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Chapter 1176 Tianyin Pavilion

Chapter 1176 Tianyin Pavilion

"..." The faces of the people around changed, and Lin Xiu actually said, this is his pet?
How can this be?

Could this kind of monster be Lin Xiu's pet?

The people around couldn't believe it.

And Lin Xiu's face is a bit weird now, when will this bone kun evolve?
Lin Xiu thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the central temple first, what should have happened there!"

"Then what about it?" Yuan Mei pointed to Gu Kun, who was covered in black mist, and asked.

"Leave him alone, let's go in!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said immediately.

Inside the Kunpeng treasure chest, the third Kun seedling has appeared, which already shows that the bone Kun has been successfully cultivated.

What should the third Kun seedling grow?

After cultivating two kuns, Lin Xiu also understood that these kuns should be raised at the beginning, and they will evolve into what they look like. Even bone kuns can evolve, let alone other things.

Lin Xiu led four people, before arriving at the central shrine, he only saw that the god statue here had been shattered, but the people from Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Holy Court were not here, and other people could not enter the central shrine at all. .

This central shrine does not seem to have an entrance, so it is impossible for the people present to enter, but now Fomen and others cannot disappear out of thin air, or they will not come here.

There are not many strong people here, less than 1000, but all of them are strong people above the holy realm, and here, there are still many corpses left. Those rotting corpses were dismembered and then lit. Burned, it is impossible to survive.

Although the rotting corpses are powerful, they are still without sanity, and their strength is not very strong. How strong can they be to attack people only with their bodies?
The strong people here can naturally win them. As long as they attack them with weapons and burn their bodies, they will not be able to threaten others at all.

They were a little surprised to see Lin Xiu and his party coming, but no one came forward to intercept them.

"Lin Xiu, you are here too!" Wang Ze looked at Lin Xiu and asked.

"Vice President Wang Ze!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"It's great that you have no facts!" Wang Ze said after seeing that the five people were not injured.

"What happened just now? How did it become like this? Everyone else here seems to have lost their minds!" Lin Xiu asked.

"Just now, Fa Hai, Yang Qian and the elder in red fought against the god statue here and destroyed the god statue here, but when the god statue was destroyed, a curse was issued. Anyone who did not escape the curse would lose their minds and go crazy. Attack other people around!" Wang Ze said.

After Lin Xiu heard it, he nodded. It turned out that was the case, and he asked again: "Then what about the people from the three forces?"

"Once you get the key here, you can enter this central temple. It seems that this central temple has never been invaded. As long as we get the key, we can enter it!" Wang Ze said.

key?Now Wang Ze has one, and Lin Xiu also has one!
"Wang Ze, I heard that there is one of the keys in your holy courtyard. I wonder if it is true?" At this moment, a voice sounded.

When everyone looked at it, they only heard that people from the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect had arrived, and the leader was also the deputy suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, Liu Hu!

Liu Hu's strength is very strong. He is an existence at the level of the pulse-passing state. Those people behind him are all powerful disciples. Everyone has at least one sword behind them. They seem to be of good strength look!
"I heard that there is an immortal genius named Lin Xiu in the holy courtyard, right? I wonder which young hero it is?" A very pleasant and beautiful voice sounded.

I only saw a young girl coming with a group of disciples. These disciples were male and female, and they all had various mysterious musical instruments. It seemed that these musical instruments should be magic weapons.

"Those are people from the Magic Sound Pavilion. Needless to say, they are powerful. Be careful of their magic sounds. If you are deceived, you must stimulate yourself to wake up early. Otherwise, you may never have a chance to wake up!" Wang Ze reminded immediately.

"It is rumored that Fairy Miaoyin not only has an incomparable piano sound, but also a unique appearance in the Moyin Pavilion. It seems that this is true!" Yang Shu sighed.

"Although she is beautiful, she has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. How would you know these things?" Yuan Mei pouted.

I have to say that Fairy Miaoyin is indeed beautiful, and she is wearing a long blue dress, showing off her beautiful figure.

"Hahahaha..." A heroic laugh appeared, only to see a figure descend from the sky and land in front of everyone, and there was a loud noise immediately.

The ground immediately exploded, and everyone could see that this man was tall, about [-] meters tall, holding an Overlord Spear in his hand, with his upper body naked, his muscles were quite exaggerated.

"Isn't this one the vice president of Tianhong Bayuan, Baqiang?"

"Ba Qiang is said to be a long spear, which can fight against the strong in the pulse-passing state, and there are not even a few defeats!"

"Under the three major forces, the Ba Yuan may be able to rank first!"


The people around had already started discussing, and at this moment, everyone could see that not only Ba Qiang came here, but also some people from Ba Yuan.

"Everyone, I, Ba Qiang, came here just to borrow a key from you so that we can enter this central temple!" Ba Qiangli said loudly, looking around.

At this time, another group of people arrived, they were people from Tianxing Pavilion.

But after hearing what Ba Qiang said, no one picked up the words. After all, Ba Qiang's words were intended to reveal the gun!
They are not willing to hand over their keys, and the people from the three major forces have entered the temple just now, so the people from the three major forces obviously already have the keys.

There are still five major forces and more than a dozen small forces here, but now, there are only four keys here, and it may not be easy to enter them.

As for the dark courtyard, the current dark courtyard is on the verge of collapse, but no one from the dark courtyard will come at this time. After all, there are not even many strong people in the dark courtyard in this dark courtyard, let alone more powerful existences , they are not qualified to come at all.

"Of course we have the key, anyone who wants to grab it, just try!" Liu Hu of Tianmo Sword Sect said coldly.

The Heavenly Demon Sword Sect respects the sword and is powerful. In the Little Holy Academy, there is also a bully. Even if it is a bully spear, it is obviously impossible to snatch the key from them.

"I heard that the Holy Court has obtained one of the keys. If you are interested in Baqiang, I think you can ask the people in the Holy Court. Maybe they are willing to give you the key!" Only Fairy Miaoyin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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