Chapter 1146
Chen Xiang was a little puzzled, and looked at Shen Kang.

"You are a member of our clan, I will not harm you, come here!" Shen Kang's eyes were full of emotion and helplessness at this moment.

Lin Xiu seriously injured his body this time, but forced him to have no other choice. If he used the golden baby to escape, with his strength, he would have to find at least one corpse at the level of the God Transformation level to have a chance to recover. After that, there is no chance to grow.

But if it is continued in another way, maybe it can lead the Shen family to go further!

Lin Xiu's potential far exceeds that of Shen Kang, and not only that, even in terms of strength, Lin Xiu is stronger than Shen Kang. Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang are Taoist couples. If it weren't for Chen Xiang's face today, Chen Xiang would What Kang did to Lin Xiu was enough to make Lin Xiu angry at the entire Shen family.

So now, Shen Kang can only make up for the relationship between their Shen family and Lin Xiu by doing this.

Chen Xiang walked in front of Shen Kang, and Shen Kang said: "Chen Xiang, I was too stupid for today's incident. I made a mistake. I hope I can make up for it!"

"Elder Supreme, you..." Chen Xiang said a little puzzled after hearing this.

"Your talent is good, but you lack a little opportunity. I will give you an opportunity now!" Shen Kang said, only to see him grabbing Chen Xiang's hand, and a profound holy power passed through Shen Kang. Into Chen Xiang's body.

Chen Xiang could feel that the holy power in her body seemed to be continuously improving.

"Your skills and mine are from the same source, so my holy power can be digested by you. As long as you integrate this part of my holy power, you will be able to have the power to transform into a god!" Shen Kang only heard Said, all his holy power was given to Chen Xiang, in order to make up for the mistakes he made.

Of course, it is obviously impossible for Chen Xiang to absorb these holy powers all at once, but Chen Xiang can also improve his strength in a short time.

As for Shen Kang himself, the flesh and blood of his body seemed to be dry, he said: "I hope you can replace me and protect the Shen family well..."

Shen Kang's body turned into a skeleton, even the flesh and blood disappeared. It looked quite strange. The expression on Chen Xiang's face was a bit complicated, but she understood it. It seems that Lin Xiu didn't kill Shen Kang directly. It was to give Shen Kang this chance.

If other people want to pass on the exercises in this way, they will probably die because of the different kinds of holy power in their bodies, but if Shen Kang and Chen Xiang are people of the same blood and practice the same exercises, this This risk is greatly reduced.

Moreover, Shen Kang exhausted all his holy power to pave the way for Chen Xiang. In this way, he would definitely die, but in this way, Chen Xiang can also be well cultivated, so she will practice and improve her strength in the future The speed will be much faster than others.

For these, Lin Xiu didn't care too much. What he had to do had already been done. Lin Xiu couldn't control what would happen next. If Shen Kang really decided to keep his own golden baby and escape, Lin Xiu wouldn't care either. At worst, Lin Xiu will take Chen Xiang away.

Now Lin Xiu is going to settle accounts with the Dark Court!
Bai Suzhen fought against Antian, but gained the upper hand, but after all, Antian is the vice president of Tianmo Dark Courtyard, his strength is naturally not weak, and his supernatural powers are powerful, and he has two top-grade magic weapons, even Bai Suzhen If you want to win him, you can't do it for a while.

Bai Suzhen never imagined that Lin Xiu's way of dealing with Shen Kang would be so swift and brutal. He only saw flames spit out from Lin Xiu's mouth, and rushed towards the dark sky.

Bai Suzhen had already sensed that Lin Xiu was going to attack, so she dodged immediately. This flame did not touch her, but it covered An Tian's whole body in it.

An Tian's face changed drastically. If this attack hit him, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die. An Tian is worthy of being the vice president of the Demon Academy. Not only is he powerful, but he has also been to many places places, and in those places, there are relics of various strong men.

The things obtained will also have some things left by the immortals, such as the ring on An Tian's hand, and a golden light appeared on the ring.

This golden light immediately covered Antian's body, only to see that Antian's whole body was covered by this golden light, Lin Xiu's True Fire Art couldn't hurt him!
Lin Xiu's face showed surprise, this real fire art, but a fake fairy weapon, can't hurt An Tian?How can this be!

"I didn't expect you to force me to use this fairy ring, Lin Xiu, we really underestimated you, even Shen Kang is not your opponent, it seems that you do have some strength!" An Tian sneered and said , "But it's a pity, you now will definitely not be my opponent!"

An Tian said, only to see that he was already holding a bloody long sword and slashing towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu immediately threw out the Heavenly Blood Wheel, and countless sword lights slashed towards An Tian, ​​but when An Tian swung his long sword, all those sword lights were knocked into the air. This one is also a top-grade magic weapon!
The dark sky had arrived in front of Lin Xiu almost in an instant.


Lin Xiu's body swayed and disappeared in place, but An Tian's reaction was extremely fast, he completely gave up on Bai Suzhen, and immediately chased and killed Lin Xiu.

"It's useless, my current strength is not comparable to yours!" An Tian sneered.

This ring seems to not only improve his defense, but also enhance his strength, otherwise, An Tian would not be so arrogant.

But how could Lin Xiu have no trump card, he said: "Okay, if this is the case, then I have come up with a trick!"

"Trick? What other trick do you have?" An Tian said disdainfully.

"Antian, your strength is very strong, but when you practiced, there were already problems. Don't you know that you have demons now?" Lin Xiu said with a sneer.

"You're talking nonsense, I don't have a demon!" When An Tian said this, his eyes were a little red.

"No heart demon? You were originally a demon cultivator, but originally, the demon cultivator was able to keep the heart of the Tao, so he could guard his mind and prevent the demon from appearing, but you even killed your own son. Can there be no demons? Vice President An Tian, ​​am I right?" Lin Xiu said.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was shocked.

"How do you know?" An Tian's eyes were full of shock.

This turned out to be true, when the people present heard it, they also understood the meaning of An Tian's words, and An Tian also knew it, and he slipped his mouth!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"It's not difficult to get rid of your inner demons, all you need is a demon-killing heart pill! But, you have no chance!" Lin Xiu said.

(End of this chapter)

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