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Chapter 1062 The Soul of the Demon Sword

Chapter 1062 The Soul of the Demon Sword
The Magic Sword Treasure Chest has finally been upgraded successfully. The current Treasure Chest has grown into a Shining Star Treasure Chest, and I don’t know what can be opened.

Lin Xiu gained quite a lot from this trip to Demon Soul Mountain. Lin Xiu only took half of the corpses of the old demons here. Even so, the people here are very grateful to Lin Xiu.

If Lin Xiu hadn't made a move today, they would have been killed this time. How could they get Old Demon's corpse?

The head of the Heavenly Demon, and the head of the Earth Demon, if they are brought back, these feats will be very terrifying, Lin Xiu will naturally not be polite, in his hands, in addition to the giant hammer, the Ice Crystal Bow also has a spiritual method Windmills can be used by Lin Xiuhua.

If Lin Xiu can refine these two treasures, it will make his strength even stronger.

Moreover, Jiang Xing is dead this time, and the threat from Cheng Shi, brother and sister and Song Yi will disappear, and Jiang Xing's people believe that they will not trouble the three of them again.

This time it was solved perfectly, but before that, Lin Xiu still needs to do one more thing.

"Master, Jingjing has something to ask for!" Only Bai Jingjing said.

"Jingjing can tell me anything, as long as I can help, I will definitely not refuse!" Lin Xiu replied quickly.

Of course, this must be helpful!

After all, this is the existence of the second level of the Holy Realm, which can easily kill the first-tier Saint Realm powerhouse, and now Bai Jingjing even asks Lin Xiu for help. This painting may not be easy.

But in this way, it seems that Bai Jingjing will not disappear easily. As long as Lin Xiu promises her, she will definitely stay by Lin Xiu's side in the future. This is a good thing for Lin Xiu now.

"My two daughters have been trapped on Baihu Ridge for many years. I was able to escape by chance. I want to seek help from other people. Today, I saw that Master Lin Xiu has great merit and virtue. He must be a famous master, so I came here specially to visit Master Lin Xiu, and I am willing to be your slave!" Bai Jingjing said.

It's not that Lin Xiu has never seen similar words before, and this kind of words may have been added to her by the system.

Of course, Lin Xiu wouldn't try to tear it apart again, Lin Xiu immediately said: "Jingjing, you are serious, I will definitely help you with this matter!"

"Master Lin Xiu, there is a white tiger demon infested on Baihu Ridge, and I was forced to leave, so I hope that one day, the young master will have the strength above the concentration level to be able to take action, otherwise, it is very likely that I will encounter Dangerous!" Bai Jingjing said.

The Concentration Realm is the fourth floor of the Holy Realm, much stronger than Bai Jingjing, no wonder she came to seek Lin Xiu's help.

According to what Bai Jingjing said, after she escaped, she has been lurking on the Devil Soul Mountain, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon here to practice, so that she can have the current strength.

"This matter is on me. When I have enough strength, I will definitely rescue your daughter for you!" Lin Xiu said, patting his chest.

"Thank you sir!" Bai Jingjing said gratefully.

"Bai Jingjing's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 50!"

Bai Jingjing's favorability has really increased very quickly, and her appearance is not that of a young girl, but more like a young woman. Many men will be fascinated by her.

If Lin Xiu had some kind of unreasonable request to her now, Bai Jingjing would not necessarily refuse, relying on Lin Xiu, but how could Lin Xiu have such thoughts now.

"Ding, leave the Dungeon of Demon Soul Mountain, and start to settle rewards! Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Xingyao treasure chest!"

After Lin Xiu left the Demon Soul Mountain, he immediately found a place to open the treasure chest.

Lin Xiu held the magic sword in his hand. At this moment, Lin Xiu only felt the monstrous magic power coming, and his face was a little weird.

"Master Lin Xiu, this sword is a bit ominous. If you carry it, you may lose your mind and fall into the evil way!" Bai Jingjing reminded.

"Don't worry, my young master is immune to evil!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the magic sword weapon soul. This weapon soul must find a powerful weapon to fuse with it within a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, the weapon soul will be free and may even threaten the host!" The voice of the system suddenly sounded.

Lin Xiu was taken aback, this turned out to be the magic sword weapon soul?And you need to use other weapons to fuse with it?

But when the system said this, Lin Xiu couldn't believe it. He had a weapon in his hand that was very suitable for fusion with it.

I only saw a sword appearing in Lin Xiu's hand, it was the Xuanxian iron epee.

The Xuanxian iron epee was originally very powerful, but without the soul of the weapon, its power was not even comparable to the magic weapon.

Now if the soul of this magic sword is fused with it, its power will definitely become even stronger.

Lin Xiu held the Xuanxian iron epee and slashed at the magic sword in front of him.

Although the magic sword is powerful, there is still a lot of gap compared with the Xuanxian Iron Epee Sword. It was cut in half by the Xuanxian Iron Epee Sword.

At this moment, a huge amount of black talent had already surged out, and the black mist turned into a figure.

"I thought who got my magic sword, it turned out to be you!" Only a voice came from the black mist.

"Who are you?" Lin Xiu said a little surprised.

"Young master, be careful, this must be some evil thing!" Bai Jingjing said anxiously.

"Who am I? I am a powerful holy man. My name is Tiandou Shengzun. Now you and I have the chance to break the seal of this magic sword, so I am willing to pass on my inheritance to you , if you want, you can kneel down and kowtow to me three times!" Hei Wu said.

"You want me to kowtow to you?" Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face when he heard it.

"That's right, my strength is beyond what you can imagine, and the supernatural powers I have cultivated, as well as my magical weapons, can all be passed on to you. As long as you can avenge me, I will give them all to you. But you must worship me as your teacher!" the black mist said again.

"It's not a problem to have you as a teacher, but you have to tell me first what supernatural powers you have and what magic weapon you have!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"I have 37 kinds of supernatural powers. Even if it is a high-grade magic weapon, I have five pieces. My supernatural powers are rare in the world. If you are a teacher, I will teach you!" Heiwu's voice came again.

"No, I still think that you should teach me the supernatural power first, otherwise, today's teacher will not be able to worship!" Lin Xiu said, and the Xuanxian iron epee was slowly raised.

"Young man, don't you even want to take this little loss? In that case, but... what do you want to do?" The black mist seemed to feel something was wrong, and he quickly shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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