Chapter 1245 The Key
"Thank you, Mr. Liang Shanbo. If it weren't for you, my sisters would have died here. Thank you so much!" Only the third girl said.

"It doesn't matter, human life is the most important thing, I can't do nothing!" Lin Xiu said with a righteous look on his face.

After the fourth girl heard it, she said with a guilty expression: "Master Liang Shanbo, I am really sorry, if you bring us, it will slow down your speed, and it is very likely that you will not be able to get the first place!"

"We are members of the Confucian school, and what we cultivate is righteousness. If we don't even have this kind of righteousness, how dare we call ourselves disciples of the Confucian school?" Lin Xiu shook his head and continued, "If it's for the sake of number one, even those around you People don't dare to save each other, so what's the point of righteousness?"

When Lin Xiu turned the words, the eyes of the five little girls lit up.

"Lord Liang Shanbo, the five of us sisters have a plan to help you, Master Liang Shanbo, to teleport to the destination faster than others!" Only the third girl said suddenly.

These words made Lin Xiu a little excited, and he said, "Miss San, what is your solution?"

"Master Liang Shanbo, if we work together, we can drive the teleportation formation, and in this way, we will be able to teleport you to the end!" the third girl said.

"Isn't this cheating?" Lin Xiu's expression changed after hearing this, and he said, "Miss San, are you trying to make me cheat?"

"This... But, Mr. Liang Shanbo, if you don't use this method, you will lose this competition!" Only the second girl said.

"Even if you lose, you have to lose in a fair manner. If you use this kind of cheating to win, what kind of gentleman are you?" Lin Xiu said with a wave of righteousness.

If Lin Xiu said such brazen words, if his subordinates heard the words, they would definitely be dumbfounded. Lin Xiu has always been a cheater, but now he said such righteous words, it is really unbelievable.

But when Lin Xiu said this, the five girls in front of him really believed it.

"I admire Mr.'s talent, learning and quality very much, and I will definitely assist Mr. to pass the road of asking the heart!" The five girls said at the same time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting the heart-asking treasure box. Open the treasure box to get the heart-questioning key!" A voice suddenly came from the system.

A ray of light appeared in the palms of the five girls and flew towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu only felt a ray of light appear in his body, turning into a treasure chest.

After Lin Xiu opened the treasure box, he only saw a page of books inside. Lin Xiu saw that it was an examination paper, and it was already filled with answers.

Is this also a key?

Lin Xiu's mouth twitched.

But Lin Xiu immediately put away the test paper, and looked in front of him: "Let's go!"

The Millennium Unintentional Boat rushed over immediately, and Lin Xiu soon arrived in front of the destination island. Seeing the vortex in front of him, Lin Xiu was overjoyed. It was obvious that this was a real test, and everyone had already stopped here , it is impossible to pass.

Even if Duan Bo and the others rack their brains, it is impossible to fly to that island, and now there are only Duan Bo and Tan Zhi left here.

"You two, why don't you go to the end here?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"This place is full of whirlpools, how do we get there?" Duan Bo said angrily.

"Lord Liang Shanbo, we can help you get there!" said a girl.

"Really?" Lin Xiu said with joy on his face when he heard it, "If that's the case, then please five girls!"

The five girls squeezed the formula at the same time, and the vortex in front of Lin Xiu disappeared immediately, but there were still many vortexes ahead, which had to be eliminated continuously before they could pass.

This scene changed Duan Bo and Tan Zhi's expressions greatly. They never imagined that these five girls would still have such a role. If they had known earlier, they would not have left these few girls just like this girl's.

But now they have no chance to regret it at all, and Lin Xiu will not give them a chance. Sure enough, the five girls are the key to this test of Xuehai. Lin Xiu can see through the plot of this bloody test at a glance!
"Liang Shanbo, do you think I will let you go?" At this moment, Duan Bo made a sudden move, only to see a ray of light appearing on Duan Bo's golden book, like a peerless magic weapon, and it was already heading towards the forest in front of him. Xiu cut it down.

"Ding!" A giant golden cauldron appeared in front of Lin Xiu, blocking the sword.

"Duan Bo, don't go too far!" Lin Xiu looked gloomy.

"Duan Bo, what are you doing?" Tan Zhi's expression also changed, if he started here, wouldn't Duan Bo be afraid that someone would find out?
Duan Bo can't care so much now, if Lin Xiu is allowed to pass this test, he will absolutely not accept it!
Moreover, Lin Xiu shot at Duan Ran and severely injured Duan Ran. In this case, even if Lin Xiu is killed today, it will not be a big deal!

Thinking of this, Duan Bo's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Liang Shanbo, you can't blame me. If you want to blame, you can blame yourself. If you hurt my brother, you are my enemy. Today, I am avenging my brother!"

The golden light on Duan Bo's body was shining brightly, and the grand righteousness art was used to the extreme. He only saw a strong light appearing in front of him, and that light had already smashed down on Lin Xiu. The terrifying light seemed to be able to smash Lin Xiu and the boat together. Into a crushed general.

"Revenge? Do you think you can do it?" Lin Xiu sneered, and the medicine fairy cauldron did not move.

"How is it possible?" Duan Bo's face showed shock.

"Duan Bo, you practice grand righteousness but you don't have any noble righteousness in your body. Are you qualified to call yourself a disciple of Confucianism?" Lin Xiu's voice came, entangled Duan Bo like a magic voice.

"What did you say?" Duan Bo's face changed when he heard Lin Xiu's words.

"You don't want to save yourself, you don't have any benevolence!"

"It's not righteous for you to harm your companion!"

"You only know how to move forward, you don't know how to retreat, and you don't have courage!"

"You forget righteousness at the expense of profit, there is no shame!"

"A person like you, what qualifications do you have to be called a Confucian disciple?"

Lin Xiu's voice hit Duan Bo's forehead like a giant hammer.

Duan Bo only felt his head buzzing, and there was only one sentence in Duan Bo's mind.

What qualifications do you have to be called a Confucian disciple?
At this moment, the awe-inspiring righteousness behind Duan Bo dissipated directly, his will was no longer firm, how could the awe-inspiring righteousness still remain?Once there is no awe-inspiring righteousness, even this Duan Bo's strength will regress a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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