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Chapter 1030 Are you here to give it to me specifically?

Chapter 1030 Are you here to give it to me specifically?
Low-grade supernatural powers, Sea Dragon Halberd!
The attack power of this level of attack will be stronger than that of Shuilan Yuanyin. If Lin Xiu wants to resist his magical attack, it may not be easy.

And now the speed of the Sea Dragon Halberd is frighteningly fast, and it has reached Lin Xiu in an instant. Lin Xiu has no way to dodge, but can only block it!
However, how can he resist the attack of the Sea Dragon Halberd?

At this moment, in front of Lin Xiu, a huge flame monster suddenly appeared and rushed towards Sea Dragon Halberd.

Beast Flame Art turned into a giant beast, trying to resist the attack of the sea dragon halberd, the fire beast and the sea dragon halberd disappeared almost instantly.

The power of Lin Xiu's spirit fire can indeed be compared with low-grade supernatural powers, and if its full power is exerted, it can even be compared with middle-grade supernatural powers.

Fang Nan didn't expect that Lin Xiu had other supernatural powers. This young man has so many tricks?

If the original Fang Nan didn't take Lin Xiu seriously, then the current Fang Nan already regards Lin Xiu as an opponent.

"Lin Xiu, I admit that I underestimated you before, but I won't anymore. I believe that you will definitely lose to me today!" Fang Nan stared at Lin Xiu, his eyes full of coldness.

"If you have any means, just take action. What nonsense are you talking about here?" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said lightly.

"Okay!" Fang Nan said coldly, "Since that's the case, I'll show you my trick!"

As Fang Nan spoke, he only saw a talisman appear on his palm.

Lin Xiu looked a little curious, what is this talisman used for?Summon a lightning attack?
The battle between Emperor Yan and the blue octopus in the sky did not stop, but neither of the two martial spirits could suppress the other. It can be seen that no matter which martial spirit it is, there is no way to defeat the opponent, so whether it is Lin Xiu Or Fang Nan, both gave up using Wuhun.

Martial souls can't be fused with blood, their power can't be compared with supernatural powers.

The strength that Fang Nan possesses now does not require the help of Wuhun. The talisman in his hand turned into a long spear.

Lin Xiu could tell at a glance that the spear was extraordinary, it was no longer extraordinary, it was quite cool!
Thunder and lightning continuously appeared around the spear in Fang Nan's hand, and it also made a "sizzling" sound, one could tell it was not ordinary.

"It's a talisman! How come there are so many good things on him?" Chen Xiang frowned, she already smelled a conspiracy.

Fang Nan has a spiritual armor on his body, which is already quite unscientific, but now Fang Nan even has a talisman!

"Amulet, how is this possible? Brother Fang Nan actually has a talisman on his body! A talisman can be compared to the value of spirit armor!"

"It is said that the talisman can only be forged by a real treasure refining master. Using a treasure to refine a talisman, in this way, it can be used by some weak disciples!"

"However, the talisman is already an 'artifact'. It is very powerful, and the power will be reduced once it is used. It is very precious. Even the senior brothers on the ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm may not have it. How can senior Fang Nan do it now? have?"


The people around couldn't understand it, but it was known that Fang Nan himself could not obtain such a treasure. He must have this kind of treasure because someone else lent it to him!
Someone wanted to help Fang Nan deal with Lin Xiu!

"Your gun looks powerful, I like it very much, are you here to give it to me?" Lin Xiu said with his eyes shining.

"I'll give it to you right now!" Fang Nan yelled, stabbing Lin Xiu with the thunder gun in his hand.

In the next moment, thunder and lightning exploded, and the silver thunder snake blasted towards Lin Xiu, its power was even stronger than the low-grade supernatural powers!
Lin Xiu dodged immediately, and he immediately saw that the ground exploded, and this thunder gun was able to emit such explosive power!
The following Fang Nan didn't intend to let Lin Xiu go. The power of the thunder gun was indeed powerful. Lin Xiu was a little shocked. How could the power of this thunder gun be stronger than his own Xuanxian iron epee?
Could it be that the Xuanxian iron epee I got was a fake fairy sword?

This is the weapon of the fairy world!
Of course, the Xuanxian Iron Epee Sword has no weapon spirit, so its power will definitely drop a lot.

It's just that Lin Xiu didn't expect that the power of this thunder gun would be so overbearing. If he was stabbed once, Lin Xiu would definitely be blown to pieces.

"Hahaha...Lin Xiu, aren't you very powerful? How can you only dodge? How powerful is my thunder gun? Don't you want it?"

"How can you resist the power of my thunder gun, you have to be careful, as long as I stab you, you will definitely die!"

"But no matter how much you dodge, it's useless, because this is the stage of life and death. No matter where you go, I will kill you today!"


Fang Nan laughed wildly while stabbing at Lin Xiu. The power of the thunder gun was indeed an explosion, and the ground was blasted into holes. If Lin Xiu had no other way, Lin Xiu today would undoubtedly be defeated. The difference in realm , plus the opponent has something like a talisman.

As long as Fang Nan can stab Lin Xiu once, it is impossible for Lin Xiu to survive.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Xiu must be very careful, but in the eyes of others, Lin Xiu may have no way out, and this cannot be blamed on anyone, but Lin Xiu can only blame himself!

A smile finally appeared on Yang Xing's face. Who told Lin Xiu to be so arrogant and wanted to challenge Fang Nan? All of this was his own fault!

Although Lin Xiu is very strong, but unfortunately, he has not expected Fang Nan to have such a means!

But is Lin Xiu really helpless?

After Lin Xiu retreated, he said, "Fang Nan, since you want to give this thunder gun to this young master, then this young master will accept it without hesitation!"

"At this time, are you still talking big?" Fang Nan said disdainfully.

"Big talk? You will know now whether what I'm talking about is a big talk!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, only to see a tripod appear in front of him, and this tripod was suspended in the air, emitting golden light.

"This... what is this? Is it a tripod?"

"Is this tripod also a magic weapon?"

"Impossible, right? Only a few true disciples can have a magic weapon. Will Lin Xiu have a magic weapon?"


Everyone obviously did not expect that Lin Xiu would sacrifice the Immortal Medicine Cauldron at this time, and this cauldron was originally a magic weapon of the immortal family that integrated offense and defense. Lin Xiu got it, so naturally he would not pay attention to Fang Nan.

"Fang Nan, today is the day of your death!" Lin Xiu said lightly, only to see the cauldron suddenly sucked towards Fang Nan.

(End of this chapter)

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