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Chapter 1159 Don't Use Magical Artifacts

Chapter 1159 Don't Use Magical Artifacts

The ten mile magic mountain is surrounded by demonic energy, and judging from these demonic energy, it is obvious that this place is not a safe place.

Lin Xiu appeared here, but he could see those two people at a glance.

One of them was Bai Jingjing, and the other was Mo Liang.

"It really is you!" Lin Xiu shook his head, he sighed and said, "Mo Liang, I really don't know, should I admire your courage, or should I say that you are too stupid, you really thought you brought me here , do you have a chance to deal with me?"

"Lin Xiu, there is only one person who can leave between us today. Don't worry, this white girl. I didn't hurt her. Although she is a monster, she has no grievances with me. My purpose is just You!" Mo Liang said.

"Of course I know that your goal is me, so I will give you a chance. I will not use any magic weapon to fight you. If you win, this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda belongs to you!" Lin Xiu said Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda flung it out and said.

A ray of light appeared from the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, shaking non-stop in the air, the three-legged Golden Crow was quite depressed, Nima, do you think I'm trash?unacceptable!

Mo Liang is naturally very afraid of the power of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and Mo Liang is also very worried. Lin Xiu has other magic weapons on him, so this time, he has his own plan. No matter what, he will not let Lin Xiu leave chance.

However, what Lin Xiu said surprised Mo Liang. Could it be that Lin Xiu really had the confidence to deal with him without using magic weapons?
"How? You don't dare to say that, do you?" Lin Xiu said lightly, "I have already given you the opportunity. If you can't grasp it well, then don't blame me!"

"Okay, I promise you!" I only heard Mo Liang say.

"Let's do it!" Lin Xiu said.

Mo Liang roared immediately, and the lightning flashed all over his body, as if the God of Thunder had come down to earth, and the thunder gun in his hand stabbed at Lin Xiu: "Lin Xiu, it was your fault that you came here alone today, today, you will definitely die !"

Dragon Elephant Spear, Prajna Dragon Elephant Art, Mo Liang's strength is now at the peak of Concentration Realm, his strength is so strong that even other Concentration Realm powerhouses cannot compare.

But it's a pity that his opponent is Lin Xiu!
Lin Xiu smiled lightly, and he punched out, only to see the dragon elephant spear hit by a huge force.

"Hahaha...Lin Xiu, do you think that you can compare with mine after you get my Dragon Elephant Art? Let me tell you, my current Dragon Elephant Art has been cultivated to the second level. My strength , It’s not something you can compare to!" While Mo Liang was speaking, the spear had already stabbed Lin Xiu in front of him.

"Jinlai!" Lin Xiu just said calmly, and slammed out a palm, as if a layer of metal appeared on Lin Xiu's palm. When this palm came into contact with the dragon elephant spear, Lin Xiu's whole body was crushed. Fly out.

Lin Xiu could only feel his qi and blood churning. The Dragon Elephant Art on the second level was indeed extraordinary. Of course, what was even more frightening was the Dragon Elephant Spear, which was made of the Essence Stone's image of the Dragon Elephant. , although it is not as good as a pseudo-celestial weapon, its power is far greater than that of an ordinary top-grade magic weapon.

It seems that after Mo Liang was defeated by Bai Suzhen last time, he has retreated and practiced again. This time, his dragon elephant spear technique is much stronger than before.

"You are indeed very strong, Senior Brother Mo Liang, but you have chosen the wrong opponent. Originally, you could continue to be your chief disciple calmly, and I could continue my way of pretending to be aggressive, but you offended me! In this case, Ben The young master has no choice but to send you on the road!" Lin Xiu said, "No way!"

Around Lin Xiu's body, a cyan light shrouded Lin Xiu's body, and Lin Xiu's injuries recovered a lot immediately.

The role of the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue, the stronger Lin Xiu is, the better the effect will be.

"You have practiced my Dragon Elephant Jue, as long as you don't use magic tools, you are no match for me at all!" Mo Liang said, and stabbed Lin Xiu again.

"Dragon Elephant Jue is indeed not weak, but if you haven't cultivated to the third level, you are not qualified to be my opponent. Moreover, my current skills are not only Dragon Elephant Jue!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, " water!"

water?Where does water come from?


There were bursts of loud noises, Mo Liang's face changed drastically, water came from the sky!
The huge sea wave of hundreds of feet, carrying huge holy power, directly knocked Mo Liang away. Mo Liang only felt as if he was directly hit by a supernatural move, and his whole body rolled to the ground in the distance. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Mo Liang's face turned extremely pale, but Lin Xiu continued: "I dare to fight you, do you think I only practiced the Dragon Elephant Art?"

"You!" Mo Liang wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Lin Xiu, I did not underestimate you, from the very beginning, so, today, I will definitely not let you survive!"

"Oh? It seems that you still have a backup! Come out and have a look!" Lin Xiu said again.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll show you what it means to be attacked by a hundred demons!" Seeing Mo Liang sneer, he suddenly raised a flag.

As soon as the flag appeared, Lin Xiu immediately felt the demonic aura around him. Inside this flag, there were countless demons hiding, even, not just demons!

Such a strong magic energy, such a strong magic power, this flag must be an excellent magic weapon.

"So that's it. Are you planning to use this thing to deal with me?" Lin Xiu looked at the flag without changing his expression, only saw him raise his middle finger, and said, "Come on, deal with me!"

"You! I'll make you regret it!" Mo Liang roared loudly, and countless demon souls gushed out from the demon flag, rushing towards Lin Xiu.

A flame gushed out of Lin Xiu's mouth, and a ball of flame appeared in each of Lin Xiu's hands.


True Fire Art!

Around Lin Xiu, there was a sea of ​​flames, even the flag was burned by Lin Xiu, and the surrounding demon souls were swept away by Lin Xiu.

Mo Liang's expression was sluggish, and his face was full of disbelief. Lin Xiu didn't even use a magical weapon, and he was able to defeat him with just magical powers!

how can that be!

"Senior Brother Mo Liang, what else do you have to do, just use it!" Lin Xiu said again.

What's next?How could I still be behind?Mo Liang didn't want to stay anymore, as soon as he turned around, he wanted to run away.

Lin Xiu didn't chase after him, he went to release Bai Jingjing, Bai Jingjing was still in a coma, she saw Lin Xiu when she woke up, and immediately threw herself into Lin Xiu's arms: "Master Lin Xiu, I thought I would never see you again it's your turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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