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Chapter 1144 You are already old!

Chapter 1144 You are already old!

What Lin Xiu didn't expect was that Shen Kang couldn't tolerate someone provoking him in front of so many people. After all, he is a Supreme Elder, but he has been a long time. What he wants to do, even Shen Huang can't do it. power tube.

Even if he becomes Emperor Shen, he is just a puppet in front of Shen Kang. In this area of ​​Shen Kang, only the Supreme Elder is the only ruler.

Of course, Lin Xiu only heard about these things, but never saw them formally. Now Lin Xiu has finally seen them.

"Since this is the case, I want to see what qualifications you have to dare to say such arrogant words!" Shen Kang waved his hands and said, "Take him down!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the members of the Shen family and Chen Xiang who were present all changed. This Supreme Elder actually wanted to deal with Lin Xiu!
"Who dares to take action against my young master!" Only a voice rang out, and Bai Suzhen and the scholar in white stood up.

No matter whether it is Bai Suzhen or the white-clothed scholar, it is impossible to allow someone to hurt Lin Xiu in front of them. Of course, Lin Xiu's current strength will not be weaker than the two, especially since Lin Xiu has practiced the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue , now Lin Xiu's strength is not even weaker than Bai Suzhen.

But these two people still chose to stand in front of Lin Xiu. The aura of the two of them was extremely amazing. Bai Suzhen, who was at the level of transforming gods, and the scholar in white, who was at the level of concentrating, were both quite outstanding existences.

"So that's how it is, there is a strong man in the God Transformation Realm by your side, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant!" Antian laughed and said, "I didn't expect this to happen, so this time, our Heavenly Demon Academy only sent me The God Transformation Realm powerhouse has arrived, but with the help of Brother Shen Kang, it will be different!"

"Scholar in white, I didn't expect that you would be willing to be Lin Xiu's subordinate. What kind of ability does he have that make him worthy of your recognition?" Shen Kang said.

"Master Lin Xiu's charm is beyond what you can imagine. Old ghost Shen Kang, if you don't want to regret it, just kneel down and apologize to my young master now. If that's the case, my young master can consider letting you go!" Just listen Said to the scholar in white.

"Hmph, it seems we don't need to talk any further, Lin Xiu, do you think this flower snake demon can keep you? I think you will regret what you did today!" Shen Kang sneered.

"Regret? The one who regrets is not me! Let's do it, I don't want to continue talking nonsense with you!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

In Lin Xiu's eyes, neither the people from the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon nor this Shen Kang could survive. After all, Lin Xiu had no intention of letting off those who dared to offend Lin Xiu.

"Okay!" An Tian said, and he patted Lin Xiu with his palm, only to see a huge black palm descending from the sky, and cracks appeared in the entire sky.

"The top-grade supernatural power of the Heavenly Demon Dark Courtyard, Sky Cracking Palm!" Someone exclaimed.

The Sky Splitting Palm went directly to Lin Xiu's position. If this palm hit Lin Xiu, even a strong person at the Concentration level would probably be seriously injured.

But beside Lin Xiu, Bai Suzhen had already stomped on the ground and flew away. The huge palm in the sky was cut in half by her sword.

"Okay, let me see the girl's strength!" Hearing An Tian's words, he walked away directly, and slammed his palm towards Bai Suzhen.

The supernatural power battle of the two is not comparable to the powerhouse under the state of transformation.

The other people from the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon immediately surrounded Lin Xiu and others.

Seeing more than a dozen strong people in the holy realm here, Lin Xiu showed a strange look on his face: "You want more people to bully others, don't you?"

"Hehe, Lin Xiu, you don't think we will fight you one-on-one, do you? We just bully the few, so what?" said a strong man from the Dark Court of Heavenly Demons.

"You mean, the more people you have, the less you can bully them?"

"Of course, many people can bully few people. What's your problem?"

"I have no problem, but, everyone, please come out and help!"

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he only saw a pagoda thrown out by him. In that pagoda, 37 people immediately ran out. All of these 37 people were at the holy level, and they were all monsters in human form!
The first floor of Lin Xiu's Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda can accommodate these monsters. These monsters are unwilling to leave and are willing to follow Lin Xiu. With this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, Lin Xiu can let them all practice in it.

Now, as soon as these monsters appeared, they immediately surrounded the people of the Heavenly Demon Dark Court here.

Nima, why are there so many strong people here?
"Everyone, the disciples of the Dark Court of Heavenly Demons say that if there are many people, they can bully the few people, so please help me and get rid of them all!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Heavenly Demon Dark House? What kind of thing is that? How dare you offend our Young Master Lin Xiu!"

"They actually want to bully the few who want to bully the many, right? In this case, we will bully and bully them too!"

"Let these stupid disciples of the Heavenly Demon Dark Court know how many subordinates our young master has!"


The expressions of the people in the Dark Courtyard of Heavenly Demon changed greatly. They hated the person who said that there are many people who can bully few people. Idiot, look at what you said!
But it's too late to regret it now. Once these monsters pounce, even if two or three fight one person at the same time, there will still be more people.

The other people around saw this scene, but they were shocked. Lin Xiu subdued so many monsters!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

After the previous pretense in Shen Jie, the people in Shen Huangcheng gave Lin Xiu a lot of pretense points. Lin Xiu’s current pretense value has collected 6000 million. Believe it or not, Lin Xiu will have a chance to get another treasure box , Maybe it will allow Lin Xiu to reach the Tribulation Crossing Realm.

Lin Xiu looked at Shen Kang in front of him, Lin Xiu still had the last hope, if Shen Kang apologized to him now, for Chen Xiang's sake, Lin Xiu could forgive him and not kill him.

"Scholar in white, you want to protect him, but do you still think you can do it? If he dares to provoke me, I will not let him go!" Shen Kang sneered.

"Old guy, do you really think you are invincible here? Since you want to fight, I will come to meet you and let you know a fact!" Lin Xiu said, taking a step forward.

"What fact?" Shen Kang frowned.

"You are already old!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "I don't need other people to take action today, I will deal with you alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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