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Chapter 1031 Yang Xing, you come up too!

Chapter 1031 Yang Xing, you come up too!
Fang Nan's face changed drastically. At this moment, he felt a great threat. You must know that the talisman in Fang Nan's hand was just an item that used a talisman as a magic weapon. Than, but after casting, it will disappear.

But Lin Xiu's cauldron is not a talisman weapon. When Lin Xiu summoned this cauldron and appeared, that is to say, the cauldron in Lin Xiu's hand is a real magic weapon!

Naturally, these people would not know that the item in Lin Xiu's hand was not just a magic weapon, but a real magic weapon of the fairy family!
Of course, what Lin Xiu didn't expect was that half of his soul power had been consumed when the Immortal Medicine Cauldron was summoned. This Immortal Medicine Cauldron was not something he could easily use at all.

If you use it against the enemy, you must be very careful, because if the medicine fairy cauldron fails to use, the soul power in Lin Xiu's body will also be exhausted.

But fortunately, the current Fang Nan had no way to dodge Lin Xiu's Immortal Medicine Cauldron. The Immortal Medicine Cauldron directly sucked Fang Nan into it and fell to the ground.

The Immortal Medicine Cauldron fell to the ground without the slightest wavering or waves, only Fang Nan had been refined inside the Immortal Medicine Cauldron.

None of the outsiders could see what was inside the cauldron, and they couldn't tell what this cauldron was. They only saw Lin Xiu's hand move, and two rays of light had already gushed out from inside the Yaoxian cauldron. A Talisman, and the Spirit Armor!
The remaining power of the Thunder Gun Talisman is not much, probably only enough for Lin Xiu to use it once, but it is not bad, and Lin Xiu put away the storage bag on Fang Nan's body politely.

"Lin Xiu, what happened to Fang Nan?" Yang Xing's voice came.

Everyone can see that what Lin Xiu got just now belonged to Fang Nan. In this way, Fang Nan is probably in danger. After all, Fang Nan's things were taken away by Lin Xiu. If he can still If you survived, how could things be taken away?

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, but if you want, his ashes will still remain!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, and the cauldron was turned over, and something like ashes was poured out of it.

In the Yaoxian Cauldron, everything can be refined, even if the ashes are burned to ashes, it can be done, but Lin Xiu is too lazy to waste his soul power doing such a thing, he has already taken the Yaoxian Cauldron back.

The Yaoxian cauldron turned into light and disappeared on Lin Xiu's body. Everyone understood that this cauldron is definitely a magic weapon!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive, and got four rewards for pretending to be aggressive, 800 points of pretending to be aggressive!"


However, magic weapons can also be divided into upper, middle and lower grades. I don’t know which one Lin Xiu’s magic weapon will be. Judging from the current situation, Lin Xiu’s cauldron can be used to refine people, and at least it belongs to the middle grade and above. Magical artifact.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not explain to these people. His eyes fell on Yang Xing. Yang Xing was obviously very angry, but he suppressed his anger.

Lin Xiu just glanced at Yang Xing, and he knew that this Yang Xing was not simple, he was a man with a gloomy heart.

In the future, Yang Xing might cause trouble for Lin Xiu. If so, how could Lin Xiu give him a chance?
"Yang Xing, I heard that you are Fang Nan's good friend. If that's the case, you can come up here. I'll give you a chance to take revenge!" Lin Xiu stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

When Lin Xiu said this, it was obvious that Yang Xing would not dare to come up. Now Lin Xiu actually has no power to fight anymore, because the use of the Immortal Medicine Cauldron has exhausted all the soul power in his body. Where is Lin Xiu? Is there any way to make another move?

However, Lin Xiu said this to scare Yang Xing. Yang Xing, a thoughtful and gloomy person, would never go to this stage of life and death, because Yang Xing was not sure that he could deal with Lin Xiu!
If Yang Xing really dares to come up... Lin Xiu will admit defeat!
Lin Xiu has Chen Xiang by his side, he doesn't believe that anyone can kill him!

The people around were shocked. After Lin Xiu challenged He Ming, he challenged Fang Nan. Now that Fang Nan was also killed by Lin Xiu, he still wanted to challenge Yang Xing?

"Lin Xiu is really too arrogant, but he does have this kind of arrogant ability. His strength is indeed different from ordinary people. If Yang Xing really goes up, he might be killed!"

"Just joining our Holy Academy, he was able to set off such a bloody storm. This is really a new generation of heroic youth!"

"In the future, Lin Xiu may really have the opportunity to become a true disciple. With his will and strength, it is no problem to enter the holy realm!"


The people around are already admiring Lin Xiu, and they are also quite admiring for Lin Xiu.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be coercive, and has been rewarded with five levels of coercion, 1000 pretense points!"


Yang Xing did not come up, he controlled his emotions, and then put on a smile on his face: "Junior brother Lin Xiu was joking, Fang Nan and I are just a casual acquaintance, but not a deep acquaintance, this Fang Nan offended Brother Lin Xiu, you are naturally just looking for death!"

"He deserved his death. Fang Dong overestimated his power and wanted to snatch Junior Brother Lin Xiu from your maid. That would be extremely stupid. Fang Nan was so bold that he tried to harm Junior Brother Lin Xiu many times. It was too much. This time Junior Brother Lin Xiu killed him, I think you did nothing wrong, Junior Brother Lin Xiu!"

Hearing Yang Xing's words, the people around were a little surprised. Many people present knew the relationship between Yang Xing and Fang Nan. They were good friends, but now, Yang Xing actually said such words.

This Yang Xing is so shameless!
Hearing Yang Xing's words, if it were someone else, maybe they wouldn't have pursued it.

But in Lin Xiu's eyes, he was even more jealous. He understood Yang Xing's words, but retreated to advance. This person will definitely cause trouble for himself in the future!

If the current Lin Xiu still has soul power, he will definitely not let Yang Xing go, but the current Lin Xiu can only let him go.

Lin Xiu looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh, I didn't want Fang Nan to take action. If only he could be as good as you, I don't need to use such means to deal with him! I want to kill him. , it will be very uncomfortable!"

"..." Magic Moon.

"..." Rou'er.

"..." Yang Xing.

The corners of the mouths of the others twitched. They didn't believe Lin Xiu's words at all. Lin Xiu didn't mean to be lenient in killing people. Would it be uncomfortable for this person to kill someone?What a joke!
After Yang Xing heard this sentence, he could only continue to smile without speaking.

But at this moment, a powerful aura appeared, and when Lin Xiu raised his head, he saw a man coming again.

(End of this chapter)

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