Chapter 1111

Just ten thousand fairy stones?
Damn, [-] low-grade immortal stones can't just be opened, okay?
Moreover, the most important thing is that buying a low-grade magic weapon with [-] low-grade immortal stones is too prodigal!

Everyone wanted to know, who the hell is it that spends so much money to buy this magic weapon!

All eyes were on Lin Xiu, only to see Chen Xiang sitting on the left of Lin Xiu, and Bai Suzhen sitting on the right, these two are stunning beauties, and they were sitting beside Lin Xiu, Where did the rich young master come from?
Although it is also the Shen family, but the Shen family is too big, so they don't know every member of the clan.

But someone has already recognized Chen Xiang. After all, there are not many people who are qualified to participate in the selection of the head of the Shen family this time, so this Chen Xiang is still very famous.

"Isn't that Miss Chen Xiang? Could that be Miss Chen Xiang's Taoist partner?"

"I heard that this man defeated Shen He in one fell swoop, and his strength is very strong!"

"That's right, this person seems to be called Lin Xiu. He was the one who wanted to buy this low-grade magic weapon just now?"


Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Lin Xiu smiled unceremoniously: "Just now, this young master indeed bought this magic weapon!"

Lin Xiu actually admitted it, and there was surprise in everyone's eyes. Today, Lin Xiu came here to pretend to be aggressive. With [-] million low-grade immortal stones in his hand, Lin Xiu is fearless.

Of course, it's just a low-grade magic weapon, and there's no way to shock the people around it too much, and they won't mind it.

Even Chen Xiang was surprised that Lin Xiu spent so many fairy stones to buy a low-grade magic weapon.

"The power of this magic weapon is not very good, Lin Xiu, why did you spend so much fairy stone to buy it?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's nothing, I just like it, because I have a lot of fairy stones on my body, so it's normal to buy it!" Lin Xiu said.

There are many fairy stones, so it is normal to buy it?
These words made Chen Xiang's face become weird, but Chen Xiang would not interfere with this kind of thing.

But very soon, everyone discovered that this was just the beginning. Lin Xiu unceremoniously photographed all the next few low-grade instruments, and the price was also very high. At least how did everyone I can't believe that Lin Xiu would spend so much fairy stones and buy so many low-grade magic weapons.

The people present were obviously shocked by Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu got more and more pretense points.

"The next one is a rare middle-grade magic weapon. This magic weapon is a spiritual armor, and its defense power is also quite amazing, and... the starting price is [-] low-grade fairy stones!" The auctioneer said on stage. Catchy words splashed everywhere, and finally said a starting price.

Thirty thousand low-grade immortal stones, for a piece of spiritual armor, this is a low price. The defensive power of this piece of spiritual armor is actually not too strong, but it can withstand the attack of ordinary middle-grade magical weapons, so it is still Not bad magic weapon.

Others naturally began to bid, rising from [-] to [-].

At this price, many people flinched, but a girl in red said, "One hundred thousand!"

Buying a medium-grade spirit armor at a price of [-] is already the limit. How can ordinary people spend so much money to buy it?
But there was one person who did, Lin Xiu said, "I don't have much of anything, but money! 15!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was a little surprised. Who is this young man?How did he have so much money?

"Young master's wealth is astonishing, Shen Shuang admires it! Let me give you this spirit armor!" the girl in red said with a smile.

"Shen Shuang? So she is Shen Shuang! I heard that she is also one of the candidates for the Patriarch!"

"I've also heard that Shen Shuang possesses the strength of the spirit pill realm, and her Taoist companion, too, has extraordinary strength!"

"I didn't expect to see Miss Shen Shuang here. Miss Shen Shuang is indeed a beautiful woman of the generation. Compared with Miss Chen Xiang, she is not bad at all!"


When the people around heard the girl's words, they couldn't help being amazed, but Lin Xiu was a little surprised. Who is this Shen Shuang?He even stole his limelight!

Nima, this young master's pretense is very good this time, you are here to make trouble, will you still be a human being?
"Shen Shuang is another competitor of mine, and she is very talented and powerful. This time, she is my rival!" Chen Xiang whispered.

"It turned out to be Ms. Shen Shuang. I'm Wang Sicong. When I came here this time, I wanted to buy something casually. Ten thousand or so, it's just a passing day. This amount of money is nothing at all. If Ms. Shen Shuang likes it, this spirit A, I will give it to you!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be coercive, and has been rewarded with five levels of coercion, 1000 pretense points!"

"Wow!" The people present couldn't help being startled when they heard Lin Xiu's words.

This Wang Sicong is too rich, isn't he? I bought the spirit armor for 15 yuan, so I can give it away if I say it?
But isn't he Chen Xiang's man?Giving things to other women in front of Chen Xiang, isn't that too much?
Not to mention being by Shen Shuang's side now, but she still has her Taoist companion.

Shen Shuang just smiled lightly. Of course, these words were just polite words. Even if Lin Xiu really wanted to give it away, she didn't dare to accept it: "Thank you, Young Master Wang, but Shen Shuang doesn't like this spirit armor, and Shen Shuang doesn't like it either. If you like seizing favors from others, let this piece of spirit armor be given to Young Master Wang!"

"Let? I don't like this word anymore. I, Wang Sicong, don't have many things, but fairy stones, so I hate others to let me!" Lin Xiu said again.

This is provocation. The Taoist companion beside Shen Shuang was obviously angry. He said, "Master Wang, it's too much for you to say that. Do you think you are great because you have a fairy stone? Do you think that in this world, there are Can Xianshi do whatever he wants?"

"You're right, it's really amazing to have fairy stones, and you can really do whatever you want!" Lin Xiu smiled, "If you don't accept it, then compare with me to see who has more fairy stones!"

"Lin Xiu, that one is Xie Jing, a true disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect. It is said that he once got the inheritance of a strong man in the God Transformation Realm, and he has a very large number of immortal stones!" Chen Xiang whispered quickly.

"Oh, then I want to see how many fairy stones he has!" Lin Xiu smiled.

How many immortal stones does a strong person in the God Transformation Realm have?I'm afraid 100 pieces of high-grade immortal stones are already good enough, how could Lin Xiu put him in his eyes?
Even if a real God Transformation powerhouse is in front of Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu is not afraid of just comparing the immortal stone.

"Okay, I want to see why you are so arrogant!" Xie Jing said angrily.

The people around are a little excited, which is a good thing, this time there will be a good show to watch!
(End of this chapter)

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