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Chapter 1160 I must have this kind of treasure!

Chapter 1160 I must get this kind of treasure!

"It's okay, Jingjing, I'm here, don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"Master!" Bai Jingjing was a little moved.

Mo Liang just wanted to escape, but before flying far, he saw a palm appearing in front of him, knocking him directly to the ground.

"Mo Liang, you bastard, you actually did such a thing!" Tang Ao appeared in the air and said coldly.

Mo Liang saw that besides Tang Ao, there were also Wang Ze, Bai Suzhen, and a scholar in white. These people had all arrived.

"You...Vice President Wang Ze, please, let me go!" Mo Liang said hastily, "I am willing to worship you as my teacher, please!"

"Mo Liang, the mistake you made this time is really too big!" Tang Ao said with a sigh.

Wang Ze didn't say a word, but his eyes were full of sighs.

"Vice President Wang Ze, why didn't you help me, why!" Mo Liang said.

"I've already helped you!" Wang Ze said again, "This time, I originally asked Lin Xiu to let you go with him. In this case, I believe Lin Xiu will not give you any magic weapon you want. Care about, but, look what you have done!"

Wang Ze walked towards Mo Liang, his eyes were full of anger: "Mo Liang, I recommended you to become the chief disciple, and I helped you get the inheritance of the Dragon Elephant Immortal, but I won't teach you, Let you become such a person!"

"For my own selfishness, disregarding the safety of the Holy Court, disregarding the safety of my fellow disciples, even doing things that hurt other disciples, and doing whatever it takes to achieve my goal, all of this is my fault, so today, I will accept everything. return!"

Wang Ze's palm had already caught Mo Liang, and his eyes were full of chills.

Tang Ao couldn't help being taken aback, Wang Ze actually valued Mo Liang so much, it seems that the relationship between them is not a simple relationship, after all, even if Tang Ao meets the inheritance of the Immortal Dragon Elephant, he may not let it go , but Wang Ze gave this inheritance to Mo Liang.

No wonder Wang Ze treats Mo Liang so well, but the current Mo Liang is really disappointing.

Today's incident, no matter what, with Lin Xiu's personality, he would never let it go easily, so this time, Mo Liang is completely over.

However, Mo Liang thought that he would still have a chance, so he immediately knelt down in front of Wang Ze and said, "Vice President Wang Ze, I was the one who went too far, Lin Xiu, I am sorry for you, I was infatuated for a while, so That's why I did such a thing, please let me go!"

Wang Ze raised his palm and wanted to hit Mo Liang's head, but Mo Liang immediately said, "Uncle Wang Ze, do you really bear to kill me?"

"You..." Wang Ze's palm trembled, but he couldn't let it go.

But at this time, a figure appeared in front of Mo Liang, Lin Xiu's palm grabbed Mo Liang's wrist, and a powerful holy power poured directly into Mo Liang's meridians.

"Lin Xiu, you..." Wang Ze didn't make a move to stop him. He knew that if Lin Xiu wanted to make a move, he would never be able to stop him.

"Since Vice President Wang Ze doesn't want to teach him a lesson, let me do it!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"No, you... what are you doing! Ah—my holy power, my golden baby!!!" Mo Liang only felt that the meridians in his body were directly broken, and Lin Xiu also destroyed his golden baby Well, even if Mo Liang didn't die, it is estimated that all his cultivation would disappear.

This time, Lin Xiu destroyed his cultivation and didn't talk nonsense with him at all.

"Deputy President Wang Ze, this time I let him live because of your face, but next time, I won't have such a chance again!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Ruining Mo Liang's practice is almost like taking his life. Who told Mo Liang to capture Lin Xiu's subordinates? Killing him would already be regarded as giving Wang Ze face.

Wang Ze also naturally knew that Lin Xiu was such a stingy person, it was not bad to say such a thing, he sighed and said: "I understand, thank you!"

Lin Xiu waved his hand, he wanted to comfort Bai Jingjing, and he didn't bother to meddle in the affairs here.

Tang Ao looked at Mo Liang. Mo Liang was sitting on the ground now. After being hit so hard, Mo Liang might not have a chance to rise again. Being able to live a good life as an ordinary person is not bad. to blame.

Mo Liang's life is over, but Lin Xiu will not show any pity for him. After all, if Lin Xiu's strength is not enough today, he will probably die here.

But the three-legged Golden Crow swallowed the flag again. Before that, Lin Xiu had used his Xuanxian Iron Epee Sword to swallow all the demon energy. But now it is not qualified to be used against other people.

Bai Jingjing discovered that Lin Xiu's realm was higher than hers, and she couldn't see through Lin Xiu's realm, which made Bai Jingjing's face full of disbelief: "Master Lin Xiu, what realm are you now?"

"Just entered the state of concentration, I think, now I can help you rescue your daughter!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Of course, Master Lin Xiu, please help me. My daughters are still suffering in Baihu Ridge. Bai Hu Ridge is not far from here. It only takes five days to get there!" Bai Jingjing said, "And In the hands of that monster, there is also a treasure, which is said to be able to swallow everything."

Lin Xiu was taken aback, this sounded very powerful: "I will definitely get this kind of treasure... No, Bai Jingjing, don't worry, I will definitely rescue your daughter, and this monster will get this kind of treasure, It will only harm the world!"

"In order to maintain the justice of the world, and to protect the peace of the world, I must not allow him to continue to do evil, let's go, let's meet him now!"

Lin Xiu has a righteous and dignified look on his face. People who don't know it really think he is a chivalrous person.

Of course, Lin Xiu himself thought so, so this time, he had to reach Baihu Ridge.

White Tiger Ridge.

There are many white tiger monsters around here. These tiger monsters are also quite powerful. Apart from some monsters who are in the realm of Martial Ancestors, there are also many monsters in the holy realm.

These powerhouses in the Holy Realm are of course even stronger. They are now offering sacrifices to their ancestors, the White Tiger Clan, but they have a terrifying ancestor, the divine beast White Tiger.

The White Tiger Ceremony is also a ceremony of the White Tiger Clan. The sacrifices used by the White Tiger Clan this time are two beautiful girls.

(End of this chapter)

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