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Chapter 1195 Can ghosts be used to feed Kun?

Chapter 1195 Can ghosts be used to feed Kun?

The water of the Yellow River!

At this moment, countless swords surged around Lin Xiu, forming a sword pillar, and shot toward the three-legged Golden Crow.

"Sun!" The three-legged Golden Crow cursed, only to see that he directly transformed into the body of the Golden Crow, and the flames on his body kept rushing towards those sword pillars. Even so, dozens of swords still passed by his body.

The three-legged Golden Crow could feel that Lin Xiuxiu was concentrating his sword intent, and this guy was actually still preparing a big move!

"Enough, enough, young master, I admit defeat, I admit defeat!" The three-legged Jinwu said hastily.

"Are you admitting defeat? I still have one trick I haven't used yet!" Lin Xiu said a little disappointed.

The three-legged Jinwu only felt a hundred ancient dragon elephants galloping in his chest, Nima, do you have another move?Obviously this move is different, if he cuts him, he may be in danger!
The first form of the Qinglian Sword Art can be used as a movement technique, and it can also attack the enemy at the same time, but after performing it continuously, the body may not be able to bear it, and you have to wait for a while before you can use it again.

The power of the water of the Yellow River can threaten enemies at the longevity level. If it is the last move, even if it is a tribulation level, it may not be impossible to fight!
When Lin Xiu left the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, he saw Huang Ling waiting outside, and Lin Xiu said lightly, "Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Buddhist domain!"

Right in front of Huang Ling, Lin Xiu swiped his palm, and a void appeared in front of the two of them.

" have entered Shattering Void Realm?" Huang Ling's face changed drastically, how is this possible?Lin Xiu spent ten days in the Qibao Linglong Pagoda, but only one day in the outside world.

In Huang Ling's eyes, it took Lin Xiu a day to improve his strength from a warrior in the Concentration Realm to a warrior in the Shattering Void Realm. This is a three-level promotion, how terrifying?
"This young master is the son of destiny, isn't it just a small breakthrough, what are you so excited about? Sit down and do basic operations!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Destiny's Child?Small breakthrough?Huang Ling looked at Lin Xiu with a weird expression, why am I so excited?
But Huang Ling began to believe Huang's eyes, this Lin Xiu was indeed terrifying, maybe he could really protect herself!
Lin Xiu did not go back to the small sanctuary, but he will always be a member of the holy courtyard, and Lin Xiu will keep this in mind.

This time, Lin Xiu must go to the Buddhist realm to rescue Bai Suzhen and the white-clothed scholar!

The Buddhist Domain is a large domain in the Ten Thousand Laws Continent. Here, Buddhism is naturally respected. People who live here will also believe in Buddhism. Of course, there will also be people from other forces here.

Buddhism pays attention to the equality of all beings, no matter how much you hate them in your heart, you will not drive them away.

However, it took Lin Xiu this time to break through the void and enter the Buddha realm, but it took three days. The small sanctuary is relatively close to the Buddha realm. If it was far away, Lin Xiu estimated that it would take five or six days, or even more time. After breaking through the void, it is more likely to consume a lot of energy.

Now Lin Xiu and Huang Ling have entered the edge of the Buddhist realm. If they want to go further to Jinshan Temple, they will only need half a month to get there if they have the flying magic weapon.

But on the way, Lin Xiu discovered that there is a place called Lanruo Temple here!
Lin Xiu was taken aback for a moment, if that was the case, he could wake up Nie Xiaoqian first!

Where is Lanruo Temple? Of course, Lin Xiu knows. He is quite familiar with the story of A Chinese Ghost Story. In this Lanruo Temple, Nie Xiaoqian will meet the poor scholar Ning Caichen. .

Of course, this world is not the previous life, and Lin Xiu doesn't know whether there will be Ning Caichen, the tree demon grandma, or Yan Chixia here.

But these are not important. The important thing is that Nie Xiaoqian can be awakened by entering Lanruo Temple now. Lin Xiu will not forget that she fought against the evil god for herself, and Nie Xiaoqian fell into a deep sleep. Nie Xiaoqian said that as long as Lin Xiu can reach Lanruo Temple, she will have a chance to wake up.

Now Lin Xiu seems to have to go to Lanruo Temple first. The three kuns on Lin Xiu's body are now seriously injured, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover in a short time.

Huang's attack caused Huan Kun, Hu Kun, and Bone Rot Kun to suffer serious injuries. To restore them, they could only rely on this monster, so they probably won't have a chance to come out for a long time.

Of course, as long as he doesn't encounter someone at the Tribulation Transcendence level, Lin Xiu believes he can still handle it!

Lin Xiu thought of this, so he went directly to Lanruo Temple, but what Lin Xiu didn't expect was that this Lanruo Temple was not the kind of spooky temple he imagined, nor was it dilapidated. There are also many people.

"What are you doing here?" Huang Ling asked a little puzzled.

"What are you here for? Of course I'm here to offer incense!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up, and his face was a little weird.

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Huang Ling froze for a moment, not understanding what Lin Xiu wanted to do.

But Lin Xiu had already walked in. Inside Lanruo Temple, there were quite a few monks. When they saw Lin Xiu, they immediately saluted very politely.

Lin Xiu walked into the Daxiong Palace, only to see a Buddha in front of him, this Buddha is not sitting, but lying down.

Huang Ling was puzzled and asked: "Why is this Buddha lying down?"

"He wasn't lying down, he was just pushed down!" Lin Xiu said calmly, "Lanruo Temple is really not an ordinary temple. It seems that it was not before, and it is not now!"

"What do you mean?" Araki asked again.

At this moment, there was a sudden wind blowing around, and Huang Ling's expression changed: "It's weird, the monks here... aren't they human?"

"Ding, enter the copy of Lanruo Temple, kill any enemy that is hostile to the host, and you will be able to drop a treasure chest!"

"Ding, there are Dryad Treasure Chest, Centipede Treasure Chest and Black Mountain Treasure Chest in the dungeon, which can be fused. They need to supersede the dryad grandma, thousand-year-old centipede spirit, and Montenegro old demon respectively!"

This form of collecting treasure chests is new, but it is very similar to the Chinese Ghost Story in Lin Xiu's impression, but Lin Xiu always feels that something is missing.

At this moment, the monks around Lin Xiu had changed, and strange mist gushed out of each of them.

"It's a remnant soul!" Only Huang Ling exclaimed.

"No, it's a ghost!" Lin Xiu stretched out his hand, only to see a monk, no, a ghost has already been captured by Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu asked doubtfully, "Ghost, can it be used to feed Kun?"

(End of this chapter)

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