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Chapter 1123 Monster Alliance

Chapter 1123 Monster Alliance

The appearance of this great king is not like a monster at all, but more like a handsome young man. I don't know where he learned this kind of dress. This is not like the dress of a warrior, but more like an ordinary scholar. .

The surrounding monsters seemed to be familiar with the "big king". As soon as they saw the big king, they immediately surrounded him.

"My lord, can we really do it? These Shen family members are also powerful, and we have captured those Shen family members before, and we can't get into the blood fountain at all!"

"We have been trapped here for thousands of years, and there is no way to leave here. We must kill a few humans to relieve our hatred!"

"My lord, are we going to do it now? My claws are already hungry and thirsty!"


The voices of the monsters came, and they had already quarreled here, and at this time, the king in white waved his hand: "But——"

The monsters around fell silent immediately, they knew that the king had something to say.

"I have spent decades inquiring about it. Outside the Shen family's blood spring, there is a huge profound formation protecting it. As long as it is a monster under the state of transforming gods, it is impossible to enter it!" The king in white said faintly. Said.

"No way? Your Majesty, what shall we do then?"

"Isn't there nothing we can do?"

"Then we have to think of other ways!"


The king in white waved his hand again and said, "But—"

The monsters fell silent again.

"There is a way to enter this profound formation, because these members of the Shen family need to enter, they have a token, as long as they hold this token, they can enter this profound formation, so we can actually enter too !" Only the king in white continued to say.

"My lord, is what you said true? Then let's capture those Shen family members immediately!" A monster said immediately.

"It is necessary to capture the members of the Shen family—" The king waved his hand again, "But—everyone must be careful!"

"Yes!" Many monsters answered immediately, and then dispersed.

The king in white shook his silver fan lightly, with a face of a wise man with his feet on his chest, watching these monsters leave, he continued: "This time our purpose is indeed to capture these Shen family members, but—— How do you know that they won't turn around and kill you?"

A smile appeared on the face of the king in white: "There is only one person who can enter the fountain of blood, not you, but me!"

The closer the distance to the Spring of Blood, the more and more monsters will appear. From yesterday to now, Lin Xiu has killed more than 50 monsters in the Holy Realm.

Of course, the number of these spiritual roots obtained is also quite a lot, and Lin Xiu found that the pretense value he collected has also increased significantly. Collected 1000 million pretense points.

The number of pretense points is still increasing. The more awesome Lin Xiu is here, the more excited the outsiders will be. So far, Lin Xiu has killed 158 holy monsters, although These monsters did not take human form, and did not display superb magical powers.

But these are all monsters, and they are still monsters in the Holy Land.

I have to say that the strength of these monsters is really quite terrifying. If other people come, there is probably only a dead end, but in front of Lin Xiu, these monsters are like beasts waiting to be slaughtered. Threatened to get Lin Xiu.

Even Shen Bai from the Golden Infant Realm killed far less monsters in the Holy Realm than Lin Xiu. How could this not be shocking?

However, more and more monsters appeared, which made Lin Xiu even more excited. Lin Xiu had already got the fire attribute supreme spiritual root, and if he could get the other three supreme spiritual roots, Lin Xiu would be able to cultivate the heavenly demon Five Elements Jue!

Chen Xiang was by Lin Xiu's side, and he didn't make a few shots at all. Although these monsters wanted to kill the two of them, for Lin Xiu, there was nothing that couldn't be solved with one punch. If there was, then two punches !

One punch hit the monster, but it was able to smash the monster's body into pieces. Even the holy land couldn't resist Lin Xiu's punch. Of course, before killing the monsters, Lin Xiu would also collect their spiritual roots .

The only thing that made Lin Xiu a little dissatisfied was that he didn't dare to take the last Holy Land Experience Pill when he came here. In case he was surrounded by monsters, Lin Xiu, who was at the critical moment of breaking through, would treat it as food for these monsters.

Compared with Lin Xiu, others were not so relaxed. Shen Shuang was protected by Xie Jing, and the location where the two of them teleported was also the closest place to this blood spring, but even so, they still encountered each other along the way. A lot of danger.

But fortunately, this Xie Jing is indeed a person who has been inherited by a powerhouse of the God Transformation Realm. His supernatural powers are quite amazing, especially his sword art supernatural powers, which are very powerful in killing monsters.

But even so, it took them a lot of time to get here.

The Fountain of Blood is at the peak of a mountain. If you want to reach it, you will encounter many monsters on the mountain. These monsters have been coveting the Fountain of Blood for a long time, but they cannot enter it because of the profound formation. When those who came to the Shen family came, they would definitely come regardless.

"Xie Jing, as long as you help me enter the fountain of blood, I will be yours, so please help me!" Shen Shuang looked at Xie Jing affectionately.

Shen Shuang knew that this was her last chance to stand up, if she couldn't enter it, she would have no way to comprehend the supernatural powers of her ancestors, let alone win over other people.

Shen Bai alone is no longer comparable to her!

"I see, Shen Shuang, don't worry, I will definitely help you!" Xie Ding nodded and said.

"Let's go!" Shen Shuang said.

A scabbard appeared behind Xie Jing, and dozens of swords were shot in front of him. The monster in front of him was immediately tied into a hedgehog, and the two continued to move forward.

"Brother Shen Bo, we have finally arrived here. Next, we only need to reach this mountain peak to make you the master of this Shen area!" the girl in white said to Shen Bo.

"Fu'er, if I become the Lord of Shen Yu, you will be the Queen of Shen Yu!" Shen Bai said with a smile.

"Brother Shen Bai, as long as you can be by your side, what does it matter if you are queen or not?" The girl in white smiled.

"Fu'er, I will definitely not let you down, let's go!" Shen Bai said, and the two of them continued to walk forward.

Almost at the same time, Shen Ji, Du Juan, Shen He and the mysterious woman also entered this bloody mountain together.

(End of this chapter)

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