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Chapter 1244 It's That Simple

Chapter 1244 It's That Simple

Wang Hui was hit by this octopus for a while, and now he can only leave here first, otherwise, he will sink under the sea of ​​learning.

Wang Hui contacted the five great Confucians outside, who took him out immediately.

Wang Hui failed first!
And the current Ge Sheng was not much different. Tan Zhi had already attacked, and he attacked the octopus with a long sword, but he did not defeat the octopus. On the contrary, he himself seemed a little embarrassed.

"Liang Shanbo, what are you still doing here?" Duan Bo glanced over, only to see that Lin Xiu had no intention of making a move, and he was furious.

At this moment, even Tan Zhi and Ge Yong felt something was wrong, what happened to Lin Xiu?Why didn't they help them deal with this monster?
"You can't do this to deal with this monster!" Lin Xiu said.

"Can't we do this? Can you just do nothing here?" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Duan Bo said with a sneer on his face.

"This is Xuehai, so it is natural to use Xuehai's way to solve it!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said lightly.

"Liang Shanbo, do you really have a solution?" Tan Zhi said.

"This monster is named Mo Yao. It just came from a legend. It was a monster born from ink, which can be seen from the black color on its body!" Lin Xiu explained.

The huge octopus stared at Lin Xiu, as if it understood Lin Xiu's words.

"Get to the point!" Duan Bo said immediately.

"You guys are really impatient!" Lin Xiu sighed, and could only say, "Since this is the case, let me put it more simply, as long as you can use your talents to make it surrender, it will naturally disappear!"

"Talent? What are we going to do?" Ge Sheng asked.

"It's very simple, you each write a poem, as long as it can make him surrender, that's enough!" Lin Xiu said.

"Any kind of poetry is fine?" Tan Zhi asked.

"Probably!" Lin Xiu replied.

"So that's it, it's just a poem. If that's the case, just leave it to me!" Ge Sheng said with great interest when he heard it.

Everyone immediately looked at Ge Sheng, only to hear Ge Sheng say: "Lonely leaning on the window in the dark night, my heart feels sad..."

The huge octopus didn't move, but it didn't even look at Ge Sheng.

"It seems useless!" Ge Sheng scratched the back of his head and said.

"Let me try too!" Tan Zhi said.

Immediately afterwards, both Tan Zhi and Duan Bo read a poem, but the octopus didn't respond at all.

"Liang Shanbo, are you playing with us? Is there any use in reciting poems?" Duan Bo said dissatisfiedly.

Lin Xiu ignored Duan Bo at all, and only heard him say lightly: "There is moonlight in front of the bed, it is suspected to be frost on the ground, raise your head to look at the bright moon, and lower your head to think about your hometown!"

The three people around and the four little girls were very surprised when they heard it. This poem sounds very simple, but after thinking about it again, they feel that the meaning is not ordinary. This poem is the real famous poem through the ages ah!

After the octopus listened, it suddenly sprayed out a stream of ink, and then sank under the sea of ​​learning.

It's that simple?
When the people around saw it, their faces changed.

At this time, Duan Bo immediately ran forward again.

"Liang Shanbo, thank you!" As soon as Tan Zhi finished speaking, the Millennium Wuxin Zhou rushed forward immediately.

But at this time, a voice sounded: " me!"

Lin Xiu looked at the voice, only to see that it was the little girl who was originally on the same boat as Wang Hui.

When seeing this little girl, Lin Xiu's expression was a bit strange.

"Ge Sheng, won't you save her?" Lin Xiu looked at Ge Sheng who was about to leave and asked.

"Master Ge Sheng, please save Xiao Wu!" the other little girl said hastily.

"Master Liang Shanbo, please save Xiao Wu!" The third girl on Lin Xiu's thousand-year-old heartless boat also said.

"Sorry, I don't have time now, and if we bring her, our boat will be slower!" Only Ge Sheng said.

After Ge Sheng finished speaking, the Millennium Heartless Boat galloped away.

"Lord Liang Shanbo, please!" The third girl cried.

"Don't worry, I will definitely save her!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

After saving the fifth girl, Lin Xiu continued on his way.

Because of the relationship between the fifth girl, Lin Xiu obviously lagged behind a lot, but Lin Xiu still went forward to catch up.

Duan Bo is the fastest runner, his Millennium Heartless Boat has already carried him, seeing the island in front of him, Duan Bo is refreshed, and makes the Thousand Year Heartless Boat gallop faster, as long as he can go further, that paragraph Bo will be the first to arrive!

But at this moment, whirlpools appeared in the surroundings. The appearance of these whirlpools made it difficult for Duan Bo to move forward, and the entire flying boat was already wobbling, and the second girl fell from the boat into the water.

"Master Duan Bo, save me!" The second girl called out hastily.

Duan Bo's expression changed, if he saved the second girl now, his own boat would also fall into the water, now he doesn't want to waste a little time, and without the second girl, he can still make the boat faster.

Duan Bo's heart was hardened, and he immediately moved on.

The people behind have also arrived, and almost encountered the same situation as Duan Bo, but the choices they made were also the same as Duan Bo.

Even without these little girls, they can move on, so what's the use of them staying?

As a result, when Ge Sheng caught up, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Ge Sheng saw that the little girl was missing from the small boat of Tan Zhi and Duan Bo, and in front of them, a thousand feet away from the small island, was a huge whirlpool, which made it impossible for them to pass the school. ocean.

" could this be? If this is the case, wouldn't we have no chance to reach the finish line?" Tan Zhi asked doubtfully.

"How do you know if you don't try?" I only heard Ge Sheng say that the boat had already moved forward, but the boat was directly smashed into pieces by the vortex.

At this moment, Duan Bo felt something was wrong, like opening a treasure chest, they seemed to have lost a very important key!

"Master, save me!"

"My lord, please, please help me!"


The three little girls in front of them were inside the vortex. As soon as Lin Xiu saw it, he immediately flew to rescue them.

"Three, please persevere, I'm here to save you!" Lin Xiu rescued the little girls in front of him one by one. It's strange to say that when Lin Xiu rescued the three little girls one by one, The vortex here has disappeared.

On Lin Xiu's boat, it is quite crowded now, because now five little girls are sitting on his boat.

(End of this chapter)

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