"I didn't expect that you have some strength, and your reaction is so fast!" I only heard the man say lightly.

"Who are you? Why did you come to kill me?" Lin Xiu said with a frown.

Although this man didn't say it clearly, Lin Xiu could feel that the other party's heart was full of murderous intentions!This man really wanted to kill Lin Xiu!

"Because my surname is Kong, you should know why?" The man in front of him said with a sneer, "My surname is Kong, and my name is Kong Guo!"

"Lin Xiu, if you dare to kill members of the Kong family, you should have expected today, right?"

"You have to pay the price for killing the Kong family. Today is your death day!"

"Even if Senior Brother Kong Guo doesn't do it himself, you will surely die. It is your honor to die by Senior Brother Kong Guo's hands!"


Around Kong Guo, countless powerful warriors suddenly appeared. The realm of these warriors is the high-level Martial Ancestor Realm!

So many strong people come?
A trace of coldness appeared in Lin Xiu's heart, but Lin Xiu didn't panic. He still had a trump card in his hand. As long as Bai Suzhen was summoned, Lin Xiu believed that all the strong men in front of him could be killed.

"Lin Xiu, you have potential, but unfortunately, you offended someone who shouldn't be offended. If you are willing to kneel down and beg me for mercy, I might be able to let you live!" Kong Guo said lightly.

Kneel down and beg for mercy?
Hearing these words, Lin Xiu burst out with a powerful aura, and he said, "You don't have the qualifications to make me kneel down!"

"Really? You don't seem to realize your own strength yet. Do you know who I am? I am the true disciple of the Holy Academy, Kong Guo!" After Kong Guo finished speaking, at this moment, the huge momentum It rushed over to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu only felt a huge mountain appeared behind him, pressing on him, as if it wanted to crush Lin Xiu's body.

The momentum of the Holy Land!
Even if the other party doesn't say anything, Lin Xiu can still feel that this is the aura of the Holy Land, which wants to press his body down to the ground.

But there was a smile on Lin Xiu's face: "If you want to kill me, you can do it yourself. Can you threaten other people with your momentum, can you threaten me?"

At this moment, Lin Xiu's chest suddenly became hot, and a golden dragon suddenly rushed out, coiling around Lin Xiu's body.

The spirit of the dragon veins!

(End of this chapter)

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