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Chapter 1096 Blood of the Dragon Elephant

Chapter 1096 Blood of the Dragon Elephant
After Lin Xiu got Mo Liang's exercise, he didn't practice it, because that kind of exercise was not suitable for Lin Xiu to practice.

Lin Xiu was also quite depressed. The martial arts and martial arts he had obtained before, even the supernatural powers, could be learned directly.

However, it is very difficult to practice this Prajna Dragon Elephant Art, and it also requires the blood of a dragon elephant.

How could Lin Xiu have such a thing?

This made Lin Xiu very depressed.

The exercises, even supernatural powers, that I have obtained are not very useful, because Lin Xiu has no way to practice at all.

"Lin Xiu, if you want the blood of the dragon and elephant, maybe we can get it!" Chen Xiang said suddenly.

"How do I get the blood of the dragon elephant? I checked the ancient books. It is said that the dragon elephant is a kind of ancient relic, and it is also a very rare dragon beast. It is very powerful. If you want to get its blood, you have to Easier said than done?" Lin Xiu shook his head and said.

"Young master, do you want some blood from the dragon elephant?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"That's right, Suzhen, do you know where the blood of the dragon and elephant is?" Lin Xiu asked.

"I do know something. There is a forest near here, and there are some warriors who are not weak. These warriors do not worship the sky or people, but use dragons and elephants as their totems. Therefore, the objects these people worship are It's a dragon elephant!"

Bai Suzhen continued: "And here, there is a dragon elephant here, receiving tribute!"

"How is this possible?" Upon hearing this sentence, Chen Xiang immediately shook his head, "Dragon elephants are the remnants of the ancient times, why are they willing to be worshiped by others here, they should pursue a wider world!"

"Miss Chen Xiang, you are right, but what if this dragon elephant is not a complete dragon elephant?" Bai Suzhen was only heard to say.

Incomplete dragon elephant?

Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang were taken aback at the same time.

"This dragon elephant is actually a dragon elephant missing a leg. When I saw it, I already knew it from its mouth. It was used by people a long time ago when it was still young. The leg of a dragon elephant was killed by the secret method!" Bai Suzhen said.

"Why did that person do this?" Chen Xiang said a little surprised.

Bai Suzhen shook her head, she didn't know the man's purpose either.

Lin Xiu doesn't care so much, after all, the most important thing for him now is to find the dragon elephant.

Dragon elephants are quite rare, and it would be nice to meet one!
Naturally, Bai Suzhen also knew what Lin Xiu was thinking, so she led the way and led Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang into the mysterious forest.

This forest is not far from Chen Xiang's original route, and Lin Xiu needs to practice Prajna Dragon Elephant Art, so for him now, nothing is more important than the blood of Dragon Elephant.

Anyway, it wouldn't take too much time to get the blood of the dragon elephant, so naturally Chen Xiang wouldn't stop it.

But that small village seems to be in the depths of the forest, the three of them flew for half a day before Bai Suzhen said: "They are just ahead, but these warriors are not friendly to outsiders, and..."

Bai Suzhen's expression changed only halfway through her words.

"What happened?" Chen Xiang asked hastily.

"It smells like blood, young master, I'll go over and have a look first!" Bai Suzhen said immediately.

"We'll go with you!" Lin Xiu said.

Bai Suzhen nodded, her body turned into a white shadow and jumped forward.

Bai Suzhen's speed is really quite terrifying. At this moment, she has already reached hundreds of meters away, but Lin Xiu's speed is not slow, he can flash hundreds of meters away in an instant.

Bai Suzhen obviously had friendship with the people in that village, so she was a little anxious now. She didn't notice that Lin Xiu was able to follow her at such a fast speed.

And Chen Xiang had a headache, the speed of the two people in front of her was much faster than her, and she couldn't keep up.

Bai Suzhen finally entered this small village. As soon as she saw the situation in front of her, murderous intent surged in her body.

Surrounding here, there are corpses one after another. The warriors here were all killed by people, and this was not ordinary killing, but tortured to death.

The people here had hundreds of thousands of wounds on their bodies, and let their blood flow to death. This method is quite cruel.

Seeing this, Lin Xiu's face also became gloomy. Killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads. Before these people kill people, they have to make people suffer. This is a bit too much.

And these people here, even the children in this village will not be spared.

Bai Suzhen was extremely angry at this time, Lin Xiu behind her could feel that Bai Suzhen's body was full of murderous aura at this time, even the air seemed to be condensed.

The two continued to walk forward, only to see a giant elephant in the depths of the village, with a corpse of a giant elephant that was hundreds of feet long, and tens of thousands of sword wounds appeared on its body.

This giant elephant has a dragon-like head, which is quite strange. One of its legs has disappeared, and now it seems to have lost its vitality.

"Little guy!" Bai Suzhen went over, her face was full of anger and distress.

Bai Suzhen and it obviously knew each other, but the current dragon elephant has already died.

"Sister Bai..." At this moment, Long Xiang let out a voice.

"Little guy, you... are you still alive?" Bai Suzhen said hastily when she heard the dragon elephant make a sound.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that someone would come here. Will this beast have other companions?" A voice rang out.

"If that's the case, that's good, we can solve it together... Huh? This woman looks good, and she is very suitable for fellow cultivation with me!" Another person said.

Lin Xiu looked around, and only saw three people appearing here. These three people were wearing black clothes, and they were looking at Bai Suzhen. Judging from the logos on their clothes, these three people were all from the same power .

"It's someone from the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon!" Chen Xiang's voice came, "What exactly does the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon want to do?"

Chen Xiang came from behind, although the speed was not as fast as the two, but it was not too slow. When she came here, she found these three people, which surprised her very much.

"This woman has a bit of eyesight, but even so, so what? It's your own bad luck that you came here, and you can't blame us!" Only one of them was heard to say.

"I'll give you three seconds to kneel down for me, otherwise, I'll die!" Lin Xiu said coldly.

revenge?Of course it wasn't for revenge, Lin Xiu stood up just to pretend to be aggressive!How could he let go of such a good opportunity to pretend?
 Really Calvin, it was only the third update yesterday, and I wrote for seven or eight hours. Let’s see if it’s still stuck like this today. I’m missing two updates, and I’ll find time to make up for it!
(End of this chapter)

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