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Chapter 1194 Powerful Sword Art

Chapter 1194 Powerful Sword Art

Lin Xiu opened the Xingyao treasure box, only to see a classic book inside.

When Lin Xiu opened this secret book, a strange look appeared on his face. This secret book turned out to be Qinglian Sword Art!

Qinglian Sword Jue was created by Qinglian Sword Immortal. There are nine styles in total, which are amazingly powerful. This sword formula is a fragment, so only the first three styles are available. Qinglian Sword Jue kills one person in ten steps. Song.

Only three styles?Lin Xiu was a little dissatisfied, but the system explained to Lin Xiu that the full version of Qinglian Sword Art cannot be opened from the Xingyao Treasure Box, so if Lin Xiu wants to change it, he can also open the Treasure Box for Lin Xiu again Opportunity.

Lin Xiu thought for a while, but he decided to forget it. After all, this Qinglian Sword Art is indeed a powerful sword art. This is a real fairy art, and its power is much stronger than the True Fire Art.

Lin Xiu obtained these three tricks, if he used them properly, even opponents in the Tribulation Realm would have a chance to kill them!

In addition to this Xingyao Treasure Box, there is also a Xingyao Treasure Box in the settlement of the copy of the Desolate Temple.

Lin Xiu opened the treasure chest, and a cassock appeared inside.

Immortal artifacts, Baosha cassocks, can prevent evil spirits from invading, and their defense power is quite amazing. However, in order to play its true role, one must learn Buddhist skills and possess the power of Buddha.

This point is a bit of a headache for Lin Xiu now, but even if he wears it on his body, it will have a strong defensive effect.

After all, Lin Xiu had already obtained three Holy Realm Experience Pills. Three days later, he would be a strong person in the Shattering Void Realm, and if he obtained Immortal Art, he could certainly deal with a strong person in the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

"Where do you want to go?" Only Huang Ling asked.

"From now on, you will be my young master's maid, and you have no control over where this young master wants to go!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"You!" Huang Ling was very dissatisfied when she heard it.

"If you are dissatisfied, you can leave now. Anyway, Mr. Huang said that if you want you to follow me, I will protect you. However, if you really want to leave by yourself, I don't mind!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Huangling follows Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu will naturally keep his promise, but it doesn't mean that Lin Xiu needs to act according to Huangling's face.

Huang Ling knew her identity, she didn't believe that Lin Xiu could protect her, but if she was allowed to leave alone, she wouldn't dare, and if she was caught, she couldn't imagine what would happen to her.

Lin Xiu saw that Huang Ling stopped talking, so he said lightly: "Since you dare not leave, just stay here for me. I am going to make a breakthrough, so I am not interested in paying attention to you!"

As Lin Xiu said, he released the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, entered the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda by himself, and started taking experience pills.

On the first day, Lin Xiu's realm broke through, from the state of concentration to the state of transformation.

Entering the God Transformation Realm can make the mental power break through 1000, but Lin Xiu's mental power has already reached 1000, so his breakthrough this time allowed his mental power to reach 5000, which is five times that of other people.

Now that Lin Xiu uses the trick of fooling, even people in the immortal state can be affected!
The next day, Lin Xiu's realm broke through again and entered the pulse-passing realm. This realm can change Lin Xiu's bloodline, change Lin Xiu's bloodline, and allow Lin Xiu's descendants to inherit his bloodline.

On the third day, the Shattering Void Realm has the power to break through the void. Of course, this is different from the teleportation technique, because breaking through the void requires a huge amount of energy. four days.

Seeing Lin Xiu's breakthrough in the past three days, the three-legged Golden Crow and the many monsters stared straight at him. Nima, they have seen geniuses and monsters, but they have never seen freaks!
Breaking through the first level in three days, this is impossible for any talent, at least, they have never seen such a genius!
But now Lin Xiu has done it, pretending to be aggressive here, and these monsters also gave Lin Xiu a batch of pretending points.

Inside the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, it can be regarded as another space. Lin Xiu is here for ten days, and outside is only one day, so Lin Xiu can fit his own holy power in this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

Lin Xiu stayed in the Qibao Linglong Pagoda for a total of ten days, three days for breakthroughs in strength, and seven days for practicing the Qinglian Sword Art.

This move should be the sword move of Qinglian Sword Immortal, Lin Xiu was a little suspicious, isn't Qinglian Sword Immortal Li Bai?Li Bai, who was summoned by Lin Xiu before, helped Lin Xiu, but he just beheaded someone and ran away. Now he doesn't know where he is.

But thinking about his strength, it shouldn't be as exaggerated as reaching the fairyland, right?
Since it is a fairy art, Lin Xiu naturally wants to try it. If he wants to try it, there is a good opponent here. Lin Xiu said: "Xiaowu, let's compete!"

"Let's discuss? Master Lin Xiu, are you serious? If I accidentally hurt you, Master Lin Xiu, I will be very sorry!" Although the three-legged Jinwu said this, he left immediately come out.

After the three-legged Jinwu became Lin Xiu's subordinate, he was quite depressed. He was often bullied by Lin Xiu. How could he have suffered such a crime before? Isn't Lin Xiu now giving him a chance to take revenge?

"Don't worry, my young master will show mercy!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Young master, you have made rapid progress. You are already in the Shattering Void Realm, but my realm is much higher than yours. I'd better use my human body to fight you!" the three-legged Jinwu said, he would never know Thinking of how much depression he brought to him just by saying a word.

"Okay, let's do it!" Lin Xiu said.

The three-legged Golden Crow opened its mouth, and spit out a mouthful of flames. After Lin Xiu saw it, he held the Immortal Rose Sword in his hand, and only saw him say indifferently: "Kill one person in ten steps, and you will not stay behind for a thousand miles!"

Kill one person in ten steps!
Lin Xiu's body passed through the three-legged Golden Crow in an instant, and the three-legged Golden Crow's face changed drastically. His body flickered, but even so, a wound appeared on his body immediately.

What speed is this?

The monsters watching around were also taken aback at this time. This sword may not be able to resist even a life-level existence. Lin Xiu's move is too terrifying!
But then, Lin Xiu flashed past again. This ten-step kill can be performed three times, and the speed is terrifyingly fast. Even the three-legged Golden Crow has no way to dodge it.

This was the situation where Lin Xiu's subordinates showed mercy. If Lin Xiu really wanted to attack the three-legged Golden Crow, the three-legged Golden Crow might not just be scratched.

"Xiao Wu, pay attention, I have to be serious!" Lin Xiu said again.

Hearing the three-legged Golden Crow, he almost cursed in his heart, are you still not serious?You are not bragging!
The three-legged Golden Crow thought so, only to hear Lin Xiu continue to sing: "If you don't see the water of the Yellow River, come from the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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