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Chapter 1200 What?Do you want to eat dirt?

Chapter 1200 What?Do you want to eat dirt?
Lin Xiu could kill tens of thousands of such monsters?

This sentence is quite bragging, not to mention the old demon of Montenegro, even Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Zhuo, who are behind Lin Xiu, would not believe such words.

But Lin Xiu didn't care whether others believed it or not, he waved his hand and said, "Ghost Kun, go and kill him!"

Gui Kun's big mouth opened, only to see all those ghosts rushing towards its mouth.

"Ding, Ghost Kun has successfully evolved, and is currently in the Tribulation Crossing Realm!"

Lin Xiu was a little curious. Which one is more powerful, the Gui Kun who crossed the Tribulation Realm, or the old Black Mountain demon?
Ghost Kun's body was already hundreds of feet tall, which was no worse than the Black Mountain in front of him. The black air from its mouth rushed towards the old demon of Black Mountain, and the huge black air entangled the entire mountain in one go.

The old black mountain demon was startled. It could feel that his ghost soldiers were starting to be killed. I don't know how to do this black energy, but it can possess such terrifying power. This monster is too strong up!
"Stop, don't hurt my ghost soldiers!" Heishan old demon roared loudly, only to see countless huge boulders gushing out from the ground, hitting Gui Kun like shooting stars.

The ghost kun has been successfully cultivated, and new kun seedlings can be cultivated. Seeing the boulders flying towards him, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Lin Xiu put one of the boulders in front of the strange egg, only to see that the strange egg had been cracked, and only saw that the boulder was swallowed by the strange egg.

"Ding, the kun seedlings have started to evolve, please continue to feed the kun seedlings, the current evolution direction of the kun seedlings is... earth kun!"

What?You are not Shi Kun, but Tu Kun. Doesn't this mean that you want to eat soil?
It's just that this eats dirt, when can it evolve?

Lin Xiu's expression was a bit strange, he had already seen the strange egg fly out, and it swallowed stones by it.

Not long after, this Tu Kun had already entered the state of transforming gods.

Now the flying stones are still being devoured by this strange egg. Could it be that these stones are not ordinary soil?
Lin Xiu had a strange expression on his face, and he said, "Old Black Mountain Demon, what tricks do you have? Even if you use your hands and feet, this young master can easily defeat you!"

"..." Xiaoqian.

"..." Xiao Zhuo.

"..." Montenegro old demon.

The ghost soldiers around also felt incredible at Lin Xiu's shamelessness at this time, you f**king let your subordinates take action, and let our king have both hands and legs?You don't have to make a move at all, okay?
Ghost Kun's attack power, besides his body, seems to be spit ghost mist. Those ghost mist can corrode other strong people, which is very powerful. The body of the black mountain old demon is a huge mountain, and his body can resist ghost mist.

Originally, the Black Mountain old demon was not afraid of the ghost kun at all, and his attacks could even hurt the ghost kun, but now, all his attacks were swallowed up by the earth kun.

"I don't believe it!" The black mountain old demon was angry. This time, he mobilized his body to attack, only to see the huge rock hand slapped at the ghost Kun at once, and this arm swelled to ten feet. Zhang, once photographed, has the power to destroy the world.

But at this time, the strange egg cracked open again, and only the arm made of soil was swallowed by it.

"Ding, Tukun has successfully evolved, and is currently in the Pulse Passing state!"

Just by swallowing an arm, can Tu Kun evolve?
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be coercive, and got triple coercion rewards, 600 pretense points!"

Whether it is the old demon from Montenegro or those ghost soldiers, they are all frightened now. Where did this monster come from?How could it be so scary?
Just relying on the ability of this earth kun to swallow the arm of the old black mountain demon here in one bite, it is already shocking. No one has ever been able to do this kind of thing.

Lin Xiu was overjoyed. This earth kun seemed to be able to specifically restrain this old Montenegro demon. If so, that would be a good thing.

The old Black Mountain demon next attacked again, but after three consecutive attacks, Tu Kun raised two realms and entered the Immortal Realm. The old Black Mountain demon really discovered that this one Tu Kun could really restrain himself , which startled him.

No matter what attack he sends out, this strange egg can be swallowed up, so what's the point?
How could the old Black Mountain demon dare to stay any longer? He shouted loudly: "Today, the old Black Mountain demon will let you go, but the next time we meet, you won't be so lucky!"

"Lucky?" After Lin Xiu heard it, he sneered and said, "The tree demon grandma has been wiped out by this young master, do you think you can still escape?"

After the Heishan old demon and the surrounding ghost soldiers heard it, their expressions changed drastically. How is this possible?Although the strength of the tree demon grandma is not as good as him, but the tree demon grandma's ability to escape is not small, and she will die in Lin Xiu's hands?
Lin Xiu didn't want to talk nonsense with this old Black Mountain demon anymore, he immediately shouted loudly: "Tu Kun, Gui Kun, kill him!"

When the monster egg opened, a giant kun covered with stones flew out, and together with the ghost kun, rushed towards the old black mountain demon.

Although the Black Mountain old demon wanted to escape, he found that his front and rear were blocked by these two kuns!

As soon as Tu Kun opened his mouth, he bit the old Heishan demon's body, and the ghost Kun kept spitting ghost mist, corroding the old Heishan demon.

The body of the Black Mountain old demon turned into a giant. This time, he was desperate, and the surrounding ghost soldiers immediately rushed up with their weapons.

"Your resistance is meaningless at all!" Lin Xiu said calmly.


One arm of the Black Mountain old demon was bitten off by this earth kun!

Those ghost soldiers either couldn't escape the ghost fog here, or were swallowed by the ghost kun. This kind of battle was obviously one-sided.

The body of the Black Mountain old demon was easily bitten into pieces under Tu Kun's huge mouth.

"Ding, Tukun has successfully evolved and is currently in the Tribulation Realm!"

Lin Xiu now has two kuns in the Tribulation Realm, this time, he wants to see who else can stop him!

With these two kuns around, even if they encounter existences at the Transcending Tribulation Realm level, they will be able to sweep them away!
After the two sisters Xiaoqian saw it, they couldn't help being taken aback. The two huge monsters actually killed the old Black Mountain monster. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes at the same time!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Montenegro treasure chest!"

There are only three treasure chests left, and there is only one centipede treasure chest left. Lin Xiu believes that the strength of this thousand-year-old centipede should not be much stronger than this old black mountain demon!

Just when Lin Xiu thought so, a figure had already come here and landed in front of Lin Xiu: "Lin Xiu, save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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