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Chapter 1250 Giant Sky Demon

Chapter 1250 Giant Sky Demon

Lin Xiu's strength has already become so powerful with this Danding alone. The righteousness of the other Confucianists around him can indeed restrain the demons in front of him, but the demons also have strong fighting power, so that these The Confucian people were seriously injured.

It's just that in front of Lin Xiu, these demons are completely powerless to fight back, and Lin Xiu's fighting power is quite terrifying!
Lin Xiu didn't need to pay attention to the attacks of these demons at all, because Lin Xiu's alchemy could easily block all the attacks of the demons in front of him.

A heavenly demon displayed a powerful supernatural power, turned that huge holy power into a giant sword, and cut it down towards Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, letting the giant sword come down, this The huge sword fell from the sky and fell in front of Lin Xiu, but was easily blocked by Lin Xiu's Danding.

And a ray of light appeared in Lin Xiu's alchemy, and this ray shone towards the demon.

Tianmo's face changed drastically, he turned around and wanted to escape, but in the next second, Tianmo was directly swallowed by Dan Ding.

The demons felt a little afraid of Lin Xiu's strength. The strength of this young man was much stronger than they imagined.

So far, this danding alone has absorbed at least [-] demons, among which many heavenly demons have been sucked in, but none of them can come out.

Lin Xiu's Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda has also entered the Yaoxian Cauldron, not for refining, but because these heavenly demons have some magic weapons, and the three-legged Jinwu really wants to know if there will be false immortals in it Magical implements of the instrument level.

Now Lin Xiu's vision is higher, as long as it is not a fairy weapon, Lin Xiu will let the three-legged Golden Crow devour it.

And Lin Xiu's pretense value also began to skyrocket. After all, this time there are three thousand disciples of the Holy Realm, and tens of thousands of disciples of the Martial Ancestor Realm. With so many people, Lin Xiu's pretense The value is not increasing slowly.

"Is this the strength of your demons? Is there no more powerful demons? This young master only uses [-]% of his strength, and you can't resist it. Are you still ashamed to call yourself a demon?" Lin Xiu's voice spread out.

The surrounding demons obviously understood Lin Xiu's words, and they were very depressed.

"Ding... Heart piercing value +"


"One thousand more, no, one million more, I can handle you all by myself!" Lin Xiu continued, and the Immortal Medicine Cauldron flew in front of him, and a large number of demons were immediately sucked into it.

"Let me meet you!" Only a huge figure appeared, this giant was as tall as ten feet, and he was also a demon, holding a giant axe in his hand.

"This is Lord Giant Heavenly Demon. He is an existence at the Tribulation Realm level. This little human kid will not be his opponent at all!"

"Lord Giant Sky Demon only needs one axe, and he can probably defeat him. He will definitely not be the opponent of Lord Giant Sky Demon!"

"Master Giant Heavenly Demon, we must let this little devil know how powerful our demon race is!"


The demons were almost out of breath under the pressure of Lin Xiu. Now that a demon came out, they were naturally very excited.

Yang Gan said: "Liang Shanbo, this demon is very powerful, do you really want to fight him?"

"His strength is very strong? Just right, I want to try my strength!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "It's enough for me to deal with him alone!"

How could Lin Xiu let go of such a good opportunity to pretend to be coercive? Naturally, he couldn't let other people intervene.

"Mr. Liang, this giant sky demon is really powerful, you'd better be careful, if you encounter any danger..." Xu Banxian also came over immediately and said.

"I won't encounter any danger!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, "How can a little demon be my opponent?"

Lin Xiu walked forward, alone, he looked so weak in front of the ten-foot giant, and this giant seemed to be able to crush Lin Xiu flat with one kick.

"Human brat, let me chop you in half!" Said the demon who only saw him in front of him.

When the giant ax in the demon's hand was lifted up, it seemed to be able to split the sky and the earth, but when the ax fell down, there was a shocking power.

But at this time, Lin Xiu raised his hand, only to see that his palm had turned into a golden light, and the giant ax was actually caught by Lin Xiu's palm.

"Is that all your strength is?" Lin Xiu grabbed the ax blade, his face was a bit strange, "With your strength, you are also a strong man in your demon clan?"

The face of the giant sky demon changed drastically at this time, he could never have imagined that Lin Xiu would be so powerful. He used [-]% of his strength in this blow, but Lin Xiu took it so easily.

"Impossible!" After the giant heavenly demon finished speaking, he stepped on the ground, only to see the ground immediately shattered, and Lin Xiu's body immediately sank.

"Hahahaha..." The Giant Heavenly Demon laughed wildly, "This time, let's see how you take my attack!"

After the giant heavenly demon finished speaking, his body swelled up again, as large as a hundred feet, and the giant ax slashed towards Lin Xiu again. This time, a huge shadow appeared on the giant ax and slashed towards Lin Xiu.

"Do you think that only your body will grow bigger?" Lin Xiu sneered, and his body immediately grew bigger, and he was no smaller than the giant demon.

Now Lin Xiu's whole body was covered by golden light, Lin Xiu grabbed the giant ax with one hand, only to see Lin Xiu's palm forcefully throw the giant demon out.

The huge body slammed into the ground, Lin Xiu held the giant ax in his hand, and chopped down at the giant sky demon.


The giant sky demon's head immediately fell off, and blood spurted out wildly. This giant sky demon was killed just like that.

Lin Xiu's face was a bit strange, he said: "Why is your demon so weak? You died like this? Isn't there a more powerful demon?"

The surrounding demons immediately fell silent. This giant sky demon is already a terrifying existence. With the current strength and strength of this giant sky demon, even in the late stage of the tribulation realm, he is not his opponent!

But now this giant sky demon is not only far inferior to Lin Xiu in strength, but even his strength is far inferior to Lin Xiu, and he was killed so easily by Lin Xiu.

"Humans, even if you kill the Giant Heavenly Demon, a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, there is no need to be so arrogant here. Our Heavenly Demon clan has many powerful existences. Even here, there are also four Great Heavenly Demons. This is not something you can compare to!" a Heavenly Demon shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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