Chapter 1193 Wu

Speaking of it, Yang Gan really wanted Lin Xiu to kill Fa Hai, but it was obvious that Fa Hai's method was really powerful, the great teleportation technique allowed him to easily leave the Desolate Temple, as long as he left the Desolate Temple, Lin Xiu would be gone With the power of a half immortal, it is even more impossible to deal with Fa Hai.

Although Lin Xiu didn't underestimate Fa Hai, he had already shot with all his strength, but after all, it was only the power of the Desolate Temple, and Lin Xiu couldn't control it well. It was already good to be able to defeat Fa Hai.

"Where will Fa Hai escape to?" Lin Xiu asked.

Although Fa Hai escaped, Lin Xiu would not let Fa Hai go. After all, Lin Xiu wanted to save people, so this time, Lin Xiu had to go after Fa Hai.

"Jinshan Temple!" Yang Gan replied.

There is also Jinshan Temple in this world?Lin Xiu was a little surprised. He glanced at Fazheng and the others, and said, "You guys, you can't leave. I need you to replace my subordinates!"

"What did you say?" Fazheng said angrily when he heard it.

"You can resist, but this young master will not show mercy!" Lin Xiu said lightly, a huge power appeared, Fa Zheng, Jing Chen and others all knelt on the ground.

These six monks are not Fa Hai, even Fa Hai can't bear this kind of power, let alone them!

Lin Xiu unceremoniously put a restraint on them, knocked them all out and arrested them.

Lin Xiucai turned his head and said to the people around him: "The Temple of the Desolate God will be destroyed soon, you guys leave! Lord Yang Gan, I wonder if you can clarify my doubts?"

What Lin Xiu wanted to ask was naturally about Fahai and Jinshan Temple.

Yang Gan could not wait for Lin Xiu to trouble Fa Hai, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's talk about it in another place!"

Yang Gan gave Lin Xiu a map, recording the location of Jinshan Temple, and then said something about Buddhism and Fahai before leading the Confucianists away.

Lin Xiu did understand a lot of things. Sure enough, the Buddhism in this world, Fa Hai, is different from what he knew in his previous life, but this does not prevent Lin Xiu from continuing to take Bai Suzhen and others back.

As for the members of the Church, after Lin Xiu asked about the location of the Church, he killed them all.

It is necessary to go to the Holy Court, but before going to the Holy Court, Lin Xiu felt that he should go to Jinshan Temple first. There may be more than one strong man in the Holy Court who has crossed the Tribulation Realm, and may even have incomparable strength Weak strong.

With Lin Xiu's current strength, it is still a bit too difficult to go to the Holy Court to save people. He plans to raise the remaining six kun before going to the Holy Court to trouble him.

But now, in Lin Xiu's hand, there is still a purification treasure box that can be opened. In addition to the purification treasure box, there is also a holy realm experience pill treasure box.

There are a total of three Holy Land Experience Pills in the Holy Land Experience Pill treasure box that Lin Xiu exchanged with the pretense value.

Lin Xiu was a bit disappointed, but after taking three pills, he could also enter the Shattering Void Realm. If he wanted to continue to break through, he needed to continue to pretend, or rely on other heaven and earth spirit treasures.

The Purification Chest has now been transformed into a Starry Chest.

Somewhere in Wanfa Continent, here is underground, in a temple, a young man opened his eyes.

"Master Wu, do you have any orders?" A black figure appeared in front of this man and said.

"Go and investigate, about the Desolate Temple!" Wu said calmly.

"Master Wu, do you mean the Temple of Wu that was destroyed 5000 years ago?" Only the black shadow asked.

"Yes, 5000 years ago, although we destroyed the Desolation Temple, we did not obtain the Great Desolation Art, not only the Great Desolation Art, but also did not take away Huang's fairy soul. He also used a secret method to save a Descendants!" Wu said.

"We have searched for 5000 years, but we haven't found the whereabouts of the Desolate Temple. Could it be that the Desolate Temple has reappeared?" Wu said.

"Send someone to investigate right away, be careful, don't let those nerds from Confucianism find out, otherwise, we will also be in trouble!" Wu said a little apprehensively.

If it weren't for the nerds from the Confucianism sect, Wu's subordinates would have already found the whereabouts of the Desolate God Temple. These Confucian people, for some reason, have been staring at them, and they have already obtained the Desolate God Temple in the past ten years. news, but never had a chance.

Now if the Huangshen Temple is really born, the Great Desolation Art will definitely appear, and if Huang's fairy soul can be taken away, then he may truly become a fairy!
Not long after, Wu got the news. Sure enough, the Desolate Temple was not only born, but also collapsed.

"The Rage God Temple has disappeared now, but it is said that in the Rage God Temple, a young man used powerful power to defeat Fa Hai and escape!" the man in black said.

"What did you say? He can use the power of the Huang Temple? Could it be that Huang really let him pass it on?" Wu said in disbelief.

"It's true, and it is said that there is a young girl following that boy in the Temple of Desolation!" the man in black said again.

"Young girl? So that's how it is. This is a boy called Tuogu. Okay, you send someone to bring this boy and that girl here!" Wu said.

"Master Wu, what if they resist?" said the man in black.

"Kill the boy and bring the girl back!" Wu said.

"Yes!" said the man in black.

Fa Hai didn't expect that he would be injured so badly. Fortunately, he had learned the Great Teleportation Technique, otherwise, Fa Hai would really be in big trouble this time.

Going back this time, it may take some time to recover!
Fa Hai went back to Jinshan Temple. When the disciple saw Fa Hai coming back, his expression changed, and he immediately helped Fa Hai back.

Fa Hai immediately gave orders: "For this month, don't let anyone disturb me. I have suffered a little injury and need to retreat to recover!"

"Yes, Master!" the disciple immediately said.

Inside Jinshan Temple, there is a mountain, which is a taboo place of Jinshan Temple, except for Fahai, other people can't go in at all.

This one is called Faming Mountain. At this time, Fa Hai walked into this mountain. In this mountain, there was a cave. As soon as Fa Hai stepped into it, there were bursts of strange screams. , but you can't hear it outside.

"I'll take care of the old monk's injury!" Fa Hai said at this time, with a sneer on his face. How can Fa Hai at this time have the kindness of that eminent monk?
Lin Xiu opened the purification treasure box in front of him, and what he saw made him stunned for a moment. Is this also considered a fairy art?And it's a treasure that was opened from the Xingyao Treasure Chest!
 It's 1200 chapters, it's the first time I've written such a long one, I'm a little excited, let's see if I can explode a chapter or two this weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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