Chapter 1197

Xiao Zhuo stayed here. The temple is not small, and there are still rooms to live in. Lin Xiu asked the monster to patrol. After all, food is more important to it, and rest is completely unnecessary.

Outside Lin Xiu's room, someone knocked on the room.

Lin Xiu smiled in his heart, this woman is still here!

Lin Xiu opened the door, only to see that the woman really appeared. This woman was Xiao Zhuo. She was dressed in plain white and looked quite beautiful.

"Mr. Lin Xiu, I'm still a little scared. I don't know if you can have a conversation with me!" Xiao Zhuo said.

"Miss Xiao Zhuo, come in and talk!" Lin Xiu laughed.

Xiao Zhuo immediately came in, sat down, and said: "Master Yixiu, I think you are very strong, and you don't look like people nearby. How did you come here?"

"Miss Xiaozhuo, first of all, I should apologize to you. I did this to you before, just to test whether you are a ghost. After all, those ghosts can change into a human being. I offended you just now!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

After Xiao Zhuo heard it, she was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that Lin Xiu would apologize to her, and it turned out that this was the "truth", but Xiao Zhuo still had a little doubt in her heart.

Lin Xiu continued to fool around again, only to see a compassionate face on his face. Lin Xiu has used this face many times, and every time he uses it, it is quite useful.

Especially for the ghost in front of him who has not stepped into the realm of transforming gods, Lin Xiu's 5000 spiritual power is used to fool her, and it can fool her into doubting her life.

Lin Xiu said: "Actually, I am a Buddhist. I used to be a member of Xiaoleiyin Temple, but later, I offended a person. His name is Fahai. He is powerful and talented. Jealous of my talent, so he kicked me out of Buddhism!"

"Fa Hai? It turned out to be him?" Xiaozhuo immediately believed it when he heard it, "I've heard of this Fa Hai. He takes killing demons and demons as his own responsibility, and he hates evil like revenge. Mr. Lin Xiu, how did you offend him? of?"

"It's a long story, but Miss Xiaozhuo, I'll tell you what you want to hear!" Lin Xiu continued, "Half a year ago, I met a girl who was just like you Female ghost, her name is Nie Xiaoqian..."

"What?" Upon hearing these words, Xiao Zhuo immediately stood up excitedly.

"Miss Xiaozhuo, what's the matter with you? Do you know that girl Xiaoqian?" Lin Xiu said with a puzzled expression.

"I... I do know him, but please continue, my lord!" Xiao Zhuo said immediately.

"I see that this girl Xiaoqian, although she is a ghost cultivator, is harmless and kind-hearted, so I think she should not be subdued and taken away, but Fahai doesn't think so. He thinks that all aliens are All heretics should be eradicated, so Miss Xiaoqian was forcibly taken away!"

Lin Xiu sighed, and continued: "My magic power is not as good as Fa Hai, so there is no way to rescue Miss Xiaoqian from his hands, and he almost abolished my cultivation base, even if my cultivation base If you keep it, you have already been expelled from Buddhism!"

"This Fahai is so hateful!" Xiao Zhuo said angrily.

Lin Xiu put on a cassock for herself, Xiao Zhuo obviously felt something was wrong, her face was a little pale, Lin Xiu said: "This is the cassock my master gave me, what do you think of it?"

"Young Master Yixiu's master must be an eminent monk! How could he teach such an eminent monk?" Only Xiao Zhuo said.

"My master is indeed an eminent monk! But I'm just a monk who has lost his temper!" Lin Xiu said modestly.

"What about that girl Xiaoqian after that?" Xiao Zhuo asked quickly.

"Miss Xiaoqian was captured by Fa Hai, I don't know what she is doing now, and I can only go all the way to save sentient beings, although I can no longer become a Buddhist disciple, but I, the Buddha is merciful, I still need to continue saving the world! "I only heard Lin Xiu say again.

"Master Yixiu is really a bodhisattva!" Xiao Zhuo was moved by Lin Xiu's kindness, what a good monk he is!

The two then continued talking.

Lin Xiu fooled Xiao Zhuo, but one after another, Xiao Zhuo was a little confused by Lin Xiu's words, but she still did not forget her purpose, she said: "Young Master Yixiu, what do you think of Xiao Zhuo? Sample?"

Xiao Zhuo exhaled a mouthful of aroma.

"You...Miss Xiaozhuo, why do you look so similar to Miss Xiaoqian? You..." Lin Xiu seemed a little dizzy, he said.

"She's my older sister!" After Xiao Zhuo finished speaking, Lin Xiu fell down on the table.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhuo sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yixiu, I don't want to do this either, but I have no choice!"

"Hmph, you evil evildoer, you still want to attack Lin Xiu?" He only heard a voice shouting, and a figure rushed directly.

Who is this person if not Huang Ling?That Huang Ling's sword had already stabbed Xiao Zhuo.

Xiao Zhuo's face changed, she didn't expect that Huang Ling would come at this time, Xiao Zhuo's hair shot towards Huang Ling, and that hair stabbed towards Huang Ling like thorns.

However, Huang Ling's reaction was quite fast. The hair was easily cut off by the sword in her hand, and Xiao Zhuo was taken aback. As soon as they fought, Xiao Zhuo immediately understood that Huang Ling's strength was far beyond what she could resist.

There is no need to continue such a battle, but it is a pity that Lin Xiu was not able to be captured.

As soon as Xiao Zhuo turned around, he wanted to escape, but at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Xiao Zhuo, it was Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu forced Xiao Zhuo back with a palm, and said, "Miss Xiao Zhuo, you can't leave yet!"

"Are you okay? Did you pretend to be dizzy just now?" Xiao Zhuo was shocked when he saw it.

"It's not pretending, but I'm a strong man in Shattering Void Realm after all, how could I be fascinated by your fragrance?" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"Shattering Void Realm!" Xiao Zhuo's eyes widened when he heard that, "You knew my identity early on? Why haven't you exposed me yet?"

"To be honest, your acting skills are really bad. I have seen too many such plots a long time ago!" Lin Xiu said a little depressed, "As for why you didn't expose you? Because seeing your performance, the impression will be even deeper! "

"Who are you?" Xiao Zhuo asked with a frown.

"My nickname is Yixiu, but you don't have to worry, because I'm your sister's friend!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Are you my sister's friend?" Xiao Zhuo was even more surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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