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Chapter 1095 One Acre of Immortal Field

Chapter 1095

In Wanfa Continent, a bald monk suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes shone like two golden beads, and he spat out a sentence: "Bai Suzhen, I never expected that you could still live!" Come down, and dare to appear again, great!"

"Last time, it was your younger sister, Xiaoqing, who entangled me and made you escape. This time, I want to see if there is any other way for you to escape. I'm afraid you would never have thought in your dreams that you would Have the imprint left by me! It is absolutely impossible to escape from my Fahai's hands!"

After Lin Xiu took Bai Suzhen and Bai Jingjing away, he received a system prompt.

"The host has already been targeted by Bai Suzhen's hostile camp, Fa Hai. Fa Hai's Dharma is profound, and the host is far inferior now. Therefore, it is recommended that the host must run away when encountering it, and must not fight against it!"


Nima, no way!

Lin Xiu wanted to scold her, although Lin Xiu had never heard of the story between Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian, and Fa Hai, Lin Xiu could even guess that after Bai Suzhen summoned, Fa Hai would indeed appear as his own enemy.

But thinking of that stubborn old guy becoming his enemy, Lin Xiu was still a little apprehensive.

"Eunuch, I have completed my repayment this time, and I can leave here now! I hope my benefactor can take care!" Bai Suzhen said.

After Lin Xiu heard this, his heart trembled, let Bai Suzhen leave now?This is a very dangerous thing, Lin Xiu is not willing to let Bai Suzhen leave now.

Once she leaves now, neither Mo Liang nor Wang Ze will let Lin Xiu go, so whether Lin Xiu is willing or not, Bai Suzhen cannot leave now.

But, how to stop Bai Suzhen from leaving?

Lin Xiu's thoughts changed sharply, and he said, "Suzhen, you can't leave!"

After Bai Jingjing heard it, she couldn't help being taken aback, Lin Xiu was quite courageous, did he fall in love with Bai Suzhen?

If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with Lin Xiu's words.

However, Bai Suzhen is not an ordinary woman, it may not be easy for Lin Xiu to let her stay.

Bai Suzhen was also a little puzzled, Lin Xiu, what exactly do you want to do?
"Suzhen, you saved me, so I should help you too!" Lin Xiu said.

"Help me?" Bai Suzhen was stunned and asked.

"That's right, if I'm not mistaken, Bai Suzhen, you should have an enemy chasing you!" Lin Xiu said.

Bai Suzhen's expression changed, and she said, "Grandfather, did you know about this?"

"Because I'm not an ordinary person, I know your origin and have heard your name!" Lin Xiu said.

After Bai Suzhen heard it, her expression changed again: "Engong, since you know, you should also understand that my enemy, how powerful he is, he is not something you can handle!"

"It's just for now, Suzhen, if you believe me, I can guarantee that I will be able to deal with your future enemies!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said immediately.

"Engong, are you serious?" Bai Suzhen said hastily.

"Of course it's true, my young master never tells lies!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

Bai Suzhen looked into Lin Xiu's eyes, her face was clearly surprised, and she said, "Grandfather..."

"You can call me young master from now on!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Master Lin Xiu, I don't know why, there seems to be a voice in the dark saying to me, Master Lin Xiu, you are the noble person I love, and with the young master, that enemy should not threaten Suzhen again." !" Bai Suzhen said, "Suzhen is willing to follow the young master!"

"Bai Suzhen's favorability with the host has increased, and it is currently 40!"

Lin Xiu didn't know whether what Bai Suzhen was talking about was the system, but Bai Suzhen came out here because of the God and Demon Card obtained from the system. This so-called "God's Will" probably appeared because of the system!

In any case, this is a good thing for Lin Xiu.

Bai Suzhen was finally willing to stay. Although there might be a Fa Hai in the future, Lin Xiu couldn't care less now. If Lin Xiu was beheaded now, what would be the future?
Lin Xiu was alone in the room, and he took out the spiritual grass treasure box, which had already turned into a star treasure box.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting an acre of fairy garden!"

After Lin Xiu heard the news, he couldn't help being taken aback, an acre of fairyland?
What is the use of this kind of thing?

Lin Xiu's expression was a bit strange, he only saw that this acre of fairy land turned into a ring and landed in front of Lin Xiu.

After Lin Xiu took the ring, he could immediately feel that there was indeed an acre of fields in this ring, and there was nothing strange about the soil.

It was only then that Lin Xiu remembered that there were some ordinary spiritual grass seeds in his Najie.

Lin Xiu put these seeds into the Xiantian ring, and the seeds immediately sowed themselves and entered the soil.

To Lin Xiu's surprise, there was no change here.

no change?

Lin Xiu is a little depressed, is this a fake Xiantian?

"Inside an acre of fairy field, one day outside, the spiritual grass planted in this fairy field takes a year, and any fairy grass can also be planted in it. In the future, there is a chance to improve the level of the fairy field or expand the area of ​​​​the fairy field."

"There is a fairy well in the fairy field. Watering the spirit grass with water from the fairy well can increase the medicine age by ten years, but the effect is only once a day!"

After the introduction of the system, Lin Xiu realized that this fairyland was used in this way, but it is really troublesome for Lin Xiu to manage the fairyland here. It would be best if he could find someone to manage the fairyland here up.

But now Lin Xiu can't find anyone who can do this, and it seems that even living creatures can't get into the Xiantian ring.

This kind of thing is not very useful to Lin Xiu now, but it may be useful in the future. At least Lin Xiu now has no intention to manage this fairyland!
The next day, Lin Xiu had already left the holy courtyard. This time, Lin Xiu left Bai Jingjing to look at the Demon Sword Peak, and then took Bai Suzhen and Chen Xiang to Shen's house.

Because Lin Xiu had promised Chen Xiang that he would go to that Shen family with Chen Xiang, and he would also help Chen Xiang become the head of the Shen family, and then save Chen Xiang's father.

For Lin Xiu, this is a good opportunity to pretend to be aggressive!
Now if Lin Xiu wants to improve his realm faster, besides getting the opportunity against the sky, what's more, he has to keep pretending to be forceful!
Because only by pretending to be forceful all the time, can you exchange for the holy realm experience pill treasure box, so that Lin Xiu can have the opportunity to reach the realm.

(End of this chapter)

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