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Chapter 1124 Horned Snake

Chapter 1124 Horned Snake
When Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang arrived, they were the last pair. After the two entered the Bloodline Mountain, they found that there were no holy monsters in the Bloodline Mountain. This surprised Lin Xiu.

As soon as Lin Xiu raised his head, the upper part of the Bloodline Mountain had already entered the clouds, and this was only half of it. One can imagine how high this Bloodline Mountain is!
Even if it is high, it is not difficult for Lin Xiu to imagine how big the area is here, and how many monsters there will be here.

When Lin Xiu thought of this, he felt a burst of excitement. The more powerful monsters here, the happier Lin Xiu was, but to Lin Xiu's disappointment, he found that there were not many monsters at all. Even if there were monsters, they were only those martial ancestors Realm-level monsters.

How could this be?
"It's really disappointing. I didn't expect these monsters to be so cowardly. I thought they should all rush over!" Lin Xiu said disappointedly.

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the corners of Chen Xiang's mouth twitched obviously. Others were still looking forward to seeing no monsters, but Lin Xiu was lucky. He wished to meet some monsters. What was he thinking?

Just when Lin Xiu was depressed, he saw only two figures flying towards Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang.

Seeing Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang, those two people were obviously stunned: "Why are you here?"

"Why are we here? I want to ask why you are here!" Lin Xiu pouted.

Shen Shuang said suddenly: "Let's go!"

Xie Jing nodded. The two of them were about to leave, but they were stopped by a person: "You two, what do you think this is? Is it a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

"What do you want to do?" Xie Jing said a little angrily, "If you don't get out of the way, we will all be in trouble!"

"Trouble? Hehe, I'm afraid you don't know who I am!" Lin Xiu said sarcastically after hearing this.

"I don't care if you are Lin Xiu or Wang Sicong, if you hinder us now, you will regret it later!" Shen Shuang said anxiously, as if she had encountered something terrible.

"These two are just one of my names. When you come here today, I will send you a sentence: I will open this route, and I will plant this tree. If you want to pass by, leave money to buy roads, you two, You should know how to do it, right?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Want to pass by from now on and stay to buy road money?
Nima, are you trying to rob us?

Upon hearing Lin Xiu's words, no matter whether it was Shen Shuang or Xie Jing, the faces of both of them changed, and Chen Xiang was quite supportive of what Lin Xiu was going to do, so what if it was robbery?Now here, they are enemies, benevolent to enemies?Chen Xiang is not so pedantic!

The people in Shenhuangcheng Square saw that they immediately became excited. After so long, they finally waited for someone to meet.

If you meet other people in Shen Jie, you will obviously have to decide who wins, and then you are eligible to enter the Spring of Blood. However, this mountain of blood is quite large, and it may be difficult for five pairs of people to enter it. They met each other, but now, Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang obviously met each other.

When people outside heard Lin Xiu's words, they immediately understood that this big battle might be unavoidable.

With Xie Jing's strength and character, how could he be robbed by Lin Xiu in front of so many people?If such a shameful thing is done in front of so many people, his reputation will be greatly affected.

Lin Xiu didn't think that Xie Jing and Shen Shuang would really be robbed by him, but since he had to find an excuse to deal with them, this excuse would naturally be better.

"Quack quack... so there are other members of the Shen family here, it's really great, we're so lucky!" An ugly voice sounded.

After Lin Xiu heard it, he found that there were quite a few monsters around. The number of these monsters was quite huge, there were more than 100 of them, and there were [-] monsters in the holy realm among them!
The leader turned out to be a man, but this man is quite distinctive, with triangular eyes, eagle nose, and there are blue scales in many places on his body, he looks like a middle-aged man, but it is obviously caused by Made of monsters.

This is the first time Lin Xiu has seen this kind of monster that can transform into a human form after being here for so long. Is this the real holy monster?
"Hey, what's the matter with you? Did you steal his wife? Or stole his eggs?" Lin Xiu looked at Xie Jing and Shen Shuang with a strange expression.

There are so many monsters here, and they are all powerful monsters, obviously something is wrong.

If there is no reason, it is obviously impossible.

"What time is it, are you still in the mood to joke? We just escaped after we found them, and we didn't expect to be stopped by you!" Shen Shuang glanced at Lin Xiu angrily, but didn't make a move.

Now both Shen Shuang and Lin Xiu were trapped by these more than 100 monsters. With the strength of Shen Shuang and Xie Jing, it was obviously impossible to escape from here.

However, if they join forces, it is not impossible.

"Isn't it just a few monsters? There's no need to panic!" Lin Xiu curled his lips, obviously disdainful.

Are these monsters?This is more than 100 monsters!
"Humans, are you kidding me? The strength of our monsters is beyond what you can imagine. We know that you are here and seem to be protected by a profound formation, but that is just entering the upper profound formation. , as long as we do it, the four of you will all die!"

The leader of the monster showed a gloomy look on his face, and he continued: "However, don't be too sad. It is your honor to die at the hands of my horned snake. Human beings, you should feel happy!"

Shen Shuang and Xie Jing's expressions changed, and they said, "How can you control all the monsters here!"

"You don't have the right to know about this matter, you all should die here!" The Horned Snake laughed loudly, and he waved his hand, only to see the monsters rushing up here immediately.

All kinds of supernatural powers were displayed at the same time, Lin Xiu blocked Chen Xiang's face, and let the attacks fall on him.

"Boom boom boom..." These attacks hit Lin Xiu's body and exploded immediately.

A huge lightsaber appeared in front of Xie Jing, this was his sword art supernatural power, able to withstand the attack in front of him, but the power of the monster supernatural power here was quite terrifying, this lightsaber was almost destroyed in the next instant.

Both Xie Jing and Shen Shuang were blown out at the same time, and they fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

(End of this chapter)

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