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Chapter 1145 Heavenly Demon Five Elements Art

Chapter 1145 Heavenly Demon Five Elements Art
You are old!

These words shocked Shen Kang, but made Shen Kang even more annoyed.

"In that case, I'll let you know now if I'm old!" Shen Kang said, he pinched the supernatural power formula with his palm, only to see countless thunderbolts appearing, and directly blasted towards Lin Xiu.

Among the clouds in the sky, hundreds of violent thunders appeared and descended.

Everyone can see that Shen Kang is really angry this time, he will not let Lin Xiu go, and he doesn't want to let Lin Xiu go, this move is the best supernatural power, even in the face of the transformation of the gods There are also ways to kill the strong at the same level, let alone Lin Xiu.

Seeing this scene, the expression of the white-clothed scholar changed. Even he did not dare to take this kind of attack lightly.

"Lin Xiu, be careful!" Chen Xiang said hastily, she has no way to stop this kind of battle, and her identity is not suitable for playing.

"Hehe, is this also called supernatural power?" Lin Xiu curled his lips when he saw it, with a sneer on his face, he raised his palm and shouted, "Here comes the soil!"

In Lin Xiu's body, a huge amount of holy power was mobilized, with Lin Xiu as the center, the surrounding ground immediately surged up, only to be seen above Lin Xiu's head, as if a tall building had been built, and layers of earth shields blocked It landed on Lin Xiu's head.

Boom boom boom...

The violent thunder fell on Lin Xiu's head, but it had no effect at all. Even Lin Xiu couldn't resist these attacks.

" is this possible?" Seeing this scene, Shen Kang's expression changed.

"Now is the beginning!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "Musai!"

Wood?Where is the wood?Everyone looked around at the same time, but found that a piece of grass grew out of thin air on the ground under Shen Kang's feet, and vines flew out, entangled Shen Kang directly.

"Go away!" Shen Kang shouted loudly, he knew that if he kept hiding his strength, this time he would fall into Lin Xiu's hands.

A black knife flew out from nowhere, cut off the vines, and landed in front of Shen Kang.

"Oh, old guy, you still have a top-grade magic weapon, which is quite capable!" Lin Xiu said in surprise when he saw it.

This one is indeed a top-grade magic weapon, but it is not so easy to get a magic weapon of this level. This Shen Kang has lived for more than 700 years, and he only got one!

However, the power of this magic knife is also quite terrifying. With it, Shen Kang has confidence, and he said: "What kind of skill is this?"

"Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue, have you heard of it?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"What?" Shen Kang's face changed greatly when he heard it, "The Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue cannot be cultivated without having five kinds of spiritual roots. After successful cultivation, you can control the power of the five elements. How can you cultivate it?"

This sentence startled An Tian who was also fighting in the distance. Although An Tian was fighting Bai Suzhen, his attention was still focused on this side. When he heard it, his expression changed drastically. He looked at Lin Xiu. Go, said: "Impossible, how could you practice the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue?"

"Don't you believe it? If this is the case, then try again! Jinlai!" Lin Xiu raised his hand, only to see the weapons on the surrounding strong men, almost all of them gathered in Lin Xiu's hands, and these weapons , turned into a sword.

Lin Xiu felt that he could now control these things as he wished. In Lin Xiu's hands, these weapons had been transformed into swords.

"Go!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, only to see that the sword had already flown out, stabbing all the swords at Shen Kang.

If it is an ordinary sword, even if it is a low-grade magic weapon, then Shen Kang is not afraid, but the problem now is that Lin Xiu's holy power is injected into this kind of sword, but let these swords have the aura of gold, this kind of aura of gold , can make these swords have the power of a top-grade magic weapon in an instant!
Although it was only for a moment, its power was already quite strong. At this moment, even Shen Kang felt very dangerous.

With Shen Kang's current strength, with a wave of his magic knife, he can naturally cut countless flying swords into the air, but even so, the attacks of these flying swords still caused wounds to appear on Shen Kang's body. No matter how fast you go, you can't resist the attack in front of you.

Lin Xiu had nearly ten thousand swords. This attack almost smashed Shen Kang into pieces. However, for Lin Xiu, this move consumed a huge amount of holy power. It actually consumed [-]% of his holy power. !

One must know that Lin Xiu's holy power is fully ten times that of the ordinary Concentration state, which is about the same as that of the God Transformation state. Even so, [-]% of the magic power has been consumed by this trick. Can this kind of consumption be repeated? once.

The swords around Shen Kang fell to the ground one by one. It is not difficult to see that these swords have become imperial weapons. Of course, their quality may be better than their original ones.

Lin Xiu said in embarrassment: "Sorry, I'm not yet proficient in this move, how about this, I'll fight you with another move!"

besides?Shen Kang's expression changed now, before he could speak, he saw Lin Xiu spit out two words again: "Fire!"


Shen Kang's magic knife had already slashed towards Lin Xiu. The speed of this knife was not slow, but the flames spouted from Lin Xiu's mouth were even faster!

This time, the flame that Lin Xiu spit out was not the magic power of fire, but the pseudo-immortal art, the true fire art!

At this moment, Lin Xiu's face turned into a sea of ​​flames. Originally, Shen Kang wanted to use the magic knife to cut Lin Xiu in half with the flames, but now, he found that the magic knife started to melt!

"Boom!" A figure was blown away, and Shen Kang's whole body was scorched black. Even if he didn't die now, he wouldn't live for long.

"Give you a chance, you can use the golden baby to escape, but even if you use the golden baby to escape, how long can you live?" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he ignored Shen Kang and flew towards the dark sky.

"I..." Shen Kang couldn't believe that he would be seriously injured by Lin Xiu, and this Lin Xiu would humiliate him and not give him a fatal blow.

"The Supreme Elder!" The Great Elder came over and helped Shen Kang up and said.

"Why did he do this, why did he do this!" Shen Kang looked at Lin Xiu's back. His whole body was severely burned. Now he is not far from death. Even if he gives up his body, he will still live. Not long.

Moreover, if he is reborn with a golden baby, it is not his original body after all, and it will take a very long time to adapt to this body, and he has not reached the longevity realm, even if he uses countless pills to continue his life, the current lifespan , At most, it can only allow him to live another hundred years.

"You, come here!" Shen Kang's eyes fell on a person, and he said.

Chen Xiang was taken aback, why did Shen Kang call her over?

(End of this chapter)

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