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Chapter 1235 Under Liang Shanbo

Chapter 1235 Under Liang Shanbo

The way to ask the heart?

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment when he heard this word, obviously he hadn't imagined the meaning of this word.

But it is obvious that Yang Qian said that this test will definitely not be any better, Lin Xiu said: "What is the way to ask the heart?"

"The way of asking the heart is one of the tests of our Confucianism sect. If you can pass it, you can become a disciple of our Confucianism sect sage. Even if you are the master of the sect, you must be called a junior!" Yang Gan said.

"I'm afraid not many people have passed this road of questioning the heart?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Before 3000 years, a genius passed through. His name was Ji Ke, and he was a genius in our Confucian school. However, he had disappeared 1000 years ago. If he didn't die, he must have entered Into the fairyland!" Yang Gan replied.

"Only one person can pass?" After hearing this, Lin Xiu had doubts on his face.

"That's right!" Yang Gan replied.

Damn, Lin Xiu began to wonder if this Yang Gan was cheating himself!

After such a long time, only one person can pass this road of questioning the heart. Obviously, this road is not smooth at all!

"I think Lin Xiu, you must be a man of destiny. With your heart, it will not be difficult to pass this road of questioning!" Yang Gan said with a smile on his face.

Lin Xiu really wanted to slap him across the face, wouldn't it be difficult?This path of questioning the heart is so difficult, is it not difficult?

But now that he has come here, Lin Xiu will naturally not refuse, he said: "Where is the way to ask the heart?"

"The road of asking the heart needs to be jointly opened by five great Confucians, and each great Confucian can only recommend one person to participate every ten years, and you are the one recommended by me!" Yang Qian looked at Lin Xiu and said.

"What?" Lin Xiu, Huang Ling and Xiao Qing were all taken aback.

Every great Confucian has a chance to recommend someone once every ten years, so generally they should only recommend their own disciples, but Yang Gan recommended Lin Xiu, which is a bit unexpected.

"The road of questioning the heart is a very mysterious test. Everyone has only one chance to enter it. Whether it is a disciple of the Confucianism or a person outside the Confucianism, all are eligible to participate. As long as they can pass, it will prove He has a relationship with our Confucianism and Taoism!" Yang Gan said.

"When will it start?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Three days later, those great Confucianists will come here, and their disciples will enter this road of questioning the heart with you at that time, as long as you can pass, you will be the uncle of our entire Confucianism sect!" Yang Qian smiled. Said.

This is a bit too childish, right?
Lin Xiu felt a little surprised that such a powerful force as Confucianism actually used this method to select a master uncle?
"Those who can pass the road of questioning the heart will have three characteristics. First, they cannot pass unless they are righteous; second, they cannot pass unless they are benevolent; third, they cannot pass unless they are virtuous! Therefore, Those who can pass the road of asking the heart must be qualified to become Confucian disciples!"

"Even to become an elder in our Confucian school, Lin Xiu, I have great confidence in you, if it is you, you should be able to do it!"

Yang Gan looked at Lin Xiu and said.

"Senior Yang Gan, why do you have such confidence in brother Lin Xiu? I'm afraid he doesn't have any idea in his heart! If he fails, wouldn't you be ashamed?" Xiaoqing said.

"..." Lin Xiu.

"..." Yang Gan.

"..." Huang Ling.

Lin Xiu stared at Xiaoqing, if you don't speak, no one will say you are dumb!
"Ding, I have collected 2333 heart piercing points from the host!"

"Cough, I think, even if it fails, it's actually not a big deal. After all, in the past, not many people have been able to pass the road of asking the heart!" Yang Qian said a little embarrassed.

"So that's the case, Senior Yang Gan, you also had no hope for brother Lin Xiu!" Xiaoqing suddenly said.

"Ding, I have collected 66666 heart piercing points from the host!"

I have to say, Xiaoqing's words were really heart-wrenching, Lin Xiu really wanted to smash her ass to pieces, what kind of nonsense is this venomous lolita talking about?

"Okay, let me arrange your accommodation first. For the next three days, you will stay in my Qianyuan Academy first." Yang Gan said with an embarrassed expression.

Lin Xiu and others were taken to the guest room by a disciple. After they left, Yang Qian suddenly felt something, and he smiled slightly: "Miss Muxian, what's the matter?"

It was Mu Xian who was outside, she bowed to Yang Gan, and then said: "Mr. Yang Gan, I wonder if you have a guest named Liang Shanbo come here?"

"Are you here to find Liang Shanbo? I have sent him to the guest room now!" Yang Gan replied.

When Mu Xian heard this, she said: "Mr. Yang Qian, I have something to talk to Liang Shanbo, so I will take my leave now!"

"Okay!" Yang Gan nodded.

After Muxian left, Yang Qiancai said to himself with some doubts: "What is the relationship between Miss Muxian and Lin Xiu? But there are quite a lot of monsters around Lin Xiu. Could it be... no way!"

Thinking of Lin Xiu's attraction to the female monster, Yang Gan's expression became quite strange.

There was a knock on Lin Xiu's door, but Lin Xiu had already thought of who had arrived, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he went out, and when he opened the door, only a pink figure appeared in front of him. in front of him.

When Lin Xiu saw the young girl in front of him, he couldn't help being taken aback. Although he had seen many beauties, the girl in front of him still made him a little distracted.

The woman's eyes were shining like stars, and her straight nose set off the perfection of this oval face.The cherry mouth is small, a pair of delicate dimples are intoxicating, the figure is pretty, delicate and elegant, like apricot blossoms in the wind.

Even Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he saw this woman.

"Girl, who are you?" Lin Xiu asked a little puzzled.

"You are Mr. Liang?" Mu Xian looked at Lin Xiu, a little surprised that Lin Xiu woke up so quickly.

In the past, when I saw a beautiful man like her, many of them had obscene looks in their eyes. Even some gentlemen would lose their minds for a long time, but the young man in front of him, who looked young, was just lost in mind. Woke up in a moment.

And in this Liang Shanbo's eyes, there was no trace of blasphemy, it seemed that he only admired her beauty, and was not fanatical like other men.

"Under Liang Shanbo!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Sure enough, it's Mr. Liang. I got a piece of Mr. Liang's handwriting by accident, so I specially sent this piece of handwriting back to Mr. Liang!" said Mu Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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