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Chapter 1064 Shocking the Sect

Chapter 1064 Shocking the Sect
Only those who are strong in the holy realm can possess holy power, but Lin Xiu also has it!

This is beyond common sense, and more importantly, Lin Xiu's Changchun Kungfu actually broke through during his cultivation!

There are twelve layers of Changchun Kungfu. After training, each layer can temper the holy power of Changchun Kungfu, and the magical powers displayed will become stronger.

Lin Xiu felt that his Changchun kungfu had already reached the second level, and it was estimated that it would have stronger holy power than other powerhouses at the first level of the holy realm. This is the difference in kung fu.

As for Lin Xiu's magic weapon, except for the giant hammer, Lin Xiu threw the other two magic weapons into his medicine fairy cauldron, and then dripped his own blood. Continuous refining, and then gradually transformed into Lin Xiu's magic weapon.

Lin Xiu took Bai Jingjing back to the holy courtyard. This time, Lin Xiu already had enough strength to challenge Kong Guo.

After exchanging the pretending treasure box, Lin Xiu's remaining pretending value is less than 100 million, but now Lin Xiu already has the strength of the ninth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. If he wants to use the pretending treasure box to upgrade, then 1 million pretense value is required.

It seems that the days of pretending to be aggressive still need to continue!
Lin Xiu went back to the Holy Court this time, and walked directly to the Hall of Merit.

During this period of time, Lin Xiu just put the corpses of the old demons into the medicine fairy cauldron and let them be refined automatically. Then all the corpses of these old demons were refined into Qi-Cultivating Pills. These Qi-Cultivating Pills are nothing to Lin Xiu. It worked, but Lin Xiu insisted on getting more than 1 Peiqi Pills.

Moreover, the heads of the earth demons and the heads of the sky demons here are all good things to exchange for meritorious deeds!

Lin Xiu directly entered the Hall of Merit, which surprised the stewards of the Hall of Merit. He only heard the steward say, "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to our Hall of Merit?"

"Disciple Lin Xiu, this time I hunted down some old demons, so I want to come to receive meritorious service!" Lin Xiu said.

"Earth demon? Well, you are indeed a disciple of our Holy Court!" The steward immediately said happily when he heard that, "If you kill a few old demons and hand over their heads, you will be able to get the corresponding merit. If you can If you bring their corpses here, then you will get [-]% of the Qi Cultivating Pill we refined!"

"I only brought the heads of these old demons here, but it might not be suitable to release them here!" Lin Xiu said after glancing at the hall.

The number of people who came to this hall of merit is not many, because few people who come here can change things, but there are still some people, and the number of people that can be accommodated in this hall is also quite large, but compared Those headrooms, that could be a little bit of a gap.

"There's nothing inappropriate, just hand over the heads of these old demons!" Only the manager said.

"If that's the case, please take care of the steward!" Lin Xiu said, and took out some old devil's heads from the ring. Of course, when Lin Xiu took out ten, the steward was smiling.

"Worthy of being a disciple of our Holy Court, what a formidable younger generation!" The steward said in admiration.

When Lin Xiu took out a hundred of the old devil's heads, the manager's face changed slightly, and he said, "Amazing, you are an excellent disciple!"

But when Lin Xiu took out [-] old devil heads, there was almost no room for this old devil's head, and the steward said quickly: "Enough, enough, there is no room here!"

"Su Guanshi, I still have more than 100 heads of Old Demons here, where do I need to hand them over?" Lin Xiu asked.

And a hundred old devil heads?When Steward Su heard this, his expression changed.

"Lin Xiu, you have made a great contribution this time. I will immediately find someone to invite the elder steward to come out!" Nasu steward said hastily.

This time, it was not so easy to deal with. If Lin Xiu killed so many earth demons by himself, then this young man must be extraordinary, and the matter of rewards also needs to be considered.

The elder in charge immediately came out. What Lin Xiu saw was that Elder Wang Yan. This Elder Wang Yan seemed to be the elder who spoke for him before. He was also very helpful to this Elder Wang Yan. Favorable.

"Elder Wang Yan!" Lin Xiu greeted him immediately.

"It turned out to be you, Lin Xiu. It's just been a few days since I've seen you. It's really impressive that you did such a shocking thing!" Wang Yan sighed.

"Ding, I have collected 100 million exclamation points from the holy land!"

"Where is it? It's just a trivial matter. I just did it conveniently for these earth demons. The demons are harmful to the world. People in my generation should kill them!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Okay, okay, with your words, I'm relieved!" I only heard Wang Yan say, "This time you hunted and killed six hundred old demons and brought their heads back. We will definitely count them down!" Your meritorious service!"

"Elder Wang Yan, actually, I didn't just kill six hundred old demons!" Lin Xiu said again.

"There are not only six hundred old demons?" Wang Yan said in surprise after hearing this.

"Yes, there are more than 800 Old Demons who died in my hands, but they were killed in the Devil Soul Mountain in conjunction with the other two righteous forces, so I gave them some credit for the Old Demons! " Lin Xiu replied.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive, and got double rewards for pretending to be aggressive, 400 points of pretending to be aggressive!"


This time there were five stewards following Wang Yan, all of whom were startled by Lin Xiu's words.

"But if this is the case, it can't be counted, then I still have the heads of two strong demons here!" Lin Xiu said again.


Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the faces of Wang Yan and all the stewards changed at the same time. What did Lin Xiu just say?He actually killed the Heavenly Demon and brought the Heavenly Demon's head?
How can it be?

"Lin Xiu, are you serious? Did you really kill the Heavenly Demon?" Wang Yan said a little excitedly.

"Of course it's true. Look, here are the heads of two heavenly demons!" Lin Xiu said, taking out the heads of a handsome man and a beautiful woman.

"Sure enough, it's a heavenly demon!" Many stewards immediately recognized it.

"I didn't expect you to be able to slay the heavenly demon before stepping into the holy realm. This kind of thing is very rare. You did it today. Our holy realm will definitely give you a good reward!" Wang Yan Said again.

The people present were also shocked by Lin Xiu.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be coercive, and got triple coercion rewards, 600 pretense points!"


"Wang Yan is in charge, I heard that the true disciples who listen to the way of killing demons seem to get some rewards too! Isn't that right?" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes, did you kill the disciple of the Demon Dao?" Hearing this sentence, the people present were surprised again.

(End of this chapter)

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