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Chapter 1234 This Lin Xiu really dares to say it!

Chapter 1234 This Lin Xiu really dares to say it!
"What?" Hearing this sentence, the wooden fairy was even more surprised.

"It's like this..." Ma Wencai said what Lin Xiu had taught him before.

"You don't know who he is? You accidentally stole his characters? Well, I know!" Mu Xiancai said.

"Miss Muxian, please don't tell this matter, otherwise, I will be expelled from the academy!" Ma Wencai said hastily.

At Ma Wencai's words, Muxian frowned, and she sighed and said, "I knew this earlier, so why bother?"

"Ms. Wood Fairy, please help me!" Ma Wencai said.

"I see. Let me take care of this painting. I will return it to its original owner!" said Mu Xian.

"This...well then!" Marvin had no choice but to say.

After Ma Wencai left, Mu Xian opened the calligraphy. I have to say that the calligraphy is well written. Of course, the poem is even better!

After Muxian admired it, she couldn't help but feel different feelings in her heart. Compared with other people, she felt more about the apricot blossom depicted in this poem. After all, she was an apricot blossom demon.

Of course, not many people know about this matter, and Mu Xian seems to be a little curious about this person. It seems that he can go to Mr. Yang Qian first to see what kind of person this Mr. Liang is!
"Liang Shanbo, I called you here because I need to discuss something with you!" Yang Gan said with a serious expression.

"Mr. Yang Gan, if you have anything to say, you can just say it!" Lin Xiu said.

"That's right, we found the trace of the Xian Temple. In fact, this Wu Temple was originally guarded by our Confucianism!" Yang Qian said.

"What?" Lin Xiu was startled when he heard this sentence.

"The people from Wushen Temple are in this Confucian domain?" Huang Ling asked.

"Yes, Wu has always been sealed here, but Wu's strength is too strong, even if we Confucianism, it is not easy to take action against him, he is a half-immortal body, we have no way to kill him! "

I only heard Yang Gan continue to say: "We found that Wu's seal was loosened not long ago, and a week ago, the people of Wu Temple had escaped from the seal. Among the people of Wu's forces that we know, Wu is the most powerful!"

"Where are they now?" Huang Ling's eyes were full of coldness.

"We don't know either, but we know their purpose is you!" Yang Gan's eyes fell on Huang Ling.

That's right, the target of these people from the Desolate Temple is the desolate bell!
"Mr. Yang Gan, you've been talking for so long, but you still haven't gotten to the point!" Lin Xiu said helplessly.

"The key point you want is coming soon!" Yang Gan said with a smile, "We are ready to attack Wu, but we lack a bait!"

After Lin Xiu heard it, he couldn't help being stunned, and he looked at Huang Ling. It was obvious that Yang Gan wanted Huang Ling to be this bait!
Yang Gan said: "Miss Huang Ling, we are helpless. If Wu really leaves here, we will have no way to find him again. You are the only one who can lure Wu to act desperately!"

"But why did that Wu do this?" Lin Xiu asked a little puzzled.

Judging from the current situation, this Wu must capture Huang Ling. Lin Xiu also encountered the plot of Wu Temple before.

But at that time, the people sent by Wushen Temple were not very good, so Lin Xiu easily dealt with them.

"We don't know either, but we know that the barren bell girl is from the barbaric temple. There is a big secret between the barbaric temple and the barbaric temple. We don't know what it is, but we only want to deal with the barbaric temple. people!" Yang Gan said.

Before Lin Xiu could ask, Yang Qian had already explained by himself: "We used to suppress the Temple of Wu, so if Wu becomes stronger, I'm afraid it will attack our Confucian sect immediately. We have no other choice!"

That's it, no wonder the Confucian sect was so anxious, they were worried that after Wu took Huangling away, he would gain some powerful strength, and then take revenge on the Confucian sect. If they said so, it was really possible.

"I am willing!" Huang Ling said.

Yang Gan's eyes fell on Lin Xiu. To be honest, if it wasn't for Lin Xiu's sake, Yang Gan would have already sent someone to arrest him.

However, Yang Gan has been paying attention to Lin Xiu all the time. He is very aware of the terrifying potential of this young man in front of him. If this young man really becomes angry, the Confucian sect will be out of luck.

It is the most unwise choice to capture Lin Xiu's people from Lin Xiu's side, that's why Yang Gan invited Lin Xiu here!

"If you Confucianists can really protect Huang Ling, then I will naturally agree!" Lin Xiu said.

"Don't worry, we won't put Miss Huangling in danger!" Only Yang Gan said.

Yang Qian began to explain the details of this operation.

Now the people of Confucianism have discovered the movement of the Wushen Temple, and they only need to take the barren bell to go there together.

This is no longer a conspiracy, but an overt conspiracy. It is equivalent to telling Wushen Temple that I have prepared a trap, and you can jump off it yourself!

"Would those people from Wushen Temple really be tricked by themselves? They wouldn't be fools, would they?" Only Xiaoqing said.

"I don't know if they are fools or not, but judging from what I know about Wu, he will do whatever it takes to attack Miss Huangling!" Only Yang Gan said.

Huang Ling seems to be very clear about how dangerous this time will be, but she has no other choice, and Huang Ling also knows that this time is probably the last chance for her. It can be dealt with.

If he refuses today's matter, Wu will come to him sooner or later, and Lin Xiu will not be able to handle it by then.

"Let's settle this matter like this. After a week, we will go to the underground world. Before that, we still need to wait for other great scholars to arrive!" Yang Gan said.

"Mr. Yang Gan, if this is the case, I have a request!" Lin Xiu said.

"You want to obtain the complete Grand Virtue of Righteousness?" Yang Gan said.

"Mr. Yang Qian, you once said that you can make me your uncle. I don't know if this is true or not?" Lin Xiu blinked his eyes and said.

The faces of the people around changed. Nima, this Lin Xiu really dares to speak!

To be Yang Gan's uncle, in the entire Confucianism sect, only the master of the Confucianism sect is qualified to compare with Lin Xiu.

"You want to be my uncle, of course it is possible, but you must pass the test of the road of asking the heart!" Only heard Yang Gan say.

(End of this chapter)

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