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Chapter 1236 With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain it to you!

Chapter 1236 With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain it to you!

Seeing this picture, Lin Xiu was a little surprised, and said, "I didn't expect this picture to be in the girl's hand. May I ask the girl's name?"

From the moment he saw the Wooden Immortal, Lin Xiu understood that the Wooden Immortal in front of him was the one he was looking for, Xingxian!
It is impossible to take Xingxian away if her favorability with him reaches 60 or above, which is probably impossible with ordinary methods, but Lin Xiu's methods are of course more than that.

As long as he knows that Xingxian likes to talk about poetry, Lin Xiu can start in this regard.

Fortunately, Ma Wen didn't disappoint Lin Xiu, otherwise, Lin Xiu would have thought of other plans this time.

"My name is Mu Xian, and I am the teacher in this academy!" Mu Xian said.

"Xingxian's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 20!"

"Ms. Muxian must be unparalleled in talent and learning. To be able to become a teacher in Qianyuan Academy is beyond the reach of ordinary people!" Lin Xiu sighed, "If you don't have a certain amount of knowledge, I'm afraid you can't do it." arrive!"

"To be honest, my lord, Mu Xian thought that although his talent and learning could not be considered the best in the world, he would not be too weak. But when I saw Mr. today, I realized that I am really a frog at the bottom of a well!" Mu Xian shook Shaking his head, he said.

"Why did Miss Muxian say that?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Young master's calligraphy can show that you have outstanding talent in calligraphy and painting, but this poem has never been seen by Mu Xian, but it can be said that this poem alone is unique in the world! To make this poem A person who writes poetry must be a talented person!" said Mu Xian.

"This poem? This poem is just something I wrote out of my feelings, and I hope Miss Muxian won't be offended!" Lin Xiu said.

"Xingxian's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 30!"

"It turns out that this poem was really written by Mr. Liang Shanbo. It seems that Mr. Liang is really talented!" said Mu Xian in surprise.

"So-so!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Liang, I have never seen such a wonderful poem. This poem, Mr., has been passed down through the ages!" said Mu Xian.

"Poetry is one of my hobbies. If Miss Muxian is interested, we can find time to discuss it!" Lin Xiu glanced at the sky, and then said, "But it's getting late today, Miss Muxian, please come back Bar!"

After hearing this, Mu Xian felt that Lin Xiu was more pleasing to the eye. This Lin Xiu is really a gentleman!

"Wood Immortal's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 40!"

Whether it is talent or demeanor, Lin Xiu is extraordinary, and Lin Xiu's appearance is also quite handsome, it is not surprising that Mu Xian has a good impression of Lin Xiu.

"In that case, I'll see Mr. Liang again tomorrow!" After Mu Xian said goodbye to Lin Xiu, he turned and left.

Lin Xiu looked at the back of Muxian leaving, and he was thinking about how to make Muxian follow him earlier.

"Still watching? Everyone has gone away. Sure enough, what my sister said is right. Men are not good things. If you see one, you like the other!" A voice came from the room.

The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, Xiaoqing's mouth really owed a lesson!
Lin Xiu turned his head, and sure enough, he saw Xiaoqing looking at him.

"Xiaoqing, when did you come?" Lin Xiu asked.

"It didn't take long, I came here when you opened the door!" Xiaoqing blinked and said, "But this wood fairy girl is really pretty, it's not surprising that you will fall in love with her, It's just that you are so sorry for my sister and sister Xiaoqian!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I just think she is a bit weird, so I pay more attention to her!" Lin Xiu said with a wave of his hand.

"What's weird?" Hearing this sentence, Xiaoqing asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you notice that there is something wrong with her?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Do you mean her breasts are particularly big?" Xiaoqing asked.

"..." When Lin Xiu heard Xiao Qing's words, the corners of his face and mouth twitched visibly.

This girl!
"Who told you about her breasts?" Lin Xiu said angrily.

"She's very strong, I can't see how strong she is!" Xiaoqing said.

"She is already in the Tribulation Transcending Realm, but more importantly, she is not human!" Lin Xiu said.

"You mean, is she a seductive goblin?" Xiaoqing said again.

"..." Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, "Where did you learn all this?"

"When you were looking for Buddhist scriptures before, I saw that some monks had written in some books, such as silver vase plums and jade pu rounds. There are records of such things!" Xiaoqing said.

"Stop reading such unnutritious books in the future, that wooden fairy is not a human, but a monster!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What? You mean, she's a monster?" Xiaoqing said in a daze.

"Yes!" Lin Xiu nodded and said.

"How did you find out?" Xiaoqing asked in surprise.

"With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain it to you!" Lin Xiu said with a sigh.

"Get out!" Xiaoqing yelled dissatisfied.

Of course, since Lin Xiu had already said this, Xiao Qing still believed it.

"You know she is a monster, what do you want to do to her?" Xiaoqing asked.

"I have a destiny with her, so I must accept her as my subordinate!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Take her as a subordinate, or take her into the harem?" Xiao Qing pouted.

"This young master doesn't want to answer your question, you can go back now, this young master needs to rest!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Before Xiaoqing could reply, Lin Xiu planned to drive her out.

"Wait a minute, I have another question!" Xiaoqing said again.

"What's the problem?" Lin Xiu asked.

"What does your name Liang Shanbo mean?" Xiaoqing asked.

"Liang Shanbo is a man from my original hometown, but his story is rather tragic, do you really want to hear it?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Okay, I like listening to stories the most!" Xiaoqing said immediately.

After the wooden fairy left, he met a person, who looked quite young, and after seeing the wooden fairy, his face showed joy.

"Ms. Wood Fairy!" said the man.

"Mr. Duan Ran, why are you here?" Mu Xian asked.

"Miss Muxian, I heard that you came here specifically to find a man named Liang Shanbo. I also want to come and see who he is! Miss Muxian, the writing on your hand is his. of?" Duan Ran asked.

After Muxian saw it, she was stunned for a moment, but she forgot about this matter, she was only talking to Lin Xiu just now, and forgot to return the word to Lin Xiu.

"Yes, I forgot to return the word to Mr. Liang just now, but there should be another chance tomorrow!" said Mu Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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