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Chapter 1133 When you pretend to be a woman, it's really enough...

Chapter 1133 When you pretend to be a woman, it's really enough...

In Lin Xiu's eyes, whether it is Shen Ji or this Huo De, they are dying people, talking nonsense with them is just a waste of time, naturally Lin Xiu will not spend so much time on them.

A cold light flashed in Huo De's eyes. He had just seized the house not long ago. In fact, the most important thing to do was to find a place to recuperate. In this way, he could recover his original strength as soon as possible.

Because the strength of Duoshe's corpse itself is strong, Huo De can display good strength now, but at most it is only at the level of Concentration Realm. If he can be given time to fully integrate with this corpse, it may even be possible It will allow him to display his strength at the level of the God Transformation Realm.

Of course, this Huo De is not an ordinary person. He knows that although it is dangerous now, it is also an opportunity. If he is lucky, he may be able to get rid of Shen Ji's control.

"Shen Ji, I'll block this monster. You just look for opportunities to escape. If you're lucky, maybe we can all escape! That monster's wisdom is very high, and he also has the strength of the peak of the concentration state. If so, we are no match for him!" Hodder said.

Shen Ji also agreed with Huo De's words, although in his heart, Shen Ji had doubts about this matter, but Shen Ji really had no way to refute, so he nodded: "Master Huo De, please be careful , we still need your next help!"

"Don't worry, if I can survive, I will definitely help you reach the fountain of blood. After all, you have saved my life!" Huo De replied, although he said so, but Huo De thought in his heart, Who will know?
And it's not just Huo De, Shen Ji is the same, the two are not ordinary people, they have the same tricks on the surface, but they play very smoothly.

Huo De jumped and rushed towards Lin Xiu's direction. At the same time, Shen Ji, Shen He and Du Juan also fled separately. There were so many monsters around them. If they wanted to leave here, they could only escape separately. .

But how could Lin Xiu not have thought about this kind of thing, and immediately dozens of monsters shot at the same time, blocking their way, trying to escape?Have you asked Master Ben yet?

"You..." Huo De still wanted to speak, but the white-clothed scholar had already made a move, and the fan in his hand didn't stop at all, and chopped down in front of him.

The warrior in white is stronger than Huo De. It is not easy to defeat Huo De, but it is very difficult to kill Huo De. Huo De is also very aggrieved now. The lady in white did not give him a chance to speak. From the beginning, he shot with all his strength, and he didn't even have a chance to escape.

"Huo De, I didn't expect to see you for so long. You have given up being a man and even pretended to be a woman. I have to say, you are really flirty when you pretend to be a woman!" Lin Xiu's voice came over.

Both Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang are on the head of the giant snake. Chen Xiang knows that this is not a good opportunity for her to intervene. None of these people are weaker than her in strength, and she will not be able to help this time. what a busy.

Chen Xiang originally thought that Lin Xiu would go up with the white-clothed gentleman and flank Huo De at the same time.

But now she found that Lin Xiu was mocking Huo De here, and had no intention of making a move. What's going on?

Chen Xiang had never seen Lin Xiu talk so loudly, so she would naturally feel quite strange.

Not only Chen Xiang, but also those in Shenhuang City, who were very puzzled by Lin Xiu's mocking of Huo De at the very least, you are fighting, why are you talking about it next to you?
Huo De didn't pay attention to Lin Xiu's meaning at all, and let Lin Xiu say what he said. Do you think you can shake my state of mind by doing this?Hodder had a look of disdain on his face.

"Huo De, not long ago, you were beheaded by us, and only the golden baby was able to escape. I'm curious, where did you take this body from you?"

Lin Xiu's voice continued: "It allows you to display your strength at the concentration level, and the original strength of this corpse is probably no worse than that at the concentration level. I think the people of the Shen clan should be able to find out soon. Out!"

"What? That Huo De was able to be reborn after obtaining the corpses of other strong men?"

"No way, I heard that the second uncle's body seems to have been stolen. He is a strong man at the level of transforming gods in the past few days!"

"Could it be that Shen Ji and the others did such a thing? It's too much!"


When the people around reacted, they immediately understood that it was obvious that Shen Ji stole the corpses of the ancestors of the Shen family to give Huo De a new life. Although this method is rare, it is recorded in the ancient books.

When Shen Ji, Shen He and the others heard this, their minds were shaken, and they couldn't concentrate anymore. Even if they could escape today's calamity, I'm afraid this time, it would be very troublesome.

The members of the Shen family will definitely investigate, it's all because of this Lin Xiu, if it wasn't for him, how could the mess be like this?
"Shen Ji's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 60! Enter the first-level rage state!"

"Du Juan's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 60! Enter the first level of rage!"

"Shen He's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 70! Entering the second level of rage!"

Lin Xiu was a little surprised by these three hints, but Lin Xiu didn't stop, he continued: "Huo De, in this way, your corpse is probably not the original one, and there may even be corpse insects inside. something like that!"

"You pretended to be a woman with this body, and you and Shen He pretended to be lovers. You didn't do something about Brokeback Mountain, did you?"

"I didn't expect that the dignified disciple of the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon would do such a thing. If it gets out, you will definitely be 'famous'!"


The more Huo De fought, the more chaotic his heart became. He couldn't concentrate on fighting the white-clothed gentleman. The anger in his heart was like a small flame, and it began to grow.

Lin Xiu's words were like adding fuel to the fire, causing veins to pop up on Huo De's forehead, and he said angrily, "Shut up!"

"Huo De, I will compile 99 episodes of the story of your love and hatred with Shen He for you, and spread it in major cities day and night, and..." How can Lin Xiu be a man who can forgive others? Huo De and himself are already immortal.

If you were more polite, then Lin Xiu would be an idiot.

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, Huo De was very angry.

"Hodder's dislike for you has increased, currently at 90! Entering the fourth level of rage!"

A series of black swords appeared in Huo De's hand, and he cut towards Lin Xiu: "I tell you to shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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