Chapter 1112

Xie Jing is a true disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, with an extraordinary status.

And Lin Xiu is a rich man, his name is Wang Sicong.

Two people are fighting, but there is a fight between dragons and tigers!

"The next auction is a rather special item. We don't know what it is, but we have tried many methods, and there is no way to find out what it is, but this is a Spirit wood, we can feel the surging power of life in it!"

"If its vitality can be stimulated, maybe this spirit tree can be revived. If you are interested, you can buy it. The starting price for this piece of spirit wood is [-] immortal stones!"

What was placed in front of the auctioneer was a piece of black wood, which looked nothing special.

Seeing this piece of wood, Lin Xiu was a little surprised. He was able to find a ray of fairy energy from this piece of wood!
What's the matter?Could it be that this piece of wood has something to do with the fairy world?

Lin Xiu was overjoyed. Whether it was true or not, there was immortal energy in the wood. Even if it was removed, it would definitely increase the scope of Lin Xiu's immortal field.

"That thing called Xie, although this piece of wood doesn't seem to know what it is, but my young master is going to increase the price. If you don't follow, you are cowardly!" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay!" Xie Jing was angry, and he said loudly.

"100 million!" Lin Xiu said.

"..." Xie Jing.

"..." Chen Xiang.

"..." Shen Shuang.

The other people present were also frightened by Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu's price was really beyond the reach of other people. Even a strong Golden Infant might not be able to afford this price.

It is true that Xie Jing got the inheritance from a strong man in the Transformation God Realm, and he also got his fairy stone, but no one else imagined so much, and it took a lot of pills and fairy stones to cultivate, and he has been able to cultivate until now , how many fairy stones are left.

Right now, Xie Jing only has 150 million worth of low-grade immortal stones. If he sells the high-grade magic weapon, he can exchange it for 200 million low-grade immortal stones.

But how could this kind of thing be sold easily, just for one breath, that would be too stupid.

Therefore, now Xie Jing is silent, he dare not answer at all, even if he admits that he is a coward, it is better than losing more than 100 million to buy an unknown piece of wood!
In Xie Jing's eyes, Lin Xiu is the real fool.

"How overbearing, this Young Master Wang is really not an ordinary person!"

"I don't know what the value of a piece of wood is, just spend 100 million? Is he crazy?"

"If only I were this rich!"


The people around were amazed immediately, they were both admiring and helpless towards Lin Xiu, after all, they had never seen many such rich and powerful people in their life.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be coercive, and got a six-fold coercion reward, 1200 pretense points!"

Xie Jing's face turned red, and Shen Shuang's face turned a little cold. Naturally, she and Xie Jing didn't have that kind of relationship. This time, she just wanted to ask Xie Jing to help her, but now Xie Jing, but Make such a big joke out of it.

"How? Thank you, don't you want to bid with me? This young master has just made an offer, you won't just back down like this, right? I don't have many things, but there are many fairy stones. Alas, who told me that there is someone behind me?" !” Lin Xiu said with a smile.

If it was someone else, they might let Xie Jing go, but Lin Xiu is different. After all, he came here to pretend to be aggressive. How could Lin Xiu not accept this Xie Jing who came to his door to slap him in the face? Down?

Anyway, anyone who competes with Chen Xiang is an enemy, and this Shen Shuang is naturally no exception. Lin Xiu only needs to know this point is enough!
"Young Master Wang, this piece of wood doesn't seem to be of much value, so we won't spend it, maybe it's more suitable for you!" Shen Shuang said with a smile. Only people like you will buy it.

"Miss Shen Shuang, I don't agree with this statement. The value of this piece of wood is not something ordinary people can see through. Only those with real eyesight can see through it. One million immortal stones are really too valuable. And——I am Xianshiduo!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

The corner of Shen Shuang's mouth twitched, and she stopped talking. This Lin Xiu's words were too irritating!
Xie Jing was so angry that his face turned red, but he had no way to refute, who said that there are so many fairy stones?

Other people present also felt quite strange, but it seems that Lin Xiu really has a lot of fairy stones on him, but who can prove it?

Next, no one stopped Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu bought all the items in the auction one after another, that's right, everything!
Lin Xiu came here this time to pretend to be aggressive. After the pretending this time, Lin Xiu's pretend value can reach [-] million, which can be exchanged for this holy land experience pill treasure box.

So pretending to be aggressive, we have to continue!

I don't know if it's because I bought too many things, so the people present have become numb, and the pretense value I got is still a little short of [-] million.

"The next thing to sell is a batch of incomplete magic weapons. These magic weapons were obtained by accident. From these magic weapons, we can detect that they contain a mysterious aura. This kind of aura, It's called Immortal Qi!"

"That's right, this batch of artifacts are pseudo-immortal artifacts. Although the effect may not be great, they are very valuable if used for research, and..."

The auctioneer's droplets splashed, and he began to brag about these magic weapons.

If this is a real pseudo-immortal artifact, it will be of great value, but now these are just damaged pseudo-immortal artifacts.

Therefore, the value of this kind of fake fairy artifact is naturally greatly discounted, but even so, now this kind of fake fairy artifact can sell more than [-] low-grade fairy artifacts.

"The quality of these fake artifacts is good, I want them all, one million pieces!" Lin Xiu said.

Is the fake fairy artifact worth a lot?How did you know they were of good quality?
The faces of the people around became weird, but Lin Xiu insisted on saying this, and they had no way to refute it.

Moreover, they are rich and powerful, one million pieces, what's the point of buying such defective products?
You must know that although a fake fairy weapon is very valuable, it is not the case with a broken fake fairy weapon, because no one can repair a fake fairy weapon of this level.

In order to repair this kind of thing, one must obtain immortal energy to repair it again. Even so, the cost of medicinal materials is huge, and the effort required is no worse than re-refining a fake immortal weapon!
(End of this chapter)

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