Chapter 1063
The black mist has now poured over the Xuanxian Iron Epee Sword, and this giant sword has been stained with a layer of pitch black.

"What do you want to do? Of course I want my weapon to have a weapon soul!" The smile on Lin Xiu's face became more intense.

"What? You bastard, you dare to treat me like this, Tian Dou Shengzun? Are you not afraid that I will kill you in a fit of anger?" Hei Wu was furious, and his voice became louder.

"Master!" Bai Jingjing said hastily.

"Don't worry, he's just talking nonsense here, what kind of Heaven Dou Shengzun, he's just a lost dog!" Lin Xiu said disdainfully, "If I guess correctly, he is the one who was killed by the Holy Academy His disciple is named Sword Emperor!"

The black mist was silent, and Lin Xiu continued: "You just wanted to delay the time, but unfortunately, the person you met was me, you have no chance to seize the house, and you have no chance to kill me, and I, I will make you my weapon soul!"

"You... how do you know so many things?" Finally, a voice appeared in the magic mist.

"It's not difficult to guess!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Okay, you're right, but if I don't fuse with the sword soul, your sword can't be fused with me, and its power can't be fully displayed. If you promise me one thing, I'm willing to be your sword soul." My sword soul can even tell you about my sword emperor's other supernatural powers!" Mo Wu's voice came.

"I'm not interested in your supernatural powers. I also have my own way to turn you into my sword soul. Your calculation seems to be wrong!" Lin Xiu's voice came.

"Even if I beg you, please avenge me!" A voice came out of the black mist.

"I don't want to do anything that is not beneficial!" Lin Xiu said again.

"You got the magic sword, but you got my secret. Even if you don't help me, you won't be able to survive. He will come to trouble you!" There was a pleading tone in the black mist's voice.

Most of the current black mist has been absorbed, even if this black mist is impossible to resist the current fate.

"Okay, please tell your story!" Lin Xiu said.

"Chen Songping, it was he who killed me. He wanted to get this magic sword, and he wanted to practice the Immortal and Demon Supreme Art. This skill, now in his hands, is a skill handed down from the fairy world. You must be careful of him..." Heiwu's voice came, but it had been completely swallowed by the Xuanxian iron epee.

Chen Songping?Lin Xiu was a little surprised. He seemed to have heard of this name before. Isn't this the elder he met on the Demon Sword Peak?If it is true what the sword emperor said, this elder wants to get the magic sword, and then practice the immortal and devil supreme art, he will really come to Lin Xiu sooner or later.

But Lin Xiu naturally wouldn't let the black mist go, the other party wanted to kill Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu was not kind enough to give the other party a chance.

Immediately, a strong black light appeared on the Xuanxian iron epee, and Lin Xiu could feel that it possessed the characteristics of the original magic sword, which can swallow the magic energy here, and its power should become much stronger in dealing with the demons .

Now it seems that its power is only at the level of a medium-grade magic weapon, but judging from this situation, it seems that it can absorb magic energy to upgrade.

Lin Xiu didn't think much about it, because he still had a treasure chest to open, another Xingyao treasure chest.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Supreme Spiritual Root of the wood system!"

Before Lin Xiu could react, he felt that the light in front of him had sunk into the center of his brow.

"Master!" Bai Jingjing exclaimed

From Bai Jingjing's perspective, she only saw a green light suddenly appear on Lin Xiu's palm, and this green light had already poured into the center of Lin Xiu's eyebrows.

This situation is not a good thing!
But Lin Xiu can feel that there are very mysterious changes in his body. Lin Xiu's injury is recovering quickly. Although the injury he suffered was not serious, there is a green light in Lin Xiu's body now. .

The appearance of wood-type spiritual roots can improve Lin Xiu's ability to practice supernatural powers!

Others have to cultivate to the holy realm before they can transform the blood in their bodies into spiritual roots. If they are lucky, they can even refine the martial souls in their bodies into magical weapons or supernatural powers.

But Lin Xiu was different. He directly stepped through this rule from the treasure chest, and obtained the spiritual root directly, and it was also the supreme spiritual root.

Lin Xiu has already seen from that classic that the gap between the spiritual root and the supreme spiritual root, in addition to the speed of cultivation and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, there is another change that is the supernatural power displayed, which will be more powerful!
Now if Lin Xiu wants to practice supernatural powers, there is only Changchun Gong, and his current state is still too low.

Because of this, Lin Xiu decided to exchange for the Martial Ancestor Realm Experience Pill Box.

To Lin Xiu's delight, there were five Martial Ancestor Realm Experience Pills in the treasure box of Martial Friendship Realm Experience Pills.

This time, it was a good thing. It only took Lin Xiu four days to raise his realm to the ninth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. It should be easier to practice Changchun Kung Fu when the time comes!
For five days in a row, Lin Xiu practiced here, and every day, Lin Xiu's realm improved by one level.

Bai Jingjing couldn't believe it, Lin Xiu's cultivation speed might not be too fast!

It only takes five days to upgrade from the fifth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm to the ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm!

Lin Xiu immediately began to practice Changchun Kung Fu. In fact, he had already practiced the Dragon Swallowing Jue to the extreme. Unless Lin Xiu could obtain a more advanced cultivation method of the Dragon Swallowing Jue, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to continue practicing. Now the supernatural powers are even more rare .

Practicing the Changchun Kungfu allows Lin Xiu to cultivate the holy power of the wood spirit in his body. The same holy power of the wood spirit is ten times higher than the quality of the Dragon Swallowing Jue.

It's no wonder that a strong man in the holy realm is so much stronger than a strong man at the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm!

If the other nine-layer Martial Ancestor Realm powerhouses have no spiritual roots at all, let alone practice supernatural powers, the huge holy power alone can crush the Martial Ancestor Realm powerhouses to death.

No wonder when Lin Xiu said that he wanted to challenge Kong Guo, the people around him were disdainful. They didn't believe that Lin Xiu could win this Kong Guo, because Kong Guo was a strong man in the holy realm, and he also practiced supernatural powers .

Lin Xiu hadn't reached the holy realm, hadn't turned his blood into spiritual roots, and had no way to practice supernatural powers. No one would think that Lin Xiu would be Kong Guo's opponent.

It's just that Lin Xiu is unexpected now, he not only has spiritual roots, but also supreme spiritual roots, and he has already practiced Changchun Kung Fu and cultivated holy power!
(End of this chapter)

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