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Chapter 1198 I don't allow you to do anything to my sister-in-law!

Chapter 1198 I don't allow you to do anything to my sister-in-law!
"It's true, your sister is my friend, and to help me, she is still sleeping in my body. Of course, if you don't mind, you can call me sister!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xiao Zhuo said, blushing slightly, "Are you really my sister's friend? Why did she fall into a deep sleep?"

"It's a long story, we can continue to talk!" Lin Xiu said again.

Talk again?

This time, Xiao Zhuo didn't believe Lin Xiu anymore, and Huang Ling was a little bored, she said: "What are you doing talking so much nonsense with her? Just kill her!"

"Huangling, as a girl, how can you fight and kill casually, and I forbid you to take action against my sister-in-law!" Only Lin Xiu said.

"..." Xiao Zhuo.

"..." Huang Ling.

Do you want to be shameless?
After being fooled by Lin Xiu, Xiao Zhuo barely believed Lin Xiu's words. Of course, it was very reluctant. Even if she didn't believe it, she had no way to leave, so she could only choose to believe first.

"Is there any way to wake up Xiaoqian?" Lin Xiu asked.

"If you want to wake up my sister, I'm afraid you have to go to the tree demon grandma, because in the hands of the tree demon grandma, there is still a wisp of my sister's remnant soul. As long as you take this remnant soul back, you will be able to wake up my sister. Here we come!" Xiao Zhuo said.

"Okay, if that's the case, take me there!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"Are you really going?" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Xiao Zhuo was obviously taken aback and asked.

"Of course, for Xiaoqian, even if I go up the mountain of swords or into the sea of ​​fire, I will not hesitate!" Lin Xiu said firmly.

"Are you and my sister really friends?" Xiao Zhuo asked.

"No, I'm your brother-in-law!" Lin Xiu said seriously.

Naturally, Xiao Zhuo would not believe Lin Xiu's words, and it was not difficult to bring Lin Xiu back to the tree demon's grandmother this time. She was going to do this kind of thing in the first place!

Xiao Zhuo directly carried Lin Xiu away. Not far from Lanruo Temple, there was a forest. The tree demon grandma was in this forest, a locust tree demon who had practiced for thousands of years.

As for Huang Ling, she has no interest in meddling in such nosy matters at all, she plans to wait for Lin Xiu to come back here at Lanruo Temple.

At this time, Huang Ling heard a voice outside, she frowned, unexpectedly someone is here?

"Miss is polite, Xiaosheng Ning Caichen, I'm here today, I hope I can stay overnight, I wonder if you mind?" The person who came was dressed as a scholar, but he was quite handsome.

"Whatever you want!" Huang Ling just glanced at the person, and said casually, after all, this is just a mortal, and she would not care about a mortal.

Huangling found that after Ning Caichen arrived, there were more ghosts around here. If Huangling was not here, they would have already swarmed up and cut Ning Caichen to pieces.

Does this man have a special physique to absorb ghosts?

Huang Ling was a little surprised, but not long after, the surrounding ghosts seemed to be unable to hold back anymore, and rushed over.

All of a sudden, there was a series of ghostly crying and howling sounds around.

Ning Caichen's legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, Nima, what are these things?How come there are so many ghosts?

"What... what are these? Girl, run, I... I'll protect you!" Ning Caichen's legs were shaking constantly, and his voice was also trembling.

"A bunch of trash, also want to act presumptuously in front of me?" Huang Ling said coldly, and with a wave of her hand, the ghost in front of her immediately shattered.

In the woods, there was actually a villa. When Xiao Zhuo brought Lin Xiu back, he happened to meet another woman.

As soon as the woman saw Xiao Zhuo, she immediately smiled and said: "Sister Xiao Zhuo, you are back? It seems that you got a good prey today, huh? She is still quite handsome! Why don't you give him to me? "

"Xiaodie, it's none of your business here, get out!" Xiao Zhuo said in a cold voice.

"It's fine if you don't give it, what is that stinky fart?" Xiaodie's face changed, and she said coldly.

Xiao Zhuo ignored Xiao Die, took Lin Xiu into a room, threw him to the ground, and then fell down on the ground, saying, "Xiao Zhuo pays homage to grandma!"

Lin Xiu is still pretending to be asleep now, and was thrown, which made Lin Xiu a little upset, but his eyes have been opened, because Lin Xiu saw a screen in front of him, even if he opened his eyes, the other party would not be able to see it .

But Xiao Zhuo was obviously taken aback, but she found out that her grandma didn't find Lin Xiu, so she was relieved.

"Xiao Zhuo, it seems that you have captured that man, very good, you step back!" A voice came over.

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment when he heard this voice. This voice didn't sound like an old woman's voice, but more like a woman's voice. There was a trace of natural charm in this voice.

As long as a man hears this voice, I'm afraid he can't help but feel a wave of reverie.

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't have such thoughts, but he was still very curious about what this grandma looked like!
"Yes!" Only Xiao Zhuo said.

Xiao Zhuo backed out, and the room immediately became quiet, but then, Lin Xiu heard the sound of water.

No way, this grandma is taking a bath?
This is too much, this woman is simply seducing Master Ben!
Lin Xiu stood up!

Do you think this young master will give in?Tell you!This is absolutely not the case!

Lin Xiu walked over to the screen!
This young master came here just to see what kind of old monster you are!

Lin Xiu's head had already poked out from behind the screen, and he could only see a woman bathing in the bucket behind the screen, her hair was pulled up, and she was carrying Lin Xiu on her back, Lin Xiu could only see her back.

And this woman, when she turned around at this moment, appeared in front of Lin Xiu without any fear.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary person!" Said the dryad grandma with a smile on her face.

This tree demon grandma is completely different from the image in Lin Xiu's mind. This is a beautiful woman, not only in figure, appearance, but also temperament. As long as it is a man, he will want to hug her to the bed Take good care of me.

Lin Xiu is also a man, so he will naturally have this kind of impulse, but Lin Xiu's spirit is so strong, he suddenly wakes himself up: "Grandma, do you mean me on the bed, or under the bed?"

"I really want to know your kung fu on the bed, but I want to see your kung fu off the bed!" Grandma jumped up and put a light gauze on her body. This movement is graceful and full of temptation.

And this veil can't hide anything.

"Then grandma, do you want to see it?" Lin Xiu asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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