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Chapter 1175 my pet!

Chapter 1175 my pet!

Yang Qian's words immediately made the people around him feel that something was wrong, they could see that a ripple came over them.

This ripple, like a black ray of light, spread out to the surroundings. Those who reacted in time could still use magical weapons to resist, but even with the spirit armor on their bodies, these people still felt that something was wrong with their bodies.

Those strong people who have spiritual armor and magical weapons to resist have also suffered serious physical problems, let alone those who have not resisted.

Those strong men who were not resisted felt their minds go blank for a while, as if they had turned into walking dead, and began to hurt other people around them.

Lin Xiu felt something, he suddenly said: "You all come to my side, hurry up!"

The few people around listened to Lin Xiu's words, so when Lin Xiu spoke, they immediately gathered around Lin Xiu.

The energy in Lin Xiu's body poured into the sword in his hand violently, only to see a faint brilliance appear on the sword.

In the next moment, this ray of brilliance appeared, forming a circle of light, covering the four people around it, and a black ripple appeared from the air, knocking Lin Xiu and others over.

This ray of light was purified by Lin Xiu, and the people around were not hurt at all.

"What was that just now?" Yuan Mei asked with a change of expression.

"Let's go out and have a look!" Lin Xiu said.

As soon as everyone walked out of the temple, they found someone rushing towards them.

"What?" Minghua was startled, and a mouthful of flames spewed out from his mouth. The person was knocked flying by the flames, and his body was ignited by the flames.

But even so, that person didn't seem to feel the hot feeling coming from his body, he actually rushed over again, exactly towards Minghua.

One of the disciples sacrificed a sword, pierced the man's chest directly, and nailed him to a wall.

But even so, that one's body is still struggling continuously, even if the body is pierced, it doesn't seem to be injured at all, this... What's going on?

Everyone even saw that the skin and flesh of this person began to fall off, like a carrion, but he was still moving. This person was no longer human, and the eyeballs of this person were about to fall off.

"What... what's going on here? How can he still stand up? Can he still move?" Yuan Mei only felt terrified.

"The ripple just now seems to have affected him. No, judging from the situation just now, it may not only affect him, but also affect other people!" Lin Xiu looked at the people around him.

That person, no, that rotting corpse had already rushed towards Lin Xiu. As soon as the sword of purification in Lin Xiu's hand stabbed out, the rotting corpse was immediately pierced through the body.

Many disciples were a little worried. After all, this rotting corpse is not so easy to deal with. Even if it is pierced through its body, it will not be defeated and will continue to stand up.

But these people's worries were obviously superfluous. When Lin Xiu's sword pierced the rotting corpse, it had already fallen down and never stood up again.

"Ding, the purification is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining [-] purification points!"

"Look, what is that?" A disciple immediately exclaimed loudly.

Everyone immediately looked in that direction, only to see a group of black figures coming here.

The expressions on the faces of these people were dull, but their body movements were not slow. They were already approaching this side, and there were hundreds of them.

The arrival of so many saint-level powerhouses is quite a terrifying thing. If they surround them, even Lin Xiu can't protect these people around him. However, for Lin Xiu, he shouldn't run away. After all, Lin Xiu It should be here to collect more purification value.

These people have been polluted by that ray of light, so killing them all will allow Lin Xiu to get more purification value!
"There are also in the back!" Another disciple also said.

As soon as Lin Xiu turned his head, sure enough, there were those rotting corpse-like powerhouses behind him. He didn't know if they were humans or monsters. Anyway, they were no longer the original ones.

Lin Xiu suddenly felt something, he said: "Stand here, don't move!"

"What?" After hearing this, many disciples' faces changed.

The rotting corpses here have already arrived here, if they don't run away, isn't that waiting to die?

But since Lin Xiu had already said that, they naturally couldn't object to Lin Xiu's words. The four of them stood here, watching those carrion corpses rushing towards them, feeling a little desperate in their hearts.

All I saw was that at this moment, a huge strange beast had rushed over, swallowing more than 100 carrion corpses in one gulp.

Everyone saw that Zhang Damin couldn't close his mouth anymore, damn, this is too exaggerated!

Not to mention them, even Lin Xiu felt quite shocked, isn't this Gu Kun?Why are you eating carrion?
Lin Xiu sensed Gu Kun's arrival just now, and this Gu Kun seemed to have his own consciousness and knew how to join forces with Lin Xiu. After hearing this, Lin Xiu naturally didn't mind staying.

It was also the first time that Lin Xiu saw this bone kun, which had the same body shape as the tiger kun, but this bone kun's body was made up of skeletons. There was no flesh and blood in the body, and the appearance of the body was also an armor made of bones.

Is this the bone kun?
The current bone kun has entered the immortal state. When Lin Xiu released it just now, no one knew how many skeletons it had devoured. But now, it is actually devouring the carrion here.

Moreover, even the rotten corpse behind Lin Xiu is not polite!

With a swing of Gu Kun's body, he had already pounced on the carrion corpses.

The bone kun opened its mouth wide and swallowed dozens of carrion corpses in one gulp.

"Warning, the bone kun is devouring food that does not belong to its nourishment, and it may have serious consequences!"

Lin Xiu's face changed, the bone kun didn't care about it, it continued to devour the carrion.

But for the carrion that the bone kun devoured, Lin Xiu got the purification value, and he didn't even need to move.

"Ding, the purification was successful, and I got [-] purification points!"

"Ding, the purification was successful, and I got [-] purification points!"


A series of reminders made Lin Xiu's expression even weirder, but all the rotting corpses here have been swallowed up by this bone kun, and Lin Xiu also wants to know what this bone kun will turn into.

Gu Kun's current body was actually shrouded in black mist, and it really started to mutate!

"Ding, the bone kun has begun to evolve and is evolving..."

"This... Brother Lin Xiu, what kind of monster is this?" Ming Hua asked.

" my pet!" Lin Xiu said with a strange expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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