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Chapter 1174 Purification Treasure Chest

Chapter 1174 Purification Treasure Chest

Remnant souls are generally something that only the strong can leave behind, and they usually have their own consciousness.

If these remnant souls are allowed to approach, I'm afraid they will all be in danger!
Lin Xiu opened his mouth, and a voice of Buddha rolled out, and those remnants of souls were all shattered by Lin Xiu's eight-part voice of heaven and dragon.

"Don't worry, with me here, you won't be in danger!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Lin Xiu was not surprised that there were so many dead strong men in this temple, and a few remnants appeared.

However, the interior here has also obviously suffered damage.

Going forward, there is a person here, to be precise, this is a corpse, I can only see that it is supporting its body with the sword in its hand, and dozens of arrows are stuck in his body. Not anymore, but there are still bones and armor on him.

Lin Xiu discovered that this treasure chest was in this person's body.

Lin Xiu's gaze fell on the sword in this man's hand. Just as Lin Xiu was about to grab the sword with his palm, he saw that the skeleton had already swung the sword and chopped it down towards Lin Xiu.

"Brother Lin Xiu, be careful!" Everyone said quickly.

Lin Xiu punched it, only to see that the sword was deflected by Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu was not injured at all.

Lin Xiu bumped his elbow again, and the skeleton had been repelled. Lin Xiu held the sword in his hand, and when he exerted force with his palm, Lin Xiu tore off his entire arm.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the purification treasure box. The host needs to purify the soul of the Desolate Temple. Each soul in the Holy Realm increases the purification value by 1 points. After leaving the Desolation Temple, the purification treasure box will be automatically settled!"

Lin Xiu glanced at the sword in his hand. This sword is obviously a good magical weapon. Although it has not reached the level of a fairy weapon, it is definitely not an ordinary magical weapon. It is not a good idea to use it to purify the soul of this desolate temple. An easy task, of course, is not difficult for Lin Xiu, isn't there a soul in front of him?
Minghua wanted to attack the skeleton, but his magic weapon hit the armor on the skeleton, and was bounced off directly. His magic weapon was the best magic weapon, but it couldn't hurt the skeleton. How could this be possible?

"Let's attack together!" Yuan Mei said.

"Wait!" Lin Xiu's voice came, he stopped everyone from doing anything, and said, "He, leave it to me!"

Lin Xiu held the sword in his hand, his eyes fell on the skeleton in front of him, and he said lightly: "You have been here for too long, now rest in peace!"

The skeleton had already pounced on Lin Xiu again, but Lin Xiu's sword had pierced its chest, and the armor couldn't resist the sword at all. The skeleton had been smashed to pieces by Lin Xiu.

"Ding, congratulations to the successful purification of the host, and collected 1 purification points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the amethyst treasure chest!"

Lin Xiu defeated the skeleton with a sword so easily, and the other powerful people around felt quite shocked. They clearly saw that Minghua's attack on the skeleton had no effect at all, but Lin Xiu was different. Lin Xiu It has been able to easily defeat the skeleton in front of it, how powerful is this destructive power?

"Everyone, are you all right?" Lin Xiu said.

"We're fine, thank you Brother Lin Xiu for helping us out!" Only Ming Hua said.

"Go around and see what other treasures are here. If you encounter remnants or skeletons, don't fight them head-on. You must come back and tell me, and I will deal with them myself!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes!" Several people around said immediately.

Lin Xiu himself also began to come here to explore the temple here.

When Lin Xiu entered the remote temple here, someone had already reached the center of the temple. It was Yang Gan. Besides Yang Gan, there was also Fa Hai and an elder in red.

The three of them are the giants of the three major forces, they are very powerful, and they have all entered the immortal state.

Of course, it's not just the forces from these three parties who came here, besides them, people from Tianmo Sword Sect, Moyinmen, and Tianxing Pavilion also came here.

The entire Rage God Temple is obviously in great trouble, otherwise so many strong men would never have fallen. The corpses of these strong men are still here, and some corpses even have storage bags. If you are lucky, say Might be able to pick up a few storage bags.

Obtaining the treasures in the storage bag is not a waste of time. Of course, if you want to get more precious things, you must enter the central temple to get them.

But outside the central temple, there is a statue that is shining. This statue is protecting this central temple. It is definitely not that simple to enter this temple.

"I didn't expect the Holy Court to come here. Could it be that the Holy Court is also interested in the treasures here?" Yang Gan said with a smile.

"Our Holy See can feel that there is a powerful evil here. In order to come here to purify the evil here, we naturally have to come!" The elder in red said calmly.

"Oh? Really? I think the face of the Holy Court seems to be getting thicker and thicker. It's obvious that they came here to grab the magic weapon, and they said it so grandly!" Fazheng said with a sneer.

"Hmph!" The elder in red snorted coldly, just as he was about to continue talking, he heard a loud noise around here, and that statue started to move unexpectedly.

"This statue is used to protect this temple. If we want to enter, we must first destroy this statue!" Fa Hai said.

"What's so difficult about this?" Yang Gan said indifferently, "There is righteousness in the world, and the universe is magnificent!"

In Yang Qian's hand, only a golden book appeared, the golden book shone brightly, and a golden giant sword flew out of the golden book, directly shooting at the god statue.

The statue seemed to feel something, and punched out, and this punch smashed the golden giant sword into two halves.

Such a powerful force. After seeing it, other people around couldn't help but change their expressions. Even Yang Gan felt a little surprised. He didn't expect that this idol would have the strength of the peak of longevity!
On Fa Hai's palm, a golden light appeared, and a Buddha seal appeared, and he blasted it out with a palm, and the Buddha seal expanded in an instant, and hit him in front of him.

Big Buddha seal!
The god statue also punched away, smashing the big Buddha seal into pieces.

"It seems that it is not easy for any of us to defeat it. We can only join forces!" said the elder in red.

"What are you waiting for? Let's do it!" Fahai said.

The three of them didn't expect that they would join hands at this time. With the three of them joining forces, it was naturally impossible for the statue to resist, and it was quickly smashed to pieces.

But at this moment, a ripple spread out to the surroundings.

"Dangerous!" Yang Gan said, his expression changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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