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Chapter 1134 Xiaohua, get out of the way

Chapter 1134 Xiaohua, get out of the way

"This kind of attack can't hurt me!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Lin Xiu punched out with his palm, and those black rays of light were all shattered by Lin Xiu's punch. It can be seen that Lin Xiu's body is much stronger than these swords.

The Prajna Dragon Elephant Jue that Lin Xiu is currently practicing can greatly enhance his physical strength. If the opponent is a strong person at the level of the God Transformation, Lin Xiu will be a little bit jealous, but Huo De is only an existence at the level of Concentration , and the realm has not stabilized, how could Lin Xiu be afraid?
"What? You are a strong person at the Golden Infant Realm level?" Huo De exclaimed.

As soon as this sentence came out, the people in Shen Huangcheng were shocked.

When Lin Xiu entered Shen Yu, he was clearly a warrior at the foundation level, so why has he become a strong man at the golden infant level now?This is impossible!

In a short period of five days, Lin Xiu actually improved two realms in a row, which is unheard of.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be invisible, and got double rewards for pretending, 400 pretending points!"


"I'm sorry, I broke through accidentally before!" Lin Xiu said with his white teeth showing.

Golden Baby Realm?The scholar in white was not surprised when he heard it. He had already guessed that Lin Xiu's realm was the Golden Infant Realm, and now it seems that it is indeed the case.

With the strength Lin Xiu possessed, if he added the Heavenly Blood Wheel, he would be able to fight him. Perhaps, Lin Xiu could reluctantly help him!And at Lin Xiu's age, to be able to cultivate to this level is indeed a rare genius!

But at this time, Lin Xiu said: "Xiao Hua, get out of the way, I want to teach him a lesson myself!"

little flower?When the white-clothed scholar heard this, his face changed slightly. His face changed. His originally handsome face showed a wry smile. Why is this name so strange?
The white-clothed scholar is a flower snake, and he does not have a name. It seems that there is nothing wrong with Lin Xiu calling it like this, but why does it sound so awkward?
The white-clothed scholar was also quite helpless, he said: "Master, do you really want to fight him?"

"Of course, I will let Huo De know my true strength today!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"Okay!" The white-clothed scholar nodded immediately, and he stepped aside, not intending to make another move.

"Lin Xiu, you want to fight alone with me? Are you serious?" Huo De was ecstatic in his heart, and he said immediately.

Brothers Shen Ji and Du Juan can no longer count on them. These three are seriously injured and will be killed before long. What's the point of counting on them?
If Lin Xiu wants to fight him one-on-one, as long as he catches Lin Xiu, it is not impossible to leave here.

"Of course, my young master sees that you have good strength, so you can just practice with me!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Okay, since that's the case, then don't blame me!" After Huo De finished speaking, he only saw him pinch the formula, and he was about to display his supernatural power.

But Huo De found that three blue rays of light had reached him, shooting towards his face, throat and heart. The speed of these three lights was faster than Huo De's imagination.

Huo De's formula had to be cut off, he shook his body and left the place.

But in the next second, two more blue lights shot at him. At this speed, he had no chance to use this supernatural power.

Huo De saw that in Lin Xiu's hand, the Ice Spirit Bow kept shooting out arrows, one after another, at such a speed that Huo De could not dodge at all.

But at this time, a bloody light appeared, and Huo De only heard a "buzzing" sound.

How could Hodd not know this voice, this is his blood demon wheel, now it is Lin Xiu's holy blood wheel, but the current holy blood wheel does not have the original devil energy, how did this Lin Xiu turn it Purified?And it can also increase its power!
This is a top-grade magic weapon. The power of this kind of top-grade magic weapon is quite terrifying. Even Huoder's original body couldn't resist it. Now this body can't do it either.

Huo De's face changed drastically, only to see hundreds of flying swords appearing in the flywheel, shooting towards Huo De at the same time.

"You..." Hodder's face changed drastically.

"What are you trying to say? I can't hear you!" Lin Xiu chuckled, but the attack didn't stop.

I only saw a huge flaming palm smashing down to Huo De's position, that's right, this young master just bullied you for not having a magic weapon!
When Huo De died physically, his golden baby left without taking anything with him, and he didn't even have a piece of magic weapon on him. Lin Xiu can be sure that Shen Ji will never give Huo De one. magic weapon.

Lin Xiu also discovered this from the battle between Huo De and the white-clothed warrior just now!
If Huo De faced an opponent at the Golden Infant Realm level, he could still use his supernatural powers to win, but against an opponent at the Concentration Realm level, he could only be beaten.

So Lin Xiu only needs to use the weapon to deal with Huo De, Huo De is absolutely impossible to be Lin Xiu's opponent.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not be polite, and he would not let go of this opportunity to act aggressively. With the strength of the Golden Infant Realm, Lin Xiu would be able to get even more Pretending Points if he killed the Concentrating Spirit Realm expert!
Huo De didn't know how angry he was, and he also understood Lin Xiu's thoughts, but now he has no other way at all, unless he is desperate, otherwise, how can he win Lin Xiu?
"Don't go too far, Lin Xiu, if you provoke me, I will never let you go!" Huo De was only heard roaring.

"I still can't hear clearly, Huo De, what are you talking about? You want to fight me hard? Then do it quickly!" Lin Xiu said quickly.

"Bastard!" Howard yelled, only to see his eyes turn blood red.

The lady in white was a little surprised when he saw Huo De displaying such a trick now.

"It's the magic body transformation method. This supernatural power can increase strength for a short time, but it will seriously damage your body in the future. If you don't adjust it properly, it may even consume all your potential. He is going to do his best. Lin Xiu Be careful!" Chen Xiang exclaimed.

As soon as the Heavenly Demon Body Transformation method came out, it was a sign that the powerful demonic powers would go all out. Ordinary demonic powers would not choose this method, but Huo De would.

"Hodder's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 100! Enter the fifth-level rage state!"

Sure enough, the current Huo De is desperate to attack Lin Xiu, in order to kill Lin Xiu.

At this time, Lin Xiu showed a smile on his face, and he said, "You don't have the qualifications to kill me yet!"

"Lin Xiu, I want you to die!" Huo De stared at Lin Xiu with red eyes, and rushed towards Lin Xiu, with black flames gushing out from his palm.

But Lin Xiu didn't move, with a smile on his face, he just pointed his finger at the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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