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Chapter 1038 What is the use of apprenticeship?Is there any pretense to upgrade quickly?

Chapter 1038 What is the use of apprenticeship?Is there any pretense to upgrade quickly?
You are a good guy?good thing?kind person?

When many elders heard Lin Xiu's words, their mouths twitched. In terms of shamelessness, they were really inferior to Lin Xiu. The degree of shamelessness of this young man was far beyond their imagination.

And more importantly, this Lin Xiu really didn't seem to have fallen into the devil's way!

It can be seen from Lin Xiu's words and deeds that Lin Xiu is normal. How can such a person fall into the devil's way?

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard Lin Xiu's words, Tang Ao asked: "Have you really subdued this magic sword?"

"Magic sword? Are you referring to this sword? I have indeed conquered this sword. Although it doesn't look very good, it has recognized me as the master now. You don't want to grab my sword?" Lin Xiu stared wide-eyed at the person in front of him.

To be honest, if they really want to snatch Lin Xiu's magic sword treasure chest, Lin Xiu really has nothing to do, but if the other party can do so shamelessly, it seems that Lin Xiu can only leave here as soon as possible.

"Huh, I think you must have fallen into the devil's way, and you even said such a thing, Vice President Tang, we must subdue him and let him hand over the magic sword, and we can't let him follow in Levi's footsteps! "Chen Songping said loudly.

"This magic sword has now recognized him as the master. If we take his magic sword by force, what do you want other disciples to think? This magic sword is here, and those who are destined can get it. Now Lin Xiu has obtained this magic sword. The sword is naturally destined!" Wang Yan said coldly.

The words of the two elders also changed the faces of the elders present. Now their eyes are all on Tang Ao. It must be unusual for this young man to be able to subdue the magic sword. I just don’t know how Tang Ao will decide. !

Tang Ao shook his head at this time, and he said: "Since Lin Xiu got this magic sword, we can't take it by force, but Lin Xiu, if you encounter any problems or show signs of being possessed, we will also deal with it. Yes, please trust our Holy Court!"

Tang Ao's words have already made clear his position. From now on, this magic sword belongs to Lin Xiu!

After Lin Xiu heard this, he was also relieved. If he was to be an enemy of the Holy Court, Lin Xiu was really unwilling. After all, his realm has not yet reached the level that can be compared with the Holy Court. Even if Bai Suzhen can do it with the help of Bai Suzhen To deal with the powerhouse of the Holy Court in front of him.

Lin Xiu himself has not yet stepped into the holy realm, so how will he survive in the Wanfa Continent in the future? Now Lin Xiu still needs to rely on this holy courtyard!

After Chen Songping heard Tang Ao's words, he was a little depressed and helpless, but that was all he could do. He had to stop listening to Tang Ao's words. If he didn't listen, he would betray the Holy Court.

Now Tang Ao has said that the magic sword belongs to Lin Xiu, and anyone who forcibly seizes the treasure will violate the rules of the holy courtyard.

"I'm Tang Ao, the deputy dean here, Lin Xiu. If you want, I can accept you as a disciple and guide you in cultivation!" Tang Ao said again.

As soon as this sentence came out, the disciples present looked at Lin Xiu with envious eyes. It was a great opportunity to become the disciple of Vice President Tang Ao. With the guidance of a famous teacher, this would allow them to enter the holy realm faster .

Many disciples wished they could be replaced by Lin Xiu, and immediately nodded in agreement.

The faces of the other elders also changed. They didn't expect Tang Ao to be so optimistic about Lin Xiu that he was willing to accept Lin Xiu as his disciple. As long as Lin Xiu agrees, the future is boundless!

Not far away, three figures appeared in the air, the faces of the three beauties attracted many people's attention, they were Chen Xiang, Rou'er and Yu'er.

"I didn't expect Lin Xiu to cause such a big incident, and he was also favored by Vice President Tang!" Only Yu'er said.

"As long as he agrees, the road to becoming a holy land will be much smoother in the future!" Rou'er said enviously.

"He won't agree!" Chen Xiang said calmly.

Won't agree?How is it possible, this is a good opportunity, Lin Xiu will not agree?
Rou'er and the two obviously didn't believe it, and their eyes fell on Lin Xiu.

I only heard Lin Xiu's voice: "Vice President Tang Ao's kindness, I appreciate it, but I have no idea of ​​apprenticeship for the time being, please forgive me, Vice President!"

Don't have any idea of ​​apprenticeship?Isn't that a subtle rejection?
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive, and got double rewards for pretending to be aggressive, 200 points of pretending to be aggressive!"


The eyes of the other people around looked at Lin Xiu changed. Lin Xiu was so arrogant and arrogant that he didn't even pay attention to Vice President Tang Ao, so he didn't want to be a teacher?

The other disciples really wanted to knock Lin Xiu's head open to see what he was thinking. Lin Xiu gave up such a good opportunity?You don't want to be Tang'ao's disciple, so give us this opportunity?We really want to be his disciples!
"Since this is the case, then I won't force it. Let's stop here today!" Tang Ao said, "If you change your mind in the future, you can still come to me!"

Tang Ao left with the other elders, Wang Yan glanced at Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu only heard a voice coming from his mind: "Be careful Chen Songping, you got the magic sword, he is likely to treat you Start in secret!"

"Thank you, elder, for reminding me. I don't know the elder's name?" Lin Xiu asked.

"The old man's name is Wang Yan. The young man is a bit arrogant. I hope you can go further!" Wang Yan turned and left after the sound transmission.

People around looked at Lin Xiu with shock. Lin Xiu rejected Tang Ao's apprenticeship, which was really unexpected.

Rou'er and Yu'er were even more taken aback, they never expected that Lin Xiu would do such a thing.

Really refused!
This is Tang Ao, the vice president of the Holy Academy. He is very powerful and is already one of the most powerful saint realm experts in the Holy Academy. Lin Xiu even refused!

Lin Xiu didn't care about this matter, instead of being a teacher, he hoped to collect more pretense points.

What is the use of apprenticeship?Is there any pretense to upgrade quickly?
If he became a teacher, it might reveal something. Lin Xiu didn't want people to find out that he was cheating, so it's better to be alone.

Now that I have obtained this magic sword treasure chest, it seems that it is time to prepare and set off for the Little Demon Realm!
"Lin Xiu, we underestimated you. You actually rejected Vice President Tang's acceptance as an apprentice. Do you know how strong our Vice President Tang is? If only he was willing to accept me as an apprentice!" Rourou The son has come over, and said enviously.

"Lin Xiu's ability to subdue this demonic sword has a promising future, even if he doesn't become a teacher, his future achievements will be extraordinary!" Chen Xiang said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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