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Chapter 1039 You seem to need help!

Chapter 1039 You seem to need help!
In the eyes of others, the magic sword is a very powerful magic weapon, but in Lin Xiu's eyes, it is just a treasure box for collecting magic energy. Lin Xiu doesn't think its value can be compared with the treasure box.

But when Chen Xiang said this, Lin Xiu naturally wouldn't refute.

"Thank you for coming, today's business here is also over, let's go back first!" Lin Xiu said.

Chen Xiang came here probably because he was worried about Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu naturally thanked him.

Things here are over today.

Overnight, Lin Xiu's name spread throughout the Holy Academy. Lin Xiu took a look at his pretentious value, and he already had 850 million.

Everyone can feel that a genius is about to appear in the Holy Court. However, whether this genius can survive in half a year is the most important thing!

If he can survive, then Lin Xiu will soar into the sky, if not, then he can only drink his hatred and fall.

After all, Lin Xiu's compass can only be used once a day, so Lin Xiu didn't go out today.

But what surprised Lin Xiu was that for three consecutive days, Lin Xiu didn't detect any other treasure chests, and this compass seemed to be broken.

Lin Xiu can only choose to enter the Little Demon Realm first.

But before that, Lin Xiu needs to let the spirit armor recognize the master first. He only needs to drop blood on the spirit armor, and then he can let it cover himself to protect himself.

In addition to the Spirit Armor, Lin Xiu also possesses the lightning gun's talisman, which is not weak in terms of power.

Lin Xiu entered the Little Demon Realm alone, and Chen Xiang didn't mean to protect him. After all, if Lin Xiu couldn't grow up by himself, no matter how much protection she gave, it would have no effect.

After all, if you want to improve your strength, experience and soul power, you can't lack both. If Lin Xiu has been protected by her all the time, how can he grow up?

Judging from the current situation, Lin Xiu doesn't need his protection at all.

Xiaomoyu is an area, from here Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu borrowed a leaf boat that Chen Xiang gave him, the speed of this leaf boat is ten times faster than the Tianyi flying boat, but the current leaf boat is relatively small, So it can only hold three or four people at most.

Lin Xiu is acting alone now, and Ye Zhou took Lin Xiu over quickly.

Lin Xiu has already obtained the map, and it is not difficult to find the scope of Xiaomoyu.

But not long after Lin Xiu left, someone followed him.

And this time, there were five people who came here, and they were also on a magic weapon of the flying boat.

Whether it is Lin Xiu's Ye Zhou or the flying boat here, they all belong to the ranks of magic weapons, but these magic weapons are much easier to make than other magic weapons, and their value is far less than other magic weapons.

"Yang Xing, do we really want to join forces to deal with him? You think highly of him. In my opinion, he is nothing more than that. With his strength, no matter how strong he is, he is only a fifth-level Martial Ancestor Realm." That's it!" said one.

"Han Yi, don't underestimate him. The treasures in his hands are extraordinary. I heard that even Senior Brother Kong Guo has suffered from him!" Yang Xing said.

"I've also heard that he has a Danding in his hand, which is very powerful, and he has many kinds of supernatural powers. If we can get it, his strength will definitely improve a lot!" said a short man.

"That's right, this time, it's our good opportunity. As long as we interrogate him in the Little Demon Realm, then we can get his supernatural powers, as well as his magic weapon!" Another person said.

This time, Yang Xing invited a lot of people. He dealt with Lin Xiu, but after careful consideration, he knew that it was impossible to attack Lin Xiu in the holy courtyard. This time, he invited four people, plus him , and spent a lot of money in exchange for a treasure.

This time, Yang Xing paid a huge price to avenge Fang Nan, but as long as he can kill Lin Xiu, I believe it will be worth it!

Lin Xiu entered the Little Demon Realm, and he could immediately feel that the aura around here was very strong, not much worse than that of the Holy Court.

The aura in Xiaomoyu is naturally not low, because there are many rich fairy stone mines here, and if you are lucky, you can even get middle-grade fairy stones.

It is indeed fast to drive this Ye Zhou, but it also consumes the soul power very quickly. Lin Xiu must absorb the spiritual power in the fairy stone while consuming it, so that he can replenish his consumed soul power.

Lin Xiu's mental power is close to 1000, and his mental power can sense the people or other monsters around him.

There seemed to be some people in front of them. When Lin Xiu saw it, he was very happy immediately. It seemed that he could pretend to be aggressive again!

For Lin Xiu, pretending to be aggressive is the fastest way to upgrade. In order to upgrade, Lin Xiu can only reluctantly pretend to be aggressive!

In fact, this young master really doesn't like to pretend to be aggressive!
Lin Xiu thought shamelessly.

A woman in a long white dress, her dress is already stained with blood, and her face is a little pale. She is a little tired of coping with the pursuit of these demons.

Besides the woman, there were two other men, one was holding a spear, the other had turned into a giant lion, but even so, they still felt extremely strenuous when dealing with the enemies in front of them.

In front of these three humans, there are some humanoid bodies with pitch-black bodies. Their bodies even have scales, and some have white bone spurs on their bodies. Their faces are ferocious, and they look extremely strange.

These are the weaker creatures in the demon clan, belonging to the old demons.

But even the Old Demons already possessed supernatural powers, and there were ten of them. With ten enemies and three, they had the upper hand. If it weren't for the treasures on these three people, I am afraid that the three of them would have fallen here by now.

Now the spiritual armors on the three people are almost broken, only the woman has a willow branch in her hand, and the willow branch sweeps in front of her, and immediately a green light cuts in front of her.

This green light hit one of the old demons, the old demon was immediately repelled, and a wound appeared on his body, which looked quite hideous, but the old demon immediately stepped back, and the wound on his body began to recover .

The old demon's recovery power is actually so fast!The other Old Demons could emit black light from their mouths, and the three of them had no way to dodge it, they could only watch the black light swallow them up.

"Boom!" A jade pendant on the woman's body was shattered, this was the last defense method of the three of them.

Are we really going to die here?The three women thought at the same time.

"Everyone, you seem to need help!" A voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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