Chapter 1132 It Was You
As long as Shen Ji can enter the fountain of blood and stop other people, then the position of Emperor Shen will be in his pocket!
The mysterious woman suddenly stretched out her hand to prevent everyone from moving forward, Shen He hurriedly asked: "My lord, what... what happened?"

"There are monsters, and there are quite a lot of them. Be careful!" I heard the mysterious woman say.

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone found that there were indeed a large number of monsters around them. There were five hundred of these monsters, and their strength was astonishing.

Seeing these monsters appear, the faces of the four people also changed. How could such a huge group of monsters appear here together?

"Behind these monsters, there must be someone instigating them!" said the mysterious woman.

Someone ordered?Shen Ji pointed to one of the giant snakes that was hundreds of feet long, and said, "Look, it's over there!"

The other three people followed Shen Ji's gaze, and immediately discovered that there were three figures on the head of the giant snake, two of them, they knew each other, they were Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang, and A person wearing white clothes and holding a silver fan, I don't know who it is.

But judging from this person, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Lin Xiu, Chen Xiang, why do you associate with these monsters?" Shen Ji shouted immediately.

"What's wrong with us being in the company of monsters? Shouldn't we be in the company of you?" After Lin Xiu heard this, he laughed a few times and said.

"You don't have any grudges with us monsters, but—" the white-clothed gentleman waved his silver fan and said loudly, "I will open this route, and I will plant this tree. If you want to pass by, leave money to buy roads!"

"..." Lin Xiu.

"..." Chen Xiang.

"..." The monsters.

The surrounding monsters sighed one after another, as expected of a king, learning things is fast!
These few words, but not long after being passed back, the white-clothed scholar has already learned it, and it is really rare to be able to use it so flexibly.

Lin Xiu was a little depressed. He didn't expect that he had cultivated a robber, and he was also a monster robber. However, it was very interesting.

"You want to rob us?" Shen He's expression was a little ugly.

"You three trash, you are not qualified to talk to this king. What kind of monster are you, that person? I don't think you are a woman. No, you should not even be considered a human being!" said the man.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency? I don't understand!" the mysterious woman said calmly.

"Since you don't understand, I'll let you understand!" The white-clothed scholar flicked the fan in front of him, holding the formula in his left hand, and a series of storms rolled out in his right hand, and the storm directly entangled the mysterious woman .

The mysterious woman squeezed the magic formula in her hand, only to see her palm stretched out, pointing forward, a few consecutive points in the air, there were ripples in the air, and all the storms were blocked outside.

The white-clothed scholar's supernatural powers had already been displayed, and a white chain was drawn towards the mysterious woman in an instant. The white chain came so suddenly that even the mysterious woman's face immediately turned pale.

The other three had already left the mysterious woman's side, and this white chain could only hit the mysterious woman alone.

When this loud noise appeared, it shook the ground here, it was very terrifying.

But what shocked Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang was that this white chain was actually followed by someone.

"So it's you!" Lin Xiu was a little surprised, his eyes fell on Shen He, and his expression became even weirder, "Shen He, I didn't expect you to be interested in men!"

The person under the white chain is not the original mysterious woman, but has changed into a man!
When the people in Shenhuangcheng Square saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

"How could this be? This person is not Shen He's Taoist partner at all!"

"It's too much, Shen He actually did such a thing!"

"According to our regulations, his qualifications will be disqualified!"

"But how strong is that man?"


When everyone was guessing, Shen He's face changed. This plan was thought up by Shen Ji, let Huo De pretend to be a woman, come here with them, and then help Shen Ji become Shen Huang.

In order to restore his strength, Shen He is willing to do the same.

But I didn't expect to be seen through here.

"Since you have already seen my identity, I don't need to hide it anymore, Lin Xiu, the enmity between us today must be resolved!" Huo De said angrily, pointing at Lin Xiu.

"Hey, I'm not happy when you say that, Mr. Huo De, the so-called grievance has a leader, and the debt has a debtor. The person who killed you was not me, but my family Suzhen. You should go to her for trouble, right , Wasn't she in Shenhuangcheng's square before?" Lin Xiu called out hastily.

After Huo De heard it, he became even angrier, seeking revenge from Bai Suzhen?What to take revenge?

Bai Suzhen is a real powerhouse of the God Transformation Realm, but now Huo De is a person who has taken home and reborn. It is not bad for him to have the strength of the God Concentration Realm. It is impossible to fight against the God Transformation Realm powerhouse. possible!
However, in Huo De's view, if he fights Lin Xiu, he still has a chance to win.

"Lin Xiu, since that woman is your subordinate, you must pay her debts!" ​​Huo De said again.

"Human, you are very powerful!" He continued, only to hear the white-clothed scholar slap his fan, "but——you want to hurt my young master, you still need to ask me!"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "By the way, this one is also my subordinate!"

As soon as Lin Xiu said these words, the expressions of Shen Ji and the others changed at the same time.

"How is this possible? did you subdue the monster?" Shen He was full of disbelief.

This is a monster, and it is also a monster at the concentration level. This kind of monster would actually seek refuge with Lin Xiu?
"You don't even need to ask? Because this young master is the chosen one, Sao Nian, I think you are quite talented, do you want to come and join me?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"My lord, let's get out of here first, and then make plans!" Shen Ji said suddenly.

"We can't escape. There are too many monsters here. If we want to leave here, we must kill the leader of the monsters and break out!" Huo De said.

Shen Ji glanced around, there are too many monsters here, judging from the number of monsters here, there is really no way to break out directly.

"Huo De, what are you still discussing here? Hurry up and fight with us, I don't have time to waste here!" Lin Xiu immediately shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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