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Chapter 1201 How dare you hurt my woman?

Chapter 1201 How dare you hurt my woman?
This person was seriously injured. The wound on her left arm was so severe that the bones could already be seen. Lin Xiu was a little surprised. How could this girl be so seriously injured?

This girl is exactly Huangling. Originally, Huangling should still be in Lanruo Temple, why did she come here suddenly?
Huangling's strength is also at the Shattering Void Realm level. Her strength is naturally not weak, but she was actually injured. This already shows that the opponent has at least the strength above the Immortal Realm!

But who is it?How dare you hurt your own woman?
No, it's the woman I protect!

At this moment, several monks came over here, only to hear someone shouting: "Amitabha, benefactor, the poor monk sees that you are too evil, why don't you go with the poor monk and let the poor monk help you Get rid of the evil spirit on your body!"

When Lin Xiu saw it, he was a little surprised. The visitors turned out to be four monks at the level of transforming gods. These three monks were bald and dressed in cassocks. They came here after Huangling. Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face. in front of the four of them.

Seeing Lin Xiu, the four monks immediately stopped.

Only the leader said: "This benefactor, the poor monk Hongdu, this time he saw that this benefactor was haunted by evil spirits, so he wanted to get rid of her evil spirit, but he didn't expect her to be possessed by evil spirits, benefactor, Please get out of the way!"

"You want me to get out of the way? I'm afraid it's impossible, because this one is my subordinate!" Lin Xiu said with a faint smile.

"Could the benefactor also want to help the evildoer? If so, don't blame the poor monks for being rude!" Only Hongdu said.

"My young master wants to see how you can be rude. I am not targeting anyone, but in front of my monk Yixiu, you monks are all hot chickens!" Lin Xiu raised his head and said immediately.

"Benefactor, you have made a slip of the tongue. Since this is the case, we have no choice but to kill demons!" Hong Du said.

"If you can do it, try it!" Lin Xiu said again.

Just as the four monks were about to make a move, they saw a stone pillar suddenly falling from the sky, smashing one of the monks into a ball of meat paste.

Immediately afterwards, a black mist sprayed over, and the second monk couldn't dodge in time. After being hit, his whole body turned into a pile of white bones.

"What?" Hongdu's face changed drastically. He saw that in the sky, two huge monsters were already staring at them. It was these two monsters who shot just now!
The strength of these two monks will not be much worse than Hong Du, but now, they were killed easily, it can be seen that these two monsters are much stronger than them.

"Go!" Hongdu shouted immediately, his whole body turned into a Buddha's light, and he wanted to escape.

"I just want to leave now, isn't it too late? Ten steps, kill one person!" Lin Xiu's voice sounded, only to see that his whole body turned into a sword light, and he had already chased behind Hongdu in an instant.

This sword slashed on Hongdu's back, Hongdu was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

As soon as Lin Xiu stopped, he immediately sprinted in another direction, killing one person in ten steps, he could cast it three times, the speed was terrifyingly fast, another monk had his head chopped off by Lin Xiu's sword.

Of the four monks, only Hongdu survived in the blink of an eye, and the others were beheaded by Lin Xiu.

" can't kill me. My master is Master Purdue. If you kill me, my master will definitely not let you go!" This monk Hongdu has no longer cared about calling the poor monk, Called directly.

"Really? I'm very interested in finding your Master Purdue. Can you tell me where he is?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Lin Xiu has seen a Chinese Ghost Story. Judging from the current situation, this Purdue master is the centipede spirit. Lin Xiu must kill him to get the centipede treasure chest on him.

"A hundred miles to the east of here, my master's temple is there, please let me go!" Na Hongdu begged for mercy.

"Let you go? No, I should send you down to meet your brothers and sisters!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, Hongdu's head had already been chopped off with a swipe of his long sword.

After Hongdu cut the flying, Lin Xiu got another amethyst treasure box, Lin Xiu walked towards Huangling and said, "Huangling, are you okay? Why are you being chased and killed by these monks who have transformed into gods?"

With Huang Ling's strength, even if there are a few more powerful people in the state of transformation, they will not be her opponents, but now, she will be hunted down, which is a bit abnormal.

It shouldn't be like this for a strong man of Huang Suzu's level of strength.

Meeting Lin Xiu's gaze, Huang Ling said a little embarrassedly: "There was a scholar who came to Lanruo Temple before. I didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but later I found out that he is a good person. If some ghosts haunt him, I will help him. ,did not expect……"

"What's the name of the scholar?" Lin Xiu asked suddenly.

"It's Ning Caichen!" Huang Ling replied.

"What?" Lin Xiu was taken aback when he heard it, and it turned out that Ning Caichen really came?Doesn't that mean that Ning Caichen wants to take Xiaoqian away?

"What's wrong?" Araki asked.

"It's nothing, just keep talking!" Lin Xiu said again.

"I didn't expect an old monk to come here, saying that there is a monster here, and he wants to transform this place. After he injured me, he captured that scholar named Ning Caichen!" Huang Ling said again.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Xiaoqian asked.

"Look!" Lin Xiu pointed to Hongdu and said.

Xiaoqian, Xiao Zhuo and Huang Ling saw it, and their faces changed drastically.

This Hongdu turned out to be a centipede corpse about one foot long.

"What is this? Is he a centipede demon?" Xiao Zhuo said in a panic.

"That's right, it seems that this time, I'm going to subjugate demons in a short time, let's go and go to that temple to see!" Lin Xiu said compassionately, "If you don't get rid of such monsters, I will My conscience will feel sorry for me!"

"Master Yixiu, you are really a kind person!" There was a hint of admiration in Xiao Zhuo's eyes.

"Young master is unparalleled in virtue, Xiaoqian admires it!" Nie Xiaoqian said.

"I'll go with you too!" Huang Ling also said.

When Ning Caichen woke up, there was an old monk in front of him. He was startled and said, "You... who are you? Why did you arrest me here?"

The old monk ignored him, and said instead: "I never expected, I really never expected that the ghost-eating body would appear here. It's really incredible!"

"Ghost-eating body? What is this thing? What do you want to do?" Ning Caichen said hastily.

"You don't know, you just need to know that your people will be mine in the future!" The old monk's eyes were full of joy.

"What? What do you want to do, no—" Ning Caichen let out a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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